Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It was at least four nights before Willowkit, her littermate and her parents were called into the medicine den. They were all gathered around Dappledkits small, weak body. She was barely breathing and was too weak to keep her head up.
"I'm so sorry it's come to this..but you must understand there's nothing more I can do for her." Nestleberry spoke to Rainstripe and Stormcloud in a hushed voice.
"We know.." Stormcloud said, his voice breaking a little. Willowkit and Splashkit huddled at the edge of Dappledkits nest. The kit's eyes were teary and occasionally a teardrop fell to the floor of the den. Stormcloud brought Willowkit and Splashkit away from Dappledkit and kept them close to him, not letting them look at Dappledkit.
"Dappledkit, your going to promise me your going to be the best warrior you can be in StarClan ok?" Rainstripe spoke to her kit in a soft voice, edged with exhaustion and sadness.
"B-but I don't want to g-go to StarClan w-without you mama!" Dappledkits eyes were round as moons, and were shiny with tears.
"The strongest warriors have to make the hardest journeys Dappledkit.." Rainstripe said, offering both wisdom and some form of comfort to her dying kit. Rainstripe pressed her muzzle to Dappledkits head. Nestleberry came to her nest with three poppy seeds in her jaw. She motioned with her tail for Rainstripe to step away. And so she did. Nestleberry pried open the kit's mouth, which wasn't that hard because she was so weak. She deposited the three seeds in her mouth and told her to swallow. Once she saw the kit swallow she stepped back, allowing for Rainstripe to have her final moments with her kit. Rainstripe curled around her kit. She wrapped her tail around her, giving her kit warmth. Dappledkits eyes started to flutter shut, the large dosage of poppy seeds already taking effect.
"Goodbye, my sweet Dappledkit..." Rainstripe spoke to her kit as she fell into a sleep she wouldn't wake from. It felt like moons of silence before Nestleberry finally broke it.
"She hunts with StarClan now..." Her voice was hushed and saddened. All of the cats in the den bent their heads in respect for Dappledkit.

The next morning, the air was heavy and cold. The camp was in silence as they gathered to mourn Dappledkits passing. Willowkit didn't want to be in the clearing with her clanmates, she just wanted things to be like they were only days ago. Happy, fun and carefree. She sat in the nursery with some of the other queens and their kits. She was sitting in the middle of her mother's nest. Birdkit came bounding over to her.
"Hey Willowkit! Want to play moss ball with me!?" He said energetically. Willowkit really didn't feel like playing.
"Sorry Birdkit, I really don't feel like playing right now.." She said with basically no energy.
"Aw come on! You're no fun! Just have a little fun!" He said. She looked at him with a glare.
Great StarClan I don't feel like playing right now! Willowkit sighed and tried to explain.
"Listen to me Birdkit, I really don't feel like playing. So please, leave me be." Birdkit paused for a moment, a look of disappointment flashed his gaze for a heartbeat.
"C-Come on Willowkit, it'll b-be fun!" He tried again. Willowkit started to feel guilty and she caved.
"...Fine I'll play.." She said at last.
"T-Thats great!" He said, running to grab a moss ball. Willowkit looked down at her paws, feeling sad. Then she felt a nose nuzzle her shoulder. She looked up and saw Icekit at her side.
"Don't worry, I'll play with you.." He said in a hushed voice. Willowkit smiled gratefully at him and nuzzled his shoulder. Birdkit came back a heartbeat later with a moss ball.
"Ok Willowkit, I'm just saying I won't go-" He stopped short seeing Icekit by Willowkits side.
"Icekits going to play with us!" Willowkit exclaimed, feeling better with Icekit by her side.
"Oh...ok.." Birdkit said. A flash of discontentment flashed in his eyes. Willowkit happened to catch a glance at Icekits face. He had a look of triumph and protectiveness in his eyes. She suppressed a chuckle.

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