Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

    As Willowpaw padded back into camp, she saw glares and uncertain glances at her. She felt nothing. Their stares don't feel like claws anymore! Willowpaw padded into camp ignoring her clanmates' judgeful stares. She saw Icepaw sitting in the shade of the high ledge, he had a smile on his muzzle and a shadow covered his eyes. Willowpaw's clanmates went back to whatever they were doing as if nothing had ever happened. Willowpaw trotted quickly over to Icepaw and slowed herself to a halt in front of him. He lifted his gaze to meet hers, revealing his eyes, which were filled with amusement and pride. Willowpaw felt all her nervousness wash away when Icepaw leaped on her and pinned her to the ground in a laughing heap.
    "Looks like you finally taught Direpaw a lesson, huh?" He said nuzzling her. Willowpaw giggled, feeling a little guilty.
    "I guess I did." She said, purring as Icepaw and her sat down under the high ledge with their tails wrapped around each other.
    "You should've seen him! He came into camp wailing like a kit! Most of us didn't do anything. I guess we all feel the same about Direpaw. And if you were wondering, everyone was just pretending to be judgeful of you. They didn't want Bravestar or Strongstripe to get suspicious that we all thought he deserved what he got." Icepaw said in a hushed voice. Willowpaw glowed with pride and felt a little embarrassed.
    "Yeah..but it was like something happened to me, I never felt like that before." Willowpaw murmured.
    "Yeah? Well, tell me about it. Maybe I can help you." Icepaw said affectionately, his eyes trusting and full of compassion, a warm smile was set on his muzzle. Willowpaw spent a little while explaining how the whole thing went down, what was said and what not. By the end, Icepaw had a look of concern.
    "Ok one, Bloodclaw is seriously insane." He paused because Willowpaw mrrowed with laughter. Icepaw laughed too.
    "Two, Direpaw deserved it. And three, I think that you probably just found your inner confidence. But because you were so mad at the time you attacked him. That's all!" Icepaw said. Willowpaw felt relieved.
    "Thank Starclan..I thought something happened to me. I mean, from seeing that ghost cat Hawkfrost from earlier, I thought I lost it!" Willowpaw said. Icepaw nuzzled her cheek and stood.
    "Remember our promise? How I had to talk to you but I never got to? Meet me at the camp entrance at sunset ok?" Icepaw said, padding away. Willowpaw nodded eagerly. She went to get a mouse from the fresh kill pile. As she made her pick, Leaffall, who was also grabbing a piece of fresh kill, glanced up and said, "Good job, Willowpaw. You finally taught that naughty tom a lesson he won't forget for sure!" Willowpaw glowed with happiness. She returned back to her spot under the high ledge and tucked into her mouse.

    As sunset approached, Willowpaw waited eagerly by the camp entrance. Her hunting assessment went perfect without a flaw and she passed with ease. Me and Icepaw will be warriors in the next moon! Willowpaw did admit, she was quite exhausted. But it was all worth it because she had sealed her fate to become a warrior with Icepaw. After a while, Icepaw appeared from the crowd. He signaled with his tail for her to follow him as he trotted quickly out of camp. She got to her paws and trotted behind him, keeping pace. Icepaw lead her through the woods, the orange sunset light passing through the trees and creating rows of warm sunshine. Willowpaw enjoyed this already, and she hadn't even realized Icepaw had led her to the Windclan border.
    "Icepaw where are we going?" She asked. Icepaw just glanced over his shoulder and smiled sweetly at her. He began to trot upstream. Willowpaw followed, not intending on leaving him. Soon he came to a large, beautiful willow tree. It had pretty leafy tendrils that almost touched the ground. There were beautiful purple flowers blooming on its branches. Icepaw pushed through them, holding an opening stable with his tail for her, inviting her under the willow's large cover. Willowpaw was mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the scenery and blindly followed him in. The orange sunlit rays broke through part of the willows tendrils, lighting up the inside with orange sunlight. Icepaw sat near the edge of the stream, beckoning her over with his tail. She timidly walked over and sat down beside him. Icepaw turned to face her, his gaze relaxed and filled with the emotion Willowpaw could never put a name to. Icepaw twined his tail with hers and held her gaze.
    "Willowpaw...Now that we're alone, I can finally finish what I wanted to say all those moons ago.." Icepaw began. She had her ears pricked with interest and hope. Willowpaw didn't care how much she was blushing, all she cared about was what Icepaw was saying.
    "What I wanted to say, and what I've always wanted to tell you is..That I think you're the most beautiful she-cat I know. And I would do anything to help you or save you or anything, I would be right there with you. And most importantly.." Icepaw paused, taking a deep breath. Willowpaw's eyes were round like moons and a bit teary, love and compassion flowing through her.
    "Willowpaw, I love you. I love you with all my heart and soul! And I want to know if you will take me as your mate?" He said. His eyes were teary with hope and emotion. Willowpaw let tears fall from her eyes as she smiled warmly.
    "Of course I will Icepaw! I love you too! And I promise that I will do anything for you!" She said with tears streaming down her face. Icepaw finally let his tears fall. She finally saw what the unknown emotion was. It was love. Love so strong that it could match Starclan.
    "Oh Willowpaw, you have no idea how much I love you.." He murmured. Willowpaw smiled, wiping her and his tears away.
    "I think I know..Because I feel the same.." She said. Icepaw locked eyes with her, his gaze entrapping her. She felt herself leaning closer to him. She saw Icepaw do the same. Then, like a moon flew by in a heartbeat, their muzzles met. Willowpaw melted into it, feeling overtaken by love for her mate. Icepaw seemed to melt into her as well. After many heartbeats, Willowpaw and Icepaw sat back again. Her and him didn't return to camp until later when the moon was well away on its journey upwards. As they curled up in their nest, Willowpaw felt different. She felt as though there was something inside her now. As Willowpaw drifted off to sleep, she heard Icepaw whisper, "I love you Willowpaw.." Willowpaw purred and nuzzled him a little.
    "I love you too, Icepaw."

    Willowpaw woke on the ground of a clearing. The air smelled dank and dirty. As Willowpaw stood, she looked around, curious as to where she was. The trees around her were turning gray as they seemed to have no life in them. The ground was slimy in some spots with a mixture of blood, mud and water. Willowpaw was alarmed when she still didn't know where she was.
    "Ah, welcome Willowpaw. Welcome to the Dark Forest." The voice of Hawkfrost came from behind her. Willowpaw spun around to face him.
    "You were real!?" She said in alarm.
"Of course I am dear!" He said. "And tonight is your first night of training!"

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