Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    Willowpaw sighed as she made her way to the training hollow. Direpaw was already there, since she could scent his trail he took through the trees. It was still before sun high, so they would both be just on time. As she padded into the clearing she was stopped dead in her tracks when she heard a whisper in her ear.
    "Good luck Willowpaw, this will be a new beginning in your life for you." The voice said. It sounded like it belonged to a tom. It didn't sound like anyone she heard before. Maybe it was Starclan! She thought. Willowpaw padded into the clearing, her eyes locked on Direpaw who had his back turned to her. Willowpaw couldn't resist the temptation of a bit of karma. She got into her hunting crouch, and began silently stalking the tom. She snuck up to about a tail length behind him, then she pounced. The tom yowled in surprise and immediately began kicking at her. Willowpaw stepped off him, not bothering to fight back. It's his loss, he'll waste energy. She thought.
    "Willowpaw, what in the name of Starclan are-" Direpaw was cut off as he lifted his gaze to the trees behind her. She assumed Bloodclaw had arrived. He and Blackwing had been bouncing the two apprentices, Fawnpaw and Direpaw, between them since there weren't enough experienced warriors to train them.
    "Listen up you two, this is your final assessment for battle training. If I do not approve of one of you two and do not think you are ready, you will be kept an apprentice." Bloodclaw said, his large frame stalking into the hollow to sit on the edge to watch them. As Willowpaw and Direpaw's gaze followed their mentor, their gazes caught on each other.
    "Ready to stay an apprentice, Willowpaw?" He taunted. She didn't respond. She instead kept her gaze trained on her mentor as he sat down at the edge of the hollow, where he would watch them fight.
    "Willowpaw, over there. Direpaw, over there." Bloodclaw said, pointing with his tail to the opposite sides of the clearing. As Willowpaw stalked to her side of the clearing, she took deep breaths to calm herself. She turned to face Direpaw, who was glaring at her. The clearing was silent for a few heartbeats, the only sound was the leaves on the trees around the hollow gently being rustled by the wind.
    "Begin!" Bloodclaw yowled. Direpaw rushed at Willowpaw from his side. Willowpaw rushed in his direction too. She ducked and prepared to dive under Direpaw as he leapt into the air, but Direpaw twisted in the air and crashed down onto Willowpaw. The tom pinned her to the ground.
    "Gonna run back to the nursery Willowkit?!" He snarled at her. He stepped off her, allowing her to get up. If he thinks I'm giving up he's got another thing coming! When Willowpaw stood she was facing away from him, and apparently, Direpaw thought that she was going to quit.
    "You're already quitting? What a petty, little coward!" He taunted from behind her. Willowpaw snarled in anger.
    "Willowpaw, fight back NOW!" Bloodclaw snarled from his position at the edge of the clearing like he wanted bloodshed.  Willowpaw trotted lightly on her paws behind Direpaw. The tom followed her movements, watching her like prey. She lowered herself into the stalking position. Direpaw smiled at her, as if daring her to make a move. Willowpaw felt rage begin to bubble up inside her, hotter than the thunderpath in the middle of green leaf. She snarled as she stalked into a pounce position, facing him head on. She launched herself forward onto Direpaw. He ducked as she landed on him, but Willowpaw was smarter. She grabbed onto the sides of his head and tucked her back legs in as she went into a roll, taking Direpaw with her. She could feel Bloodclaws claw-like gaze raking her. Direpaw overturned her move and tossed her off by kicking her hard with his back legs. Willowpaw was thrown and bounced on the ground hard, hard enough that she bounced up again and landed on her paws. Filled with adrenaline, Willowpaw bounded side to side and launched herself at Direpaw again. Her fangs bared in a snarl, she tackled him to the ground. She had the upper paw since she was on top. Direpaw had been pushed on his back and Willowpaw, unbeknownst to her due to her rage, had her paws pushed to the tom's throat. Direpaw had to push his head to the ground because of her paws being pushed against his windpipe. In his panic, he used his front and back paws to launch her off. Willowpaw landed with a thud, her head hurting a little from hitting the ground twice already. Before she had the chance to get to her paws, Direpaw performed the same move against her that she did to him. He dove over her, their gazes locking for a heartbeat as he grabbed the sides of her head. Willowpaws eyes widened in fear as he tucked and rolled like she had done. Direpaw's face was contorted into a smiling snarl. Willowpaw managed to cast a glance at Bloodclaw as she rolled. He was smiling with a snarl on his muzzle as well. His eyes were slanted and his pupils slitted. Direpaw stopped their rolling as he pushed his back paws into the soft sand. He moved one of his paws under Willowpaw's jaw, which she assumed would be used to close her windpipe if she was pushed down. His other paw was still on the side of her head in an attempt to keep her in control. Willowpaw snarled and pushed her back paws into the sand to stand against Direpaw, moving her paws to push against his shoulders. In doing this she managed to clear his paws from her face and overcome him. Willowpaw was about to start cuffing him when Direpaw kicked her hard with his back legs yet again and cuffed her in the face. As she fell she watched him roll over in preparation for another attack. This time Willowpaw landed, and she was prepared for the tom. Behind Direpaw was Bloodclaw at the edge, watching. His gaze was locked on her, not Direpaw, as if to tell her she was losing. I don't need to be told that, I know it.. She thought with despair. She felt a glimmer of desperation as she stiffened herself, locking eyes with Direpaw as he stood in the same stance. She was panting a little, the wind slightly knocked out of her from being tossed around. Should I just give up...? Willowpaw thought as she studied Direpaw's yellow eyes, which were alive with energy. "We'll be the best warriors together!" Icepaw's words echoed in her head. No. I won't give up. Willowpaw thought with new found determination. If not for me, then for Icepaw. We'll be warriors together! Willowpaw's gaze slipped from Direpaws, allowing him the opening to attack. He dove on her and had her pinned to the ground. Willowpaw quickly kicked him off, sending him crashing into the sand. She tried to get on her paws but she collapsed. She laid on the ground, her chin resting in the sand. She panted, trying to regain her breath.
    "WILLOWPAW GET UP NOW." She heard Bloodclaw yowl in anger. Direpaw stalked around to the front of her.
    "Well, well, well..Look who's ready to go back to the nursery. Ready to give in?" Direpaw said with a smug sneer on his face.
    "WILLOWPAW YOU BETTER GET UP OR SO HELP ME I WILL CLAW YOUR EYES OUT!" Bloodclaw yowled in rising anger, his voice booming around the sandy hollow. Willowpaw felt a surge of energy and anger rush through her. She felt as though she had gotten her breath back.  Willowpaw pushed herself to her paws with seemingly no effort.
    "Direpaw, why do you have to be so rude anyway?" She said. Direpaw looked at her confused.
    "Why do you have to be so quiet? Why do you have to be so annoying? But you ask me why I have to be so rude?!" Direpaw yowled, obviously trying to avoid her question. Willowpaw sighed.
    "No, you don't get it. Why are you so cruel to me? Why, just why?!" She said, her voice rising in frustration.
    "GET BACK TO YOUR ASSESSMENT!" Bloodclaw scolded from his spot.
    "Because of one, simple reason. I hate you Willowpaw. I hate you!" He snarled. Willowpaw felt something snap inside her. Not a bone, or her organs settling, but something in her mind. She felt herself begin to snarl fiercely.
    "After all the times I've tried to be nice. After all the times I've tried to accept you as a fellow apprentice, you say this!?" She yowled. Direpaw didn't flinch. He held her glare with his own. Willowpaw felt no fear as she put one of her paws forward.
    "I've tolerated you for as long as I can remember, and I've pretended that everything was fine even when you did your best to treat me like a piece of fox-dung." She said, spitting out each word like an adder spitting venom. Direpaw's glare broke and instead his face was contoured into a look of no amusement. Willowpaw saw him roll his eyes. She even caught a glance past him at Bloodclaw, who had a look of confusion on his face now.
    "And if you think that you can just keep on treating me like this then you're wrong Direpaw. Today is the end of your despicable behavior!" She said as she stepped up to him, almost touching his muzzle. Direpaw's look of no interest faded and actually showed signs of fear.
    "AND YOU KNOW WHAT? COME AT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT BECAUSE I'M READY TO FINISH THIS ASSESSMENT!" Willowpaw yowled in pure rage. She saw her mentor's mouth contort into a smile.
    "THAT'S MORE LIKE IT WILLOWPAW!" He yowled. Her mouth contoured into a smile as well. She felt adrenaline rising in her, pumping through her blood with every heartbeat. She felt something inside her she never felt before. Pure, unharnessed rage. As she padded back to her side of the clearing she swung her tail back and forth in anticipation.
    "BEGIN!" Bloodclaw yowled again. Willowpaw was the first to charge forward, her limbs pumping with adrenaline and the blood pounding in her ears. Direpaw rushed toward her as well, but he was behind because he started late. Willowpaw launched herself on his back. She unsheathed her claws and gripped into his sides to hang on. She heard him growl in pain as he tried to throw her off. Her long, extremely sharp claws dug in and pierced his side as he thrashed, causing little streams of blood to trickle out of him. She latched onto his left ear with her jaws down to it's base. She sunk her teeth in until she tasted blood and even then she still held on with her teeth. Willowpaw heard Direpaw screech in terrible pain as she wrenched her jaws to the side, ripping his ear off. Large amounts of blood poured from his wound and bled onto her paws. She spat his ear to the ground as he collapsed under her, unable to cope with the pain.
                "NOT SO STRONG NOW ARE YOU DIREPAW!?" Willowpaw said cackling.

Bloodclaw was bounding towards them, and when he reached her he grabbed her by her scruff and dragged her off Direpaw.
As he put her down he murmured, "Great job Willowpaw! You've proven yourself to be an EXCELLENT fighter!" His eyes were sharp with excitement and his smile was a snarl that bore his large fangs. Willowpaw felt a flash of pride in her chest. Bloodclaw turned to Direpaw who was on the ground in the same spot, curled up in extreme pain. She heard Bloodclaw pretend to care about the tom. Willowpaw looked down at her paws and gasped when she saw all the blood that covered her white paws, even creeping up to her striped wrists. W-What have I done!? She thought in panic, her anger fading. Willowpaw ran towards the lake, leaving her mentor and Direpaw alone in the hollow. The blood pounded in her ears as she pushed her paws as fast as they would go to reach the lakeshore. When she reached the water, Willowpaw skidded to a halt to look at her reflection. She widened her eyes when she saw her once white muzzle tainted with the tom's blood. Her paws were bloodied too, her claws soaked with it. Willowpaw licked her jowl, watching her reflection. She tasted the blood on her muzzle. It tasted...sweet? Hey..this tastes sweet? Is that how it's supposed to taste? She wondered. Nevermind that. I need to get this blood off...She thought. Willowpaw began to fiercely lick her paws and claws, occasionally dipping them in the lake water to help wash it away. Soon her paws were back to a dazzling white, and her claws were clean again.
"Now to clean my muzzle.." Willowpaw bent down to the water and held her breath as she dunked her muzzle over and over in the water. Finally, her muzzle was white again, and Willowpaw padded over to the grass to dry her paws and muzzle off. She had the very strong feeling she was being watched again. Oh no! I hope no one saw me! She thought in paranoia. She looked around in all directions, scared and confused.
"Willowpaw, Willowpaw..Calm down. No one saw. Just me, of course.." The voice of the unknown tom said from behind her. Willowpaw spun around to see a dark brown tabby with a pure white chest and ice blue eyes like hers. But, he had an odd red outline.
"Hey! Get off Thunderclan territory!" She growled. The broad-shouldered tom chuckled.
"I have no boundaries Willowpaw." He said.
"How do you know my name.." She said, confused. Then an idea hit her off the top of her head.
"Are you from Starclan!?" Willowpaw mewed. The tom paused before answering.
"No. But, a similar place indeed." He said.
"Now listen, I don't have much time but, how would you like it if I mentored you? I would come to you in your dreams and we would train there. I'll teach you moves your mentor doesn't even know of." The tom said, stepping towards her until he was a tail length away. Willowpaw thought for a moment, unsure of this mysterious tom.
"You have an unharnessed strength that I could teach you to control. Take down any cat in your path! You could be unstoppable." He said. Willowpaw liked the sound of this.
"Sure. By the way, what's your name and what is this place like Starclan?" Willowpaw said.
"I'm Hawkfrost. And, welcome to the Dark Forest, Willowpaw." Hawkfrost said as he faded away. Willowpaw pondered for a moment. I'll show you Direpaw. You wont mess with me anymore! She thought to herself. And I won't be a pushover to anyone anymore!

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