Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

    Willowpaw and Icepaw both woke up early that morning, really early. So early that the moon was still in the sky. Willowpaw was comforted by Icepaw from the sounds of a storm raging outside. She rested her head at his paws as he drew his tail around her belly, slightly swollen with his kits. Her kits must've been hearing the thunder and lightning because Willowpaw felt them kicking at her from inside. Don't worry my sweet kits, we'll protect you...She thought as Icepaw rested his head on hers, his breathing falling into a rhythm that signified he was asleep. Willowpaw tried to focus on the small, quiet noises around her to help her fall back to sleep. Icepaw's breathing, gentle on her ears and head fur. Her sister, Splashine, purring in her sleep nearby. And...a wail of pain from the nursery. Willowpaws ears pricked as she heard a she-cat wail, waking Icepaw. She could tell he was a bit annoyed from being woken, but she nodded in the direction of the nursery. Icepaw pricked his ears, listening. He raised his gaze a little when he heard a wail too, muffled by the pouring rain and lightning. She looked into his eyes, trying to talk to him without speaking. That'll be me in a few moons..She thought. Icepaw touched his nose to hers and gave her a few licks on her muzzle. She purred, enjoying his appreciation of her. When he lowered his head to drift back to sleep, Willowpaw did the same, the rhythm of his breathing gently sending her off to sleep.

    That morning, the camp was soaked. Willowpaw's paws squished in the ground of camp. She didn't mind it that much, since the Dark Forest had very similar ground. At least last night Hawkfrost let me have the night off. I slept the best I have in moons! Well aside from the storm..Willowpaw thought as Icepaw emerged from the den beside her. Hawkfrost had only made her come to the Dark Forest to tell her she could rest for the night.
"Good morning Willowpaw! Heard the news? A few kits were born last night!" Barleyfoot said as she passed by her. Oh, so there was a birth then! Makes sense, with all the wailing..She thought, her suspicions proving right.
"We should go check them out later! But for now, let's get something to eat." Icepaw said, his usual cheery voice not disturbed by the mushy ground or the bad sleep last night. I swear, whenever he's with me, he never lets anything bother him. I love that tom..Willowpaw thought, padding after him. Icepaw picked out a rabbit for the both of them to share. They quickly scored a spot on the sunning rocks before the other apprentices could snag them.
"Wet rocks are better than mucky ground!" Willowpaw chimed as she began to tuck into her share of the rabbit. Icepaw nodded, tucking into his portion as well. As they usually did, Willowpaw twined her tail with Icepaws, their pelts brushing from being so close. As she ate, Willowpaw tried to observe the nursery. She saw Bloodclaw walking in there. Ah, so Leaffall gave birth. I can't wait to meet the new kits! She thought. Willowpaw also heard the name Shadedkit be whispered from inside the nursery. Must be Bloodclaw's new kit. Icepaw and her quickly finished.
"Come on! Lets play chase like when we were kits in the forest territory!" Icepaw said, leaping to his paws. Willowpaw jumped up, her careful paws keeping her steady on the slippery stone.
"You're on!" She yowled as she bounded off the tall rocks. She landed gracefully, her warrior instincts kicking in. She heard Icepaw land behind her, his paws sliding a bit as he began to try and give chase. Willowpaw momentarily unsheathed her claws to get grip as she pushed forward in a sprint. I learned really quickly how to run in the Dark Forest. You should always have a way to get out, and know how to do it. She thought. One of those things was knowing how to sprint in grimy ground. She laughed as she heard Icepaw curse to himself behind her. Must've slipped! She thought. Willowpaw bounded past the nursery, a small, black bundle of fur catching her eye as she passed. As Willowpaw rounded the camp, she skidded to a halt, Icepaw safely stopping before slamming into her.
"Hi there!" Willowpaw said loudly to the new kit so it could hear her from the far distance.
"Let's go meet one of the new kits!" She mewed to Icepaw as she began to trot in the direction of the nursery. She saw Icepaw smile warmly at her just as she turned to look at the kit.
"I'm Willowpaw and he is Icepaw." She said, pointing with her tail at her mate. Icepaw smiled sweetly at the kit.
"You must be the new kit, Shadedkit, right?" She asked. As she waited for an answer, she evaluated the kit. His pelt was all black with a white stripe that started on his back and traced up his tail, followed by a white chin and nose blaze. He had one blue eye, his left one was there, but appeared to be blind. Ear tufts, a roundish top head fur and a little chin scruff. What a cute little kit! Willowpaw thought to herself.
"Yes." He said. His voice told her he was a tom.
"You're finally out of the nest, eh?" A deep, scratchy voice sounded from beside Icepaw. She almost jumped a little, and so did Icepaw, when she saw Goreclaw, the elder laying on a nearby sunning rock.
"Oh, that's old Goreclaw," Icepaw began to explain. "He is the father of your father and was a fierce warrior. He retired as soon as Bloodclaw became a warrior, so he is an elder." Shadedkit seemed to gaze at his father's father, thinking for a moment.
"The new kit left the nursery already," The voice of Bravestar said from behind Willowpaw as he padded up to see the new arrival.
"That's-" Willowpaw began but was cut off by her leader.
"Oh I can speak for myself, why not you two grab a mouse or something and go to your den for a bit." Bravestar chuckled heartily. Willowpaw waved her tail in goodbye to Shadedkit as her and Icepaw began to pad back to sunning rocks.
"We already ate so, I wouldn't mind sharing tongues if you don't Icepaw?" Willowpaw said. The tom's ears perked and he scoffed a little.
"Why wouldn't I want to share tongues with the cat I love most?" He asked sitting on a low, flat stone. Willowpaw's eyes gleamed.
"You know, it's the little things about you that drive me crazy for you, Icepaw." She said as she sat down beside him, their pelts brushing and their tails twining. The tom gave a soft chuckle.
"I'm glad.." He murmured in her ear as he started to lick at her top head fur. Not even a few heartbeats later, Barleyfoot burst into camp with tears streaming from her eyes.
"Bravestar!" She yowled in panic as the rest of the dawn patrol burst through the thorn tunnel. As she did, her and Icepaw heads shot up. Barleyfoot and the rest of the patrol had cuts and scratches all over them.
"Barleyfoot what happened?" Bravestar asked, padding over to the she-cat. Willowpaw could see the pure pain in her eyes as she struggled to get the words out. A cat has died..She guessed.
"Otter, that fox dung of a cat attacked the patrol. We managed to fight him off, but before that he managed to kill Spottail." She said, her voice strained from the pain inside her. Poor Barleyfoot, her and Spottail were mates..Willowpaw thought. She instinctively sat a little closer to Icepaw, and she felt him do the same. She saw two of the patrol members, Lightwing and Goldfur carrying Spottail's limp body to the center of camp. Bravestar and Barleyfoot trotted quickly after them. Willowpaw saw the curious Shadedkit follow close behind.
"Poor Shadedkit, just out of the nursery and already witnessing a horrible event like this.." Willowpaw murmured. Bravestar murmured something to Barleyfoot, then bounded up the high ledge. Her and Icepaw got to their paws and went down into the clearing, expecting there to be a meeting.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting." Bravestar's grief stricken voice called throughout the camp. All of Willowpaw's clanmates came out from their dens or stood to move closer to the high ledge. Her and Icepaw sat down next to each other, nearest the front of the crowd. She glanced over her shoulder in search of young Shadedkit, making sure he wasn't trampled or lost in the sea of his clanmates.
"I have some shocking and sad news, Spottail was killed in the dawn patrol by Otter, the rogue. But on a brighter side, our new kit, Shadedkit, is already out of the nursery." Bravestar announced. Most of the cats turned to look at the new kit, brief joy overcame the strong feeling of grief set over the clearing. Spottail was such a young warrior. Willowpaw thought, recalling the day he was made a warrior. In the midst of cats, Willowpaw noticed Blackwing and Stripeback grinning as they talked in low voices glancing at Shadedkit. Oh no you don't. I hope I get Shadedkit as my apprentice so he doesn't learn his fathers and yours fox-hearted ways..I've already had to, but he won't if I become his mentor. Willowpaw thought determinedly. Willowpaw then saw Bloodclaw himself walk over to the two toms to join them in their gossip. She turned her attention back to Bravestar as he began to speak again.
"And it is time for a kit to be made an apprentice. Fiercekit, step forward." He said. The black and white tom Willowpaw and Icepaw had found moons ago with his brother, Mountainkit, who was now the medicine cat apprentice named Mountainpaw, was already becoming an apprentice.
"You have reached the age of six moons and are ready to be apprenticed. Do you promise to learn and uphold the ways of the warrior code and protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Bravestar asked. Fiercekit nodded.
"I do." He said.
"Then from this day forth, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Fiercepaw. And Lightwing, do you accept this young cat as your apprentice?" He added at the end. Lightwing nodded, stepping forward to touch noses with his new apprentice.
"There is also a gathering tonight. The ones coming shall be chosen later. Clan dismissed." Bravestar concluded.

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