Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

    As the moon began to rise over the trees, Willowbounce sat on the top of the sunning rocks. The sky was completely clear, and the moon was only a crescent. It's light bathed her pelt in its lunar glow, making her light gray fur glow. She got to her paws and padded slowly down the rocks, through the camp and over to the medicine den. Pushing through the brambles she noticed the medicine cats were still awake. They all looked up upon her entrance.
    "Greetings Willowbounce, do you need something?" Mountainpelt asked her. Willowbounce nodded her head.
    "I would like to visit the moonpool." She said. The tom's ears pricked up, curious.
    "Well, Willowbounce that's not really for warriors to visit casually...It's more just for medicine cats.." He said.
    "I know, but this isn't just 'casual' warrior stuff, this is important. I need to speak with Starclan directly." She said, her ice blue eyes glowing in the low light. The medicine cat thought for a moment, then turned to Greenfur and Stormberry.
    "Stay here. I'll be back later tonight. I trust you two enough to hold over the camp." He said. Willowbounce felt a rush of relief. Yes! He's taking me! She thought. Willowbounce stepped aside as Mountainpelt led her out of the den. Badgergaze, who was guarding the camp, silently nodded to the two as they passed him. I'm surprised he's not questioning where we're going..She thought.

    Padding through the woods, Willowbounce kept pace with the medicine cat, padding at his shoulder. He was silent for quite some time, until they were about half-way there.
    "So, what is this urgent matter you have to address Starclan about?" He asked. Willowbounce thought about how she would explain that she was trying to get them to tell her when the badgers were going to attack, but she couldn't be so blunt.
    "I...I want to talk with my kin...My mother, my father, my sister...I miss them very much.." She lied. Mountainpelt nodded, though his gaze still looked skeptical. Willowbounce hoped that her lie had convinced him enough.
    "You know, if you've had a vision, you should tell your medicine cat first." He said. Willowbounce flicked her tail, not making eye contact as they spoke.
    "I haven't had a vision, Mountainpelt. I just need to speak with my kin..." She said, keeping her cool with a composure she never thought she had before. They were both silent for a while longer. They only had about a quarter of the way left now.
    " you think if a cat did something really bad, that Starclan would forgive them?" She asked hesitantly, trying to sound vague. The tom's ears pricked.
    "Depends on what that thing is that they did. Let's say they were in a secret relationship with another cat other than their mate, they would most likely forgive that. But if your talking about something extreme, like murder, it really depends on the circumstances I suppose." He said. Willowbounce swallowed hard, her worry threatening to choke her. Finally, the two arrived at the moonpool. As they descended the path that led down to the moonpool, Willowbounce felt her paws sliding into the engravings of pawsteps from generations upon generations earlier. She gazed around in awe, much like the first time she had arrived here, but this time was different. The pool was bathed in starlight, like the sky itself was in the water. The crystalline walls of the cave glowed from the reflecting moonlight. She followed Mountainpelt up to the water's edge.
    "Do as I do, and you will be able to dream with Starclan." He said. Willowbounce nodded. Mountainpelt crouched down at the edge of the pool and touched his nose to the water's surface, sending out small ripples. The tom seemed to instantly fall into a deep sleep in the position he was in. Willowbounce imitated the tom's actions. She crouched down in front of the pool's surface. She stared at her reflection for a moment before she touched her nose to the surface. Willowbounce took a deep breath, then touched her nose to the water's surface. She almost gasped in shock. The water felt ice cold, despite it being greenleaf. The initial touch shocked her, but Willowbounce felt herself instantly fall into a deep sleep.

    The she-cat woke in the same clearing she had received her vision in. Except this time, there was already a cat there.
    "Snowbounce? Is that you?" She asked in shock. I would've thought that tom would've gone to the Dark Forest! She thought. The tom turned around to face her, and sure enough, it was him. Guilt welled up inside the she-cat as she faced one of her former victims. When she had killed him, she didn't even know if he was evil! He padded over to her, a calm look on his face. Willowbounce didn't trust it.
    "Greetings Willowbounce, long time no see, eh?" He said, sitting down in front of her. Now she was confused. The tom mrrowed in a chuckle.
    "I know, I know. This is probably as confusing as anything, right? Well don't worry, I'm not mad. I'm actually quite glad that I get to speak with you again." He said. Willowbounce noticed how he didn't have any scars from her attack, and his pelt gave off a glowing luster that was lined with stars.
    "Why would you be glad to speak with me? I killed you!" She said, her voice confused and laced with guilt.
    "Well Willowbounce, when I met you in the Dark Forest they had been training me to be like them. Like how they did with you. But I guess they didn't particularly like me...I wouldn't like me either to be honest. I was cocky and thought I was powerful enough to do anything. If anything I deserved what happened to me. But Willowbounce, you killing me set me free. You saved me from becoming vengeful and completely evil like those fox-hearts..So, thank you.." He said, resting his tail-tip on her shoulder. Willowbounce widened her eyes. I...saved you...? She thought with curiosity. It had never occurred to Willowbounce that her killing the cats she killed would set them free.
    "The Dark Forest cats pressured me into staying. I tried to leave many, many times..All of those attempts failed. When you killed me, it had been right after they pressured me back into staying again..You helped break the cycle. You set me free. And, I'm sorry for the way I treated you in the short time we talked." He said with a chuckle. Willowbounce mrrowed a little as well, feeling a bit better.
    "You know, even though I freed you, I still killed you...And I'm truly sorry about that. I just wish that you can forgive me for the horrible actions I did against you.." She spoke with her eyes downcast in shame. The tom mrrowed again.
    "Don't worry, I forgive you...And I'm glad to see that you haven't become like them." He said. Wow..She thought. I never expected the tom to be so light-hearted and kind...Willowbounce straightened up.
    "I'm really glad you forgive me...I just feel awful, I really do..But hearing you forgive me does make me feel a bit better." She said with a smile. The tom smiled.
    "I know you have other business to attend to, so I'll leave you be. Nice talking with you Willowbounce." He said, getting to his paws and waving his tail in goodbye as he padded off into the trees. Willowbounce had to admit, she felt a lot better after being forgiven by one of her victims. She was happy to make amends with at least one of them. Soon, Shredtooth padded into the clearing and sat down in front of her.
    "What do you seek, Willowbounce?" She asked.
    "Can you please tell me when the badger attack is going to happen? I can't bear not knowing when it's going to happen!" She tried her best to plead in a polite way. Shredtooth seemed to think for a moment. Willowbounce sat there, the pressure of her question weighing heavy on her head. Do I really want to know when? She thought with anxiety as the she-cat determined her response.
    "I shall tell you. It will happen in...three days." She spoke, the last two words hitting Willowbounce like boulders. She felt her ears fall back as they pinned against her head. Willowbounce felt herself beginning to panic. I'm not ready, I'm not READY! She thought as her breath began to come quicker, shallower. Shredtooth cocked her head at her, then gently laid a paw on her shoulder. Willowbounce looked up at her, almost in tears. But she began to ease the longer the she-cat held her paw there. Once she was completely calm again, she removed her paw.
    "You have received your answer, now go. Starclan will be awaiting your arrival when it comes." She said, as Willowbounces vision began to fade away.

    She blinked open her eyes, her body feeling quite numb under the pressure of her new found information. She shifted her gaze beside her and noticed Mountainpelt was sitting upright, staring at her.
    "You were out for quite a while there..It's past moonhigh! Did you get what you needed from our ancestors?" He asked. Willowbounce nodded, slowly getting to her paws.
    "I think I'm going to need some poppy seed to help me sleep tonight..." She said, her voice slightly shaken. Mountainpelt didn't question her, just simply nodded as they began to make their way back to camp. Willowbounce glanced up at the position of the moon. Past moonhigh...That means I only have two days left now...Willowbounce thought as a shiver passed through her.

    When her and the medicine cat arrived back in camp, Mountainpelt took her to the medicine den and gave her three poppy seeds to help her relax and fall asleep. They seemed to work almost immediately, as Willowbounce had to drag her paws across camp and plop down into her nest. Her back against Icefoots warm underbelly combined with the poppy seeds, Willowbounce was able to fall asleep almost instantly.

    The next day flew by before she even knew it was over. Willowbounce became increasingly anxious that night as she thought about how tomorrow would be her last day before she met her death. As Icefoot and her laid down in their nest together, she looked at Icefoot inquisitively, prompting her to ask a question. He waited for her to speak.
    "Icefoot, can you please spend your day with me tomorrow? I really need to be alone with you tomorrow, ok?" She asked, hoping he wouldn't be busy. The tom smiled.
    "Of course! I'd love to spend the day with you Willowbounce..." He said, pressing his muzzle to hers. As he pulled away, he broke into a yawn. Willowbounce yawned as well, her sleepiness overcoming her anxiety.
    "Thank you...Goodnight Icefoot..I love you." She said, snuggling up to him by pushing her head under his forearm. She felt him blush as she rested her head against his chest fur.
    "I love you too..." He said to her in a gentle voice. Icefoot moved his forearm into a comfortable position around her, so he was keeping her close even as he fell asleep. Willowbounce waited until she heard his breathing pattern change to tell her that he was asleep. Only then did Willowbounce allow herself to fall asleep.

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