Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

    Willowbounce padded carefully across the log that led to the gathering island, Shadedstorm padding closely behind her. Willowbounce hadn't forgotten about her vision that she had at the beginning of the last moon. It had haunted her, and gave her nightmares for countless nights. Icefoot had asked her what had been on her mind a few times, but she insisted she was just anxious about Deathclan. Which was partially true. Deathclan had been sending more patrols lately in search of Shadedstorm. Willowbounce couldn't help but be a bit guardful of him, since he was like her kit.

When Thunderclan arrived in the clearing, Shadedstorm sat by her among some Skyclan cats. She had a rising suspicion that Shadedstorm was becoming more than just friends with Grasspelt, the Skyclan she-cat he had met moons ago. But Willowbounce didn't have a problem with it. Yes, she may be from a different clan. But it seems these days there are hardly any borders between the five clans. So I don't really see the harm of it...She thought. Plus, Willowbounce was happy that Shadedstorm had found someone to love. She knew there was no greater feeling than having a mate that loved and understood you. Willowbounces gaze shifted to Icefoot who sat with the other deputies at the base of the leader tree. A hefty thorn of sadness struck her heart as she watched her mate. He knew nothing of what was to become of her. Willowbounce struggled to heave the thought off her head, as she didn't want to cry in front of all the clans.

Soon, all the clans had arrived and the gathering was starting.
"If I may begin, Shadowclan has been having more encounters with the Dark Forest cats this past moon..We have noticed their presence with the Deathclan cats in their 'attack patrols'. We advise all other clans to keep a close watch for them. Those cats are very dangerous and will kill without hesitation." Blackstar said. Worrying murmurs filled the island's clearing. Willowbounce sat silently. She glanced at Shadedstorm beside her, who was looking at her anxiously. She flicked her ears. You know I'm not one of them..She thought with a feeling of emptiness. The tom's gaze left hers and went back to Grasspelt who was on his other side.
"Windclan has noticed these Dark Forest cats as well.  Some have traveled with Deathclan cats, some were spying on us alone...Be very wary, they are unpredictable and dangerous.." Fieldstar said as she stepped out from the shadows of her branch. Willowbounces pelt prickled. I'm not one of them..I'm not. Then why am I getting angry about this..? She thought.
"Yes, we must all be very wary. We had a warrior who some of you may know, Swampfall, who we found out to be training in the Dark Forest. He had been plotting to kill me and Fishclaw, our medicine cat. We exiled him immediately and we are to believe he now resides with Deathclan.." Scalestar said. Voices of shock rose up from the crowd. Willowbounce truly felt out of place now. If they ever found out I was training there too, I bet I would suffer a similar fate...She thought with a shiver. She felt Shadedstorm touch his tail-tip to her shoulder. She looked at him with a gaze of sympathy. Fieldstar sat back in the shadows of her branch as Earthstar emerged.
"Skyclan has been lucky this past moon, as we have not had many recent attacks from Deathclan. But we remain ever vigilant." She said, then sat back. Strongstar then stepped forward.
"Thunderclan has been having some difficulties with Deathclan...As many of you may know Bloodstar has been keen on taking his son, Shadedstorm, to Deathclan. And so, he has increased his attacks on our patrols, sending more cats. But on the bright side, Shadedstorm, along with Iceclaw, Tailfall and Darkrose have received their warrior names." She paused as their names were chanted throughout the clearing. Willowbounce felt flecks of pride in her chest for her daughter and former apprentice.
"We also have four new apprentices. Rainpaw, Lilacpaw, Woodpaw and Larkpaw are now all in training to become warriors." She said. Voices of congratulations rose from the clans, then died down again. Willowbounce got to her paws once more as the gathering concluded. Padding back through their territory, Willowbounce broke off from the rest of her clanmates.
"Where are you going, Willowbounce?" Shadedstorm asked as she began to pad away into the woods.
"I'm going for a walk, tell the others I'll be back soon." She said with a small smile, telling him she would be fine. Shadedstorm stared at her for a moment, worry in his eyes.
"Ok." He said, then turning and continuing on.  Willowbounce padded on through the trees, letting the sounds of crickets and the gentle breeze ruffling the leaves overhead fill her ears. She took deep breaths as she walked. She wanted time to be alone so she could think. Willowbounce stopped beside the Windclan border and sat down. She watched the stream gently wash by, the beautiful midnight sky reflecting in it. It sure would be nice to be up there...But, what if I mess up? What if I call out for help on accident at the last second? Willowbounce thought. Stress ran through her and threatened to overwhelm her. But it's such a simple thing, just let it kill me! That's it! She thought. But the thought of her dying and her letting it happen is what scared her. She stared up at the sky, relaxing a bit as her thoughts subsided. After a couple heartbeats of silence, Willowbounce let a quiet mrrow roll off her tongue. But of course, I deserve it after all...I shouldn't have played into the paws of the Dark Forest. I was hungry for vengeance, a source to help me..Maybe Starclan should've helped me then...She thought with a flash of resentment for her ancestors. Maybe if they would've given a passing glance at me they could've stopped all this. But why would they look at me? Willowbounce flicked her tail with indignation. I'm not any more special than the next cat, so why would they pay any more attention to me than anyone else. Willowbounce looked down into the stream again, seeing her own gaze in her reflection. Willowbounce...what happened? You never used to be so bitter and resentful, especially of Starclan! Stop acting like a kit and fussing about yourself. You have more things to worry about right now...She thought with a shake of her head. Willowbounce swiped a paw at her reflection in the water, then got to her paws and began to pad back to camp.

When Willowbounce entered the camp, Barleyfoot was on guard.
"Welcome back, Willowbounce." She said. The she-cat dipped her head to her clanmate, then headed over to the warriors den. Settling down beside Icefoot, he stirred as she nestled close to him.
"Glad to see you back in one piece..." He whispered. Willowbounce smiled to herself but it faded quickly. Icefoot peered his eyes open when he didn't hear her voice. He lifted his head when he saw that she looked upset by something.
"What's wrong Willowbounce, did something happen?" He whispered. Willowbounce stared into his blue eyes, it made her feel safe and distracted her for a couple of heartbeats.
"I'm just...anxious that's all..." She said, putting her words out slowly. Icefoot looked at her with doubt.
"That's a lie. Please, tell me what's wrong." He said, placing a paw on top of hers. Willowbounce looked deeply into his gaze. I can't Icefoot, I wish I could but I really can't...Willowbounce didn't know what to tell Icefoot. So she merely pushed her muzzle into his neck. When she pulled away he still looked concerned, but he looked like he understood that she didn't want to talk about it.
"I trust you Willowbounce, you can tell me later if you'd like." He said with a smile. Willowbounce was grateful for his understanding. I'd do anything for you, I just wish I didn't have to keep this from hurts me Icefoot, it does..She thought sadly.
"I love you.." She said. Icefoot smiled warmly at her.
"I love you too." He said. Icefoot pressed his muzzle up to hers, then laid his head back down. Willowbounce did as well, feeling comforted slightly as Icefoot wrapped his tail around her. I'm sorry Icefoot, I'm so, so sorry...

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