Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    In the morning of the next day, the clans began to gather all their cats together as they would be moving on. Thunderclan had buried Rainstripe and Shredtooth that morning, while also paying their respects to Frostspots, whose body was never found. Willowkit was able to walk with Icekit again, since nobody seemed to object anymore.
    "Willowkit, I'm sorry about your mother. I really am." Icekit said as the clans began to continue their trek through the mountains. Willowkit appreciated his sympathy greatly.
    "Thank you Icekit, it means a lot to me. It really does." Willowkit said. Icekit smiled at her warmly, making Willowkit feel all fuzzy inside.
    The clans started to trek along the narrowing path through the mountains, making the cats walk in pairs. Willowkit stuck beside Icekit, she wasn't planning on leaving his side anytime soon. Willowkit began to wonder what being an apprentice was like, trying to take her mind off of her mother. How many times a day does an apprentice have training sessions from their mentor? Do apprentices have to fight battles? Can...can apprentices have mates? Willowkit pondered these questions. The last question however, pricked her mind the most. Can apprentices have mates? If they can, then can they have kits? Willowkits mind wandered farther and farther down the fox-hole that was this question.
    Willowkit wasn't paying attention to where she was placing her paws because she was so deep in thought and she was about to walk right over the edge of the path.
    "Willowkit!" Icekit said in alarm as Willowkits paw slipped over the edge. He lunged forward with his jaws meeting in her scruff. Icekit hauled Willowkit back to safety. Willowkit was trembling with shock.
    "G-Great StarClan Icekit I'm sorry!" Willowkit said in apology. She waited a moment, then remembered that morning with Bloodclaw.
    "I-I'm so sorry! I-It won't happen again!" Willowkit squeaked. Icekit looked at her with a kind look on his face.
    "Willowkit, I don't know what you're apologizing for. You just were deep in thought and you weren't watching your paws. That's all." He said in his kind, sweet voice. Willowkit blushed, feeling embarrassed. Has Bloodclaw scared me so much in one morning that I'm acting mouse-brained in front of Icekit!? Willowkit thought to herself, getting her paws moving again.
    "Anyway, what were you thinking about?" Icekit inquired. Willowkit felt anxiety crawl up her neck. She thought that what she was thinking about was awkward to talk about out loud.
    "Come on, you can trust me. You know me better than anyone does Willowkit.." He said, adding the last part under his breath. Willowkit agreed, she did trust him more than most cats.
    "Alright, I'll tell you." She said. "I was wondering..can apprentices have mates? And if they can, then can they have kits?"
Icekit blushed, probably not expecting this type of question.
    "I..That's actually a good question Willowkit! No wonder you practically walked over the edge." He said, having a look of interest spread across his face.
    "And aren't we five moons old now? We'll be apprentices next moon!" Icekit suddenly blurted. He seemed to be full of energy. Willowkit chuckled, wishing she had the same amount of enthusiasm he did. Since the death of her mother she'd been more quiet and unmotivated. She wasn't even up for a game of moss ball with Birdkit or a chase with Icekit. She longed for the energy she once held at her paws.
    "But..anyway, maybe we should ask one of the warriors about my question?" Willowkit said, gazing around at the older cats.
    "Yeah! They will know better than anyone!" Icekit said, bouncing on his paws a little. Willowkit and Icekit picked up their pace to catch up to the cats in front of them, who happened to be Blackwing and Stripeback. Once caught up, Willowkit prodded Stripeback's tail. Stripeback swung his head around to look at the kits. Blackwing also turned his head.
    "Oh, Willowkit, you need something?" Blackwing asked. Since Willowkit was too shy to ask, Icekit stepped forward and she fell into step behind him.
    "Um, we wanted to know something. Can apprentices have mates? And if they can, then can they have kits?" He asked slightly embarrassed by the question.
Both of the warriors widened their eyes at the kits question. They probably weren't expecting a question like this to come out of a kit, but we're five moons old. We're practically as big as apprentices now. Willowkit thought.
    "Well..apprentices can't  have mates. Or at least they aren't supposed to. And they certainly can't have kits." Stripeback said being the more experienced warrior.
    "Well what if a she-cat expects kits as an apprentice but gives birth as a warrior?" Icekit asked. Stripeback and Blackwing paused a moment, murmured something to each other, then turned away from the kits like nothing happened. Icekit had a smile spread across his face.
    "I guess that's a yes?" He said chuckling. Willowkit mrrowed with laughter at Icekits comment.
    "I guess so." She said. Willowkit pondered why Icekit seemed so excited by this question, but she brushed it off. He probably just thinks it's funny.

A while later, the sun was beginning to set, setting the sky aflame with red, orange, purple and gray. The cold air pricked at Willowkits pelt. She noticed the other cats around her were starting to shiver, their pelts trembling as the little warmth from the sun faded. Willowkit started to walk so close to Icekit that their pelts brushed. Even though she was sure he felt her blushing she also wanted to be warm. And in her mind, she decided that embarrassment was better than freezing to death.
    "W-Willowkit, are you blushing?" Icekit asked her in a shaky voice, his speech disturbed by the cold. Willowkit flattened her ears. Why in the name of StarClan..just why..She thought.
    "U-Uh..I don't think s-so.." Willowkit lied. He looked at her with eyes that said he didn't believe her.
    " wouldn't happen to blush if I were to.." He said, cutting himself off as he twined his tail with Willowkits and pushed his muzzle to hers. Willowkit tried not to let any blush come off her, but she failed. She felt her pelt grow hotter, emitting more signs she was blushing. Icekit chuckled, moving his tail and face away.
    "You can't fool me Willowkit. I know you too well!" He said. Willowkit smiled warmly at him. It was really nice to have someone who knew all about her and kept her safe. She tried to repay Icekit in any way she could whenever she could. He always does so much for me, I just wish I could repay him. Willowkit thought. But he's always so generous and usually doesn't let me do things for him.

    That night the clans didn't stop to rest. All through the night the clans trekked through the freezing mountain paths. By morning, Willowkit was so exhausted that she had to be carried for a little. Stormcloud was the unlucky cat who was chosen to carry her. Since she was too big to carry normally in the mouth of a warrior, she instead rested on her fathers back. Since Stormcloud had a heavy-set build it was no problem for him to carry his daughter on his shoulders. Willowkit thanked him greatly after the clans found a resting area where they would all sleep for a while. Willowkit chose to, instead of sleeping with her father and sister, to make a nest for her and Icekit alone. Since Spottedclaw and Stormcloud were too tired to notice, her and Icekit were able to sleep peacefully together in their own nest.

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