Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

    Icefoot sat in his spot under the high ledge. He gazed around at the group of his clanmates around him.
    "Goldfur, Snowfoot, Fawnpelt and Barleyfoot, you work on the warriors den with Sunshade and Alderstream." He said. The warriors he selected detached themselves from the crowd and began to repair the den with the Shadowclan warriors.
    "Spottedclaw, Birdclaw, Splashine and Rapidshade, you can work on the nursery." The selected cats departed and began to work with the Shadowclan warrior as well. Since the twolegs and their dogs had destroyed the camp, the surrounding clans had been helping Thunderclan rebuild their camp, sending warriors to help with the repairs. Thunderclan was very grateful for their support. Icefoot flicked his tail as he gazed over the remaining warriors.
    "Rabbitclaw, Clearfur and Seedclaw, you can all work on the apprentice den." He said, hoping he was addressing the Windclan warriors by their proper names. The cats nodded to him and then got to work. Icefoot flicked his tail pleasantly. I'm surprised they're all treating me so respectfully..He thought. Icefoot noticed the Thunderclan mentors had sent their apprentices off to help out in the elders den or with the queens. Willowbounce has been doing well so far...nothing's wrong with her or the kits. He thought with a purr. At the previous thought of apprentices, Icefoot was reminded that he was now Shadedpaw's temporary mentor. His gaze skimmed the crowded camp looking for the dark tom. His black fur was spotted easily.
    "Hey Shadedpaw! Come here!" He called to him. Icefoot had managed to catch the tom's attention and he dashed over to him.
    "Yes Icefoot?" The tom said as he halted in front of the deputy.
    "We're going to be doing some battle training. Come with me." He said getting to his paws. Icefoot noticed that for some reason, Shadedpaw looked a little distant. Once they were out of camp and padding their way to the training area, he struck up a conversation with him.
    "So, what's on your mind Shadedpaw? You look a little distant." He asked. The tom gazed up at him, though he probably couldn't see him that well as he was walking next to his blind side.
    "Nothing really...It's just..last time me and Willowbounce were battle training..I thought I hurt her. So I got scared and ran off.." He said. Icefoot flicked his tail curiously.
    "Well did you use your claws?" He inquired.
    "No! I didn't bite her either! But I knocked her off her paws and she seemed hurt.." He said, sounding shameful. Icefoot smiled warmly at the younger tom.
    "Shadedpaw..Willowbounce is a very tough she-cat. Trust me when I say, she wasn't hurt. After all, you managed to knock her down! That's great for a young cat like you! Especially to knock over a full grown warrior, and a tough one at that." He said, trying to cheer him up. Shadedpaw gazed up at him again. Icefoot sensed he was feeling a bit better now.
    "Yeah, I suppose so...Plus, I am quite big for my age, so that only helps, right?" He said. Icefoot nodded. The pair had reached the training clearing now. No one else was there.
    "Perfect. We have the whole place to ourselves!" Icefoot said. He hadn't done training in moons, so he was excited to have some fun.
    "So, first I want to work on your ability to trick a warrior into getting tangled up in their paws. So that way you can take advantage, and knock them over." Icefoot said, standing facing his apprentice. Shadedpaw watched him tentatively and listened closely as he spoke. He'll be a great warrior one day. He thought. Icefoot then got into a hunter's crouch.
    "First, I'll show you how it's done. Then I'll let you have a go, ok?" He said. Shadedpaw nodded. Icefoot grinned. On quick and skillful paws, Icefoot raced around the apprentice in a circle, over and over again. Shadedpaw, instead of doing what an apprentice would normally do which is spin around to try and follow him, he stood his ground. He saw his ears swiveling to follow his movements, his eye watching him as he came by. Icefoot was intrigued by his knowledge. Seems you've got some skill built in you...He thought. Suddenly Icefoot broke his circle and dashed at the tom from his side. Shadedpaw swung his hindquarters out of the way and instead slammed himself down on Icefoot, pinning him. Icefoot was in shock.
    "Great Starclan Shadedpaw! You're skillful!" He said as the apprentice got off him. Shadedpaw seemed half prideful, half shameful. Icefoot was perplexed by his skill.
    "I didn't hurt you..did I?" He murmured.
    "Of course not! We're training, so quit worrying so much." He said smiling. Shadedpaws shame melted away and faded to pride. Icefoot flicked his tail, feeling almost fatherly towards the tom. For a little while more, Icefoot continued to train with Shadedpaw, who he outsmarted multiple times. Icefoot had taught him some skills that would help him recognize some of the moves he used to outsmart him. Icefoot sighed as he and Shadedpaw had finished their session. It was nearing sunhigh now.
    "That was a great training session, thanks Icefoot." Shadedpaw said to him, smiling. Icefoot smiled.
    "Your welcome Shadedpaw." He said. As the two were about to leave the clearing, a rustle in the bushes stopped them both dead in their tracks. Icefoot scented the air, and his heart dropped. Deathclan...He thought with dread. Some father-like instinct took over Icefoot and he stood protectively in front of Shadedpaw, keeping his tail blocking him as well. Shadedpaw is a high target for Deathclan to take hostage. If there's too many of them, we might be in trouble...He thought. Out of the bushes in front of Icefoot, Blackwing came stalking out. His old mentor now had an evil glint in his half blind gaze and a grim smile on his muzzle. He heard Shadedpaw growl. That's right, he killed his mother..Icefoot recalled.
    "Hey Icefoot..Looks like I taught you well. You do well training Bloodstars son.." He said, passing a glance at Shadedpaw behind him. Shadedpaw's growl grew louder. Now is NOT the time to engage, Shadedpaw! He thought. The tom quickly laid his tail-tip on the apprentice to silence him. To his surprise, it worked. Blackwing stalked closer to him until he was a tail-length away.
    "I'm glad I found you two alone. I've come with a..special..order from Bloodstar. He wants to speak with his son in person. In private. But of course, bringing home the Thunderclan deputy would also be quite the treat." He said. Icefoot flicked his ears irritably.
    "Yeah right, like we're going anywhere with you. You can go tell Bloodstar to eat crowfood for all I care!" Icefoot said, holding the tom's gaze. He's only one cat. I can take him. Deathclan or not. Blackwing flicked his tail, holding his former apprentice's gaze.
    "Well you are sorely mistaken..." Blackwing said with a smirk. Suddenly, three more Deathclan cats emerged from the bushes behind the Deathclan deputy. Icefoots heart dropped and anxiety began to sprout like weeds inside him. He felt Shadedpaw shuffle closer to him. Icefoot still stood his ground.
    "Bloodstar sent some of our best warriors with me..he knows you're not a weak cat Icefoot. So how about you just come with us, and we won't have a problem." He said, his voice smooth. Icefoot glanced at the cats behind him. One of the more noticeable cats was large with a black pelt. He had yellow eyes and his fangs stuck out of his muzzle. He glared threateningly at Icefoot. The deputy thought for a moment.
    "...Ok. We'll come with you." Icefoot said finally. He heard Shadedpaw gasp.
    "Icefoot, what are you doing?!" He murmured to him. Icefoot looked at his apprentice with a blank stare. Shadedpaw seemed almost frightened when Icefoot smiled a toothy grin at him. Icefoot flicked his tail as he turned to face Blackwing. Blackwing had a slightly surprised look on his face, but he was still grinning.
    "Good decision." He said.
    "Darkfang, you take up the rear. Toothclaw, Leapscar, you take up the flanks." Blackwing said, the warriors falling into place. Icefoot turned straight as the patrol began to move. Shadedpaw stood beside him.
    "Y-Your a traitor! When I tell Strongstar she'll exile you!" Shadedpaw yowled in anger. Icefoot flicked his tail, and held the tom's gaze for a moment. Trust me. I know what I'm doing...I think..He thought as he stared into his eyes. Shadedpaw seemed to recognize that he was trying to say something, but he didn't seem to know what. The tom went quiet. The patrol began to move out of the clearing. Icefoot knew the territories were swarming with cats from surrounding clans. There had to be a way for them to get noticed. There is. He thought, his plan fully unfolding in his head.

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