Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

    "Willowkit, step forward." Bravestar said from the high ledge. Willowkit got to her paws and stepped out from the crowd of her clanmates. Her fur shone against the early new leaf sun. Today was her apprentice ceremony and she intended to look her very best. It had been about a moon since the clans settled into the lake territory, and it was time Willowkit and her denmates were apprenticed. Bravestar had lost 4 lives in the past moon. One was to an unknown poisoning of his fresh kill. Two were to injuries of an unknown rogue. And the last was lost to a long fall. And unbeknownst to her until recently, he had lost another life on the Great Journey to greencough. The apprentices had just been made warriors as well, Skyfur, Barleyfoot and Spottail.
    Willowkit looked up to her leader, her eyes wide with excitement and her fur on end with anxiety.
    "You have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Willowpaw. Your mentor will be Bloodclaw." Bravestar said. His voice rang out clearly through the hollow, which was Thunderclan's new camp.
    "Bloodclaw, you are ready to take on an apprentice. I hope you will pass down your knowledge to this fine young cat and guide her paws down the right path." He said turning to Bloodclaw. Willowpaw's blood turned cold like ice. Bloodclaws going to be my mentor? Starclan help me...She thought. The toms attitude and demand for obedience was nothing to balance easily with. Willowpaw suppressed a shudder as Bloodclaw walked up her side, his pelt brushing hers. He turned to face her as he came to the front of her. She met his gaze and was greeted with his gaze in return. His reddish eyes seemed to enclose her, making her feel cornered. She made her fur lie flat, trying not to show her alarm. Bloodclaw reached down and touched noses with her. Her clanmates began to chant her name.
    "Willowpaw! Willowpaw!" She heard Icepaw among the loudest chants. Alongside him was Birdpaw.
    "Clan dismissed." Bravestar said. Her clanmates came to greet her and her fellow apprentices. Stormcloud came up to Willowpaw first, Splashpaw following close behind.
    "I can't believe we're finally apprentices!" Splashpaw said, nuzzling Willowpaws cheek as she stepped up to her.
    "Congratulations Willowpaw and Splashpaw. I couldn't be prouder of my daughters." Her father said. Willowpaw bent her head in thanks as well as Splashpaw. Her father and sister walked away from her in the opposite direction. Willowpaw gave a yelp of surprise as she was knocked over by an unknown cat. 
    "Hey furball! Congratulations!" Icepaw said into her ear, keeping her pinned to the ground. Willowpaw chuckled, just his words in her ear sent adrenaline through her. She pushed him off of her and sat up beside him.
    "Congrats to you too, Icepaw." Willowpaw said, nuzzling his cheek. She felt him draw his tail around her, so she did the same to him.
    "Blackwing is gonna be a great mentor! I'm sure he'll make me the best warrior in Thunderclan!" Icepaw said, his eyes shining.
    "Yeah, you probably will be! Especially because I'm stuck with Bloodclaw as my mentor." Willowpaw said, rolling her eyes at the end. Icepaw gave her a sympathetic look.
    "Don't worry Willowpaw. We'll be the best warriors together!" He said, resting his head on top of hers. She leaned into his chest fur, breathing in his scent. She suddenly felt Icepaw tense. She craned her neck to see what he was staring at. Her heart dropped when she saw Direpaw glaring at her and Icepaw. She wrapped her tail tighter around Icepaw, and felt him do the same. Her and Icepaw got up and walked deeper into the mix of cats, out of Direpaw's sight.
    "What's his problem?" She asked Icepaw as they pushed through the crowd to get to the entrance of the camp.
    "I don't know. Maybe he's just jealous." Icepaw said with a hint of suggestion in his voice. Willowpaw knew he had something else to say, so she pressed further.
    "What would he be jealous of exactly?" She said, this time a hint of suggestion in her voice. Icepaw chuckled and stopped. He held her gaze, an emotion swirling through his eyes like the stars in the sky. Willowpaw couldn't identify it, but she could tell it was strong, stronger than a lion.
    Willowpaw's ears pricked when she heard a cat clear their throat behind her. She saw Icepaw's gaze flick behind her and his expression dropped. She turned to see Bloodclaw looking at her with an expectant look on his face, as if he was waiting for her. 
    "Sorry Icepaw, got to go." She said turning to face him before padding up to her mentor's side. Icepaw's tail drooped and he seemed sad that she had to go so soon.
    "Icepaw I expect Blackwing to be looking for you, why don't you go find him." Bloodclaw said. His voice was flat and somewhat restrained, like he wanted Icepaw to just get out. Icepaw dipped his head to Bloodclaw in respect, then bounded off to look for his mentor. After he was out of sight, Bloodclaw turned his head to look at her.
"Since the day is young, your training will start today. Your first lesson will be on fighting with me at sunhigh." He said. Willowpaw nodded, excited for her first lesson but at the same time nervous because of her mentor's tendencies to be hostile. You're an apprentice now Willowpaw, you're tough enough to take him. She thought. Plus, he wouldn't actually hurt me...that's not what mentors are supposed to do. Bloodclaw dismissed her with a flick of his tail. She padded away and back into the crowd. The cats around her didn't seem to notice her, but she had a feeling she was being watched. This made her pick up her pace a little.

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