Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

    "Shadedpaw, you have received excellent training from Willowbounce, as well as Icefoot. And it is a great honor to announce you as a warrior today. You have shown courage, skill and compassion throughout your apprenticeship. I hope that you will carry on those and all that you know into your warrior life. I call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on this young tom, and grant him a great life of good choices. From this day forth, you shall be known as Shadedstorm." Strongstar said. Though she had recovered, her voice was still a bit raspy from her sickness. Willowbounce glowed with pride for her former apprentice. She could sense pride flowing off his pelt from where he stood.
    "Darkpaw, you have received great training from Birdclaw and are ready to become a warrior. You have shown strength, knowledge and politeness throughout your training. I call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on this young she-cat, and grant her a life of kindness and knowing. From this day forth, you shall be known as Darkrose." She said. Willowbounce felt a tear of joy drip from her eye with pride for her daughter and her apprentice. Darkrose stood tall with a determined smile.
    "Icepaw, you have received great training from Fawnpelt and are now ready to become a warrior. You have shown kindness and skill throughout your apprenticeship. I call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on this young she-cat, and grant her a life of compassion and knowledge. From this day forth, you shall be known as Iceclaw." Strongstar said. The white she-cat was beaming with joy. She then named Tailpaw, who was given the name Tailfall.
    "We also have four kits who are becoming apprentices today. Woodkit, step forward." She began again. Woodkit was given Barleyfoot, Larkkit was given Splashine, Rainkit was given Fierceheart and Lilackit was given Goldfur. After all the ceremonies were completed, Willowbounce congratulated her youngest kits first, then Darkrose, then Shadedstorm. After the congratulations, her and Icefoot decided to go on a walk to their willow for a bit. Once they reached it, Willowbounce had an idea.
    "Hey Icefoot, I was thinking..about Direpaw..what if I were to just go and kill him again in the Dark Forest?" She asked, staring into the stream. Icefoot's ears flicked back a little.
    "As much as I like that idea, I really don't want you going back there...It's too much of a risk. Not to mention, he could be more dangerous now, don't you think?" He said. Willowbounce nodded in agreement.
    "But I could take him..." She murmured. Icefoot sighed quietly.
    "I know you could, it's just the fact that you would be there, and you would be murdering a cat again.." He said, his voice trying not to sound 'matter of factly'. Willowbounce nodded sadly. She paused before speaking again, listening to the quiet gurgle of the stream as the water flowed by peacefully.
    "Icefoot, what if I can't stop..." She said quietly, leaning against his shoulder. She felt his tail wrap around her comfortingly.
    "Don't can. You are a strong she-cat Willowbounce, not only physically, but mentally. You can do it, I know you can! And I'll help you every step of the way.." He said encouragingly. Willowbounce smiled with a little huff from her nose.
    "Ok, I trust you Icefoot.." She said, her tail wrapping around the backside of his hips as well. He gave her head fur a lick.
    "Good." He purred. Willowbounce nuzzled against his chest fur. He was so soft and warm, it made Willowbounce feel at ease.

    That night, Willowbounce and Icefoot decided to sleep under their willow tree since it was so peaceful. They also wanted to be alone together for a bit, and they were glad Strongstar respected that. As Willowbounce nestled close to Icefoot against the chilly, nighttime newleaf wind, Icefoot entwined his tail with hers.
    "I love you Willowbounce.." He whispered to her.
    "I love you too Icefoot.." She whispered back before drifting off to sleep. In her dream, Willowbounce woke in a beautiful clearing. The trees surrounding were full of life and undergrowth grew on the ground in healthy clumps. The grass beneath her paws was soft and warm. Ah, I'm in Starclan tonight..She thought as a smile resided on her muzzle. The scent of a familiar cat suddenly caught her muzzle. She sat up straight and to attention as a tan she-cat padded into the clearing. She was hardly recognizable without all of her scars.
    "Shredtooth? Is that you?" Willowbounce asked, remembering the she-cat from her kithood. The she-cat nodded with a smile. She padded up to her and sat down in front of her, her black tail-tip gently flicking back and forth. Shredtooth looked graceful with stars covering her scar-free pelt, while when she was alive Willowbounce remembered her looking very rugged and tough.
    "It's been so long since I last saw you Willowbounce..You've grown so much!" She said touching her nose to hers. Willowbounce smiled a warm smile at the warrior. She recalled how she had died trying to save Frostspots from the hawk in the mountains, but failed and fell to her death.
    "I unfortunately have not come to visit your dream just to catch up...The other Starclan warriors are...upset to say the least, about your behavior...and we have come to give you both a warning and a sign." She said. Willowbounce widened her eyes with worry.
    "Our warning is that you have done wrong. A lot of wrong. In normal circumstances, you would not be allowed into Starclan, and that's it." She began, her voice slightly scornful. Willowbounce gulped with anxiety.
    "But we have hope for you, as we know the circumstances of your life have been...challenging to say the least. And so we have a sign for you. And only you." She said, then touched a paw to Willowbounces chest. Willowbounce gasped as visions of huge claws and teeth swung and aimed at her. Suddenly she was sitting somewhere on the moor looking up at the stars. Her ears pinned back as the stars swirled like water in the sky, forming the face of a cat she didn't recognize.
    "Accept. Your. Fate." It spoke in a booming tone that made Willowbounce cower. W-What?! She thought in fear and confusion. Suddenly her vision went black, and the face of a badger was the only thing she saw. It's beady eyes bore into her like razor sharp teeth. The anonymous voice spoke again, this time disembodied.
    "Accept. Your. Fate." It said. Willowbounce began to understand. She was suddenly thrust back into the clearing with Shredtooth. She had removed her paw from Willowbounces chest as she panted from fear and adrenaline.
    "This is your only chance to prove you are loyal to Starclan. And if you pass, Starclan will allow you to join its ranks. Any other way, and you will not be allowed in." She said sternly.
    "..But what does it mean..?" She asked. Shredtooth flicked her ears.
    "It means that you are going to die when there is a badger attack on your camp. If you do not let this happen, you will not be allowed to join Starclan under any circumstances and you will be sent to the Dark Forest. You are also not allowed to tell anyone about this vision or anything relating to it. Do you understand?" She said. Willowbounce felt like her chest was being crushed by the weight of this knowledge. She was too numb to speak, so she merely nodded. Shredtooth looked satisfied.
    "Good. Now, you shall wake up. Remember Willowbounce. This is your last. Chance." She said as she and everything else began to fade.

    Willowbounce woke with a slight jolt. She looked around, remembering she was under her willow with Icefoot. She could see the sun starting to rise in the distance. Willowbounce felt numb with the weight of her vision. I can't tell anyone, or else I won't get into Starclan. It's my last chance...She thought, scared by her own thoughts. She gazed down at Icefoot and a painful thought grabbed at her heart. He doesn't know I'm going to die...and he'll be without me...She thought. A tear rolled down from each of her eyes, but Willowbounce felt determined. It's the only thing I can do to secure our future in Starclan...I'm so sorry it has to be this way Icefoot..She thought sorrowfully as she rested her head beside his once again. She let his scent fill her nose, clouding her senses so the only thing she felt was him. His body against hers and the soft touch of his fur. His familiar and comforting scent ; it wafted around her. The slow rise and fall of his shoulders as he breathed in and out. The gentle sound of his heartbeat as Willowbounce pressed her head against him. She let her senses be filled by him, making her feel at one. It'll be ok, as long as I have you...

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