Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Icekit unsheathed his claws, their sharp edges hooking into the ground. He felt fury and some fear course through him. A badger stood in front of him, and behind him Willowkit lay wounded.
"Get away from us you fox-heart!" Icekit growled, his voice sounded deeper than it should've. Icekit realized that he was the size of a warrior, and so was Willowkit. Icekit turned his head to check on Willowkit. He gasped and tears flooded his eyes when he actually saw the extent of her wounds. She had a large gash on her neck with large scratches on her shoulders and back leg. He watched her carefully for a moment, his eyes not leaving her. Time seemed to slow down when he realized she wasn't breathing. Her face was frozen in a look of fear from when she had been killed. Icekit felt a feeling he never had felt before in his life. Rage coursed through his blood. He had only one thought on his mind now, I will avenge you Willowkit. That badger will die, or I will die trying to kill it. With that thought, Icekit lunged at the badger, claws fully unsheathed. He yowled with fury as he extended his paws reaching out for the badgers throat. But Icekit was so full of rage he had miscalculated his jump, and it was the badger now who was looking for the killing hit. Icekit's determination never changed. As his paws hit the ground right in front of the badger, he attempted to duck under it's jaws aiming for it's throat. But to no avail the badger lunged at him first. It aimed acutely, and Icekit gave a yowl of terror as it's jaws met in his throat.

Icekit jolted awake. He was breathing heavily and tears were streaming down his face. He got a grip on himself and looked down, glad to see Willowkit curled up next to him. He let out a puff of air as he realized that the horrific event was just a nightmare. Icekit nuzzled Willowkit behind her ears, gently breathing so he wouldn't wake her. He twined his tail with hers and put his arm over her protectively as he laid back down. Icekit glanced around at the sleeping clans. He scented the air, but it was very hard to distinguish the different clans now. They had travelled together for so many moons that they all seemed to share a scent.
Gazing across Thunderclan's group, Icekit spotted a pair of yellow eyes watching him and Willowkit nearby. He narrowed his eyes against the moonlight and darkness to see who it was. When his gaze cleared it was Direkit he saw. He was watching Willowkit with a great intensity in his eyes. Icekit didn't like Direkit at all. He's such a fox-heart. He thought. Direkit's eyes shifted to lock with Icekit. His vivid blue eyes shining in the moonlight, Icekit glared back at Direkit. Instead of having a reaction, Direkit stood. He signaled with his tail to follow him. Icekit hesitated then stood, carefully getting up as to not disturb Willowkit. He walked over to where Direkit was sitting alone, under a small overhanging rock. As Icekit approached he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. He pushed away the feeling and kept his head from hanging as he walked over to Direkit.
"What do you want Direkit?" Icekit said in a whisper sitting down. Direkit bent his head and seemed to chuckle.
"Why do you care about her Icekit? Why do you care if she gets hurt? Why do you care if I were to even flash my teeth at her? You've become like a brother to me since Spottedclaw took me and my sister in. So I have a suggestion that would better the both of us. Why don't you help me make Willowkit's life the worst it can be? We can work as brothers to attack her and eventually, we will kill her. Together." Direkit said. He seemed excited by this idea. Icekit looked at Direkit with horror and disgust. There is no way, in all of StarClan, that I will ever do something like that to Willowkit! If anything, if I had to, I'd do that to Direkit himself!
"Are you insane!? I would never in my life even think of doing that to Willowkit! I'd rather-" Icekit was cut off as Direkit tackled him. He snarled his teeth in his face, his ears flattening in anger. Icekit snarled too, ready to fight.
"This is your last chance Icekit. It's either your with me or against me." He said, his voice just above a whisper to make the growl in his voice known. Icekit growled lowly, snarling his fangs.
"I will never join you Direkit. Never." He said flatly, his eyes slanted in anger. Direkit glared at him one last time before he stepped off him.
"Fine. But mark my words Icekit. Willowkit will never get a day of peace when we become apprentices. And if you try to stop me, I will kill the both of you." He said. Direkit glared at Icekit one last time before padding away, presumably in the direction of Spottedclaw. Icekit got up from the rocky dirt. He shook himself off before he trotted back to Willowkits' and his nest. Icekit sighed, frustrated when he saw Birdkit sitting over Willowkit holding a paw over her. Birdkit looked up seeing Icekit approach.
"O-Oh, hi Icekit!" He said in a whisper. Icekit held back a glare. He was frustrated and tired from his quarrel with Direkit and all he wanted was to curl up with Willowkit and fall asleep.
"Hi Birdkit. What are you doing?" He said.
"Well I woke up because I heard something and I saw you walking away from Willowkit. So I got up and then I saw you and Direkit fight and I just wanted to make sure Willowkit was safe and-" Birdkit was cut off by Icekit.
"Birdkit, just leave. But first, I need to tell you something." Icekit said, keeping his voice low. Birdkit leaned in, his eyes full of curiosity.
"Direkit is up to something. Something very sinister. If...If something were to happen to me, don't you dare even think about pursuing Willowkit." Icekit's voice became a growl at the end of his sentence. Birdkit's eyes widened.
"I-Icekit..I think you're overreacting! I'm sure that Direkit wouldn't do something as extreme as hurting you. A-And Willowkit..I-I don't love-" Birdkit said in a whisper. Icekit was holding back tears at this point.
"No don't understand. Please listen. Direkit is up to something but I don't know what. But all I have to say it. I'm not saying you can have Willowkit. I'm just saying that if something happens to me, don't try anything with her. And don't lie, I know you like her. But, just know that Direkit is up to something very bad. Now go back to your nest and don't tell anyone about this." Icekit concluded. Birdkit was blushing, still a bit wide-eyed.
"I..I promise." Birdkit whispered. Then he slowly padded around Willowkit to head back to his nest. Icekit stopped him as he passed by him and whispered in his ear, "Just remember that Willowkit is mine. And don't forget it.." He murmured into the tom's ear. Birdkit, being skittish, flattened his ears and scampered off to Hawkwings nest. Icekit sighed as he dragged his paws back to his spot in his and Willowkit's nest. He plopped down beside her, twining his tail with hers and closing his eyes. I will protect you Willowkit. With my last breath.

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