Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

    The light gray tabby padded beside her clanmates through the undergrowth. Willowbounce breathed in great breaths of the fresh morning air as her and the dawn patrol padded through their territory. The patrol was made up of herself, Icefoot, Shadedpaw, Fierceheart, Tailpaw and Fawnpelt. Willowbounce and Icefoot were so close together their pelts brushed. She could feel her mate blushing. Suddenly, Fierceheart stopped in his tracks and started sniffing the air. Everyone including Willowbounce stopped a few tail-lengths away.
    "Hey Fierceheart, you alright?" Tailpaw called out. Fierceheart ignored him and kept sniffing. Willowbounce heard the tom murmuring to himself, too quiet for her to hear though.
    "Shadowclan!" The tom shouted, rushing forward. Willowbounces tail whipped behind her as she took off on fast paws. Icefoot struggled to keep up with her at first, but he eventually caught up. The patrol stopped in front of the Ancient Oak.
    "Whoever's out there, show yourself and get out of our territory." Fierceheart growled, panting from his dash. Three Shadowclan cats jumped out of the undergrowth. They looked slightly shaken and upset. That's not like Shadowclan cats. Something is wrong. Willowbounce thought. The cats that appeared were Foxtail, Silverfur and Brownclaw. At first they appeared defensive, but soon they abandoned their position and stood normally.
    "We have not come to take prey or fight, we came here to warn you." Foxtail said. "We were recently attacked by Deathclan, it was a quick fight, but they left a message that Blackstar knew we should tell you..." She finished.
    "Blackstar? Does that mean Lizardstar is dead?" Fierceheart interrupted. Brownclaw spoke before Foxtail had the chance to open her mouth.
    "Yes. Though his death was sad, we cannot mourn forever." He said. Willowbounce dipped her head to the Shadowclan cats in respect for their fallen leader. Only Foxtail seemed to notice the she-cats actions, and she bowed her head to Willowbounce in thanks.
    "So," Foxtail continued, "Bloodstar told us that they would find a way to conquer us all. He told us that he would take out the lakes strongest, and I hate to admit it, but we know he means Thunderclan."
    "Well of course we did, the only other strongest clan is Deathclan." A scratchy voice said out of nowhere. Willowbounce saw Shadedpaw jump, and everyone's head turned to locate the voice. The voice belonged to a scrawny silver tom who was sitting in a nearby tree. A crooked smile spread across his muzzle. Willowbounce instantly recognized the stench of blood on his pelt. Deathclan...She thought with fear slightly pricking her spine. There's never just one of them. And just as she had predicted, ten more Deathclan cats suddenly emerged from the surrounding undergrowth, circling in the Thunderclan patrol and the Shadowclan cats. Willowbounced backed up slightly, her pelt brushing against Icefoot's. The tom stood protectively beside her with a claw-like stare that raked over the Deathclan cats menacingly.
    "Deathclans offer still stands, and remains standing until every clan agrees with it." The silver tom said sneering smugly. "Join or die."
Suddenly, Birdclaw leaped out from the undergrowth and stood in front of Shadedpaw and Tailpaw, who were beside Willowbounce and Icefoot. His fangs were bared and he was glaring at the silver tom. Willowbounce was surprised by his bravery. Every Deathclan cat mrrowed in laughter, obviously amused by Birdclaw. Even they knew about him being a skittish tom. Birdclaw abandoned his defensive position and turned towards his clanmates and the Shadowclan cats. He had a grin spread across his face.
    "I brought some friends." He said. Immediately as if on cue, Fawnpelt, Snowfoot and Goldfur leaped out of the underbrush, landing among their clanmates. Fawnpelt must of ran to get backup while the patrol was chasing Shadowclans scent. Willowbounce thought. The Deathclan cats glared in frustration. A Deathclan warrior leaped onto Birdclaw, initiating the fight. Shadedpaw was standing by the silver tom they had heard first. Willowbounce wanted to rip that smug expression off his face. She charged forward towards the tom, almost barreling into poor Shadedpaw, who thankfully jumped out of her way. She barreled into the silver tom who had led the charge, pushing him to the ground under her large paws. He swiped at her muzzle, just barely missing as Willowbounce swung her head out of the way. Willowbounce swiped her claws across his face, sending blood splattering onto the grass. The tom was kicking her belly, but she was much bigger than the scrawny tom so it hardly did anything. Willowbounce pushed the tom's face to the dirt and clawed the side of his neck deeply, leaving deep wounds. The tom yowled in horrible pain. Willowbounce felt a pang of adrenaline pound inside her as she enjoyed his pain. She then picked the tom up by his scruff, blood from his wound seeping into her mouth. She then slammed the tom back down, stunning him like a rabbit. She licked her jaw, clearing it of his blood. Willowbounce then quickly swiped the toms thigh. He spun around and bit at her paw. She retracted quickly, and he hadn't done too much. Just gave her a little nip was all. She turned away from him, deciding she had done enough with him for now. She flicked her ear when Shadedpaw appeared beside her, seeming slightly shaken by the fighting.
    "We need to get out of here." He yelled over the fighting cats. Willowbounce nodded and bounded off to tell the others. She got to Icefoot first, grabbing his attention just as Shadedpaw spoke.
    "Thunderclan, Shadowclan, listen! We have to retreat!" Her apprentice yowled over the fighting. The Thunderclan and Shadowclan cats stopped fighting and began to run in the direction of their camps. The Thunderclan patrol ran towards their camp and Shadowclan bounded back towards their border.

    After they had arrived back at camp, Icefoot had reported to Strongstar while the rest of the patrol rested and talked among their clanmates. While Shadedpaw had been sent off to the medicine den, Willowbounce insisted she was fine. Since she was thinking of the medicine den, her kits crossed her mind. It's about time they get out of there, their nearly six moons! And plus there's the new kits in the nursery too. She thought. Skyfur had recently kitted and gave birth to a very dark brown tom named Woodkit and another brown tom with a white underbelly and black fur around his eyes named Larkkit. Willowbounce padded over to where Icefoot usually sat so she could talk with him. His ears pricked as she neared, and he flicked his tail invitingly beside him. She smiled as she sat down next to him.
    "What's up?" He said.
    "I was thinking, Darkkit and Stormkit are nearly six moons now. In fact they are...we need to introduce them to the clan." She spoke in a low voice so their clanmates couldn't eavesdrop. Icefoot nodded.
    "But I want to do something first. I want to show Shadedpaw our kits." Willowbounce added. Icefoot pricked his ears.
    "Ok! When will we do that?" He asked. Willowbounce thought for a moment.
    "Soon..Within the next few days soon." She said. Icefoot nodded in agreement. Willowbounce got to her paws.
    "I think I'm going to rest for a bit in our nest. Bye Icefoot." She said, letting her tail trail under her mates chin as she walked away from him. She saw him visibly blush and smile like he was in a daze. She was well aware of how much he loved her, and she loved him just the same. She had her tail up in the air as she padded with confidence. Willowbounce caught Birdclaw staring at her. She instantly made her tail drop again, her ears pinning in embarrassment. Creep...She thought uncomfortably. Willowbounce pretended not to notice it as she went into the warriors den and laid down, falling asleep.

    Icefoot padded along the walls of the camp over by Birdclaw. He was glaring at the tom and he beckoned him with his tail to follow him. Don't think I didn't see that Birdclaw, you piece of fox dung. He thought crossly. Thankfully nobody seemed to be paying attention to him and the gray tom as they padded out of the camp. Icefoot led him some distance away from camp to a spot where two trees crossed like an 'x'. Icefoot whipped around and almost came muzzle to muzzle with the tom, making him back away a tail length from Icefoot's menacing stare. He held the tom's gaze and a glare was set on his face. Birdclaw was standing looking submissive.
    "I told you when we were kits to stay away from Willowbounce! Don't try to lie to me, I know you like her as much as I do!" Icefoot snarled ferociously. Birdclaw was crouching submissively under his harsh stance and voice.
    "I-I," Birdclaw tried to speak, but Icefoot cut the stuttering tom off.
    "Stay away from her! I would hate to hurt you, but I will if I'm forced to." He said coldly.
    "O-ok, yes, I will!" Birdclaw stammered. Icefoot stood up straight as the feathery-gray tom bounded off back to camp. Icefoot trailed behind, his tail lashing.

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