Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    Willowkit noticed that Direkit was quieter than he was when the clans had left the forest. He's probably grieving for his mother, so is Fawnkit. She thought. But unlike Fawnkit, Direkit hadn't been accepting any type of condolences for Cherrypool. Icekit walked by Willowkits side, he told her that he didn't want her to get hurt again. Willowkit was grateful, so grateful for Icekit. He was her best friend and seemed to care about her more than her own mother sometimes. Willowkit glanced around for Rainstripe, who she quickly located.
    She was walking with Splashkit close by her side. Willowkit looked at her sister with jealousy and sadness. It was clear that Splashkit was the favorite. Willowkit couldn't determine what it was about her sister that was so special. Was it that she was the youngest? Or maybe it was the fact that her pelt was almost identical to Rainstripes? Willowkit couldn't tell. She drew her gaze away from her mother and littermate and instead focused on Bloodclaw and Leaffall, who were only a tail length in front of Icekit and her. The two seemed to be walking especially close, and every now and again Willowkit heard purrs escape their throats. She guessed that they were becoming mates. Willowkit shifted her attention yet again, to Icekit. He was staring at the ground as he walked, seemingly dazed.
    "Hey Icekit, who do you think will be our mentors?" Willowkit asked, bored and wanting to talk to Icekit. He lifted his head quickly at the sound of Willowkits voice next to his ear. He paused for a moment, glancing around at their clanmates, who were in their own worlds of conversation.
    "I think I'll get Blackwing. He's been teaching me a few hunting moves lately and he's really cool!" Icekit said. Willowkit smiled at him, which unexpectedly, caused him to blush. Willowkit saw him smile to himself as he turned his face away from her to hide the blush. She smiled to herself.
    "So..who you think I'll get?" She asked, breaking the silence. Looking back to her, his face calm and collected again, he again glanced at their clanmates and pondered.
    "...I think you'll get Bravestar!" He said with enthusiasm.
    "No way in StarClan would I get Bravestar as my mentor!" Willowkit bursted out laughing, to which Icekit laughed with her. Willowkit heard another set of pawsteps behind her. A heartbeat later, Birdkit appeared on the side of her. When he appeared, she could practically hear Icekit stop smiling. She also felt him shift closer to her as they walked.
    "Hey uh, Willowkit, I just wanted to tell you that Direkit wants to speak with you. He's at the back of Thunderclan's group.." Birdkit said shyly, avoiding eye contact with Icekit. Willowkit felt her fur rise a slight bit. She didn't want to be anywhere near Direkit after what he did to her. But maybe he wants to apologize..Willowkit thought.
    "Ok. I'll be there in a moment.." Willowkit responded quietly.
    "O-Ok, I'll go tell him immediately." Birdkit said, then turning tail and rushing back towards the back of Thunderclan's group. Willowkit turned her head to Icekit as soon as Birdkit was out of view. Her eyes were widened with fear. Icekit had a look of concern on his face, she could read his expression. It said, Please be careful. Willowkit nodded, then turned tail and trotted in the direction Birdkit went. As she padded through her clanmates she took deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

    She finally broke through the back of her clanmates, and saw Direkit hanging back only about a tail length behind them. His gaze was downcast, but he must've sensed her because he lifted his head a heartbeat later. He padded over to her as they kept pace with the cats in front of them.
    "We're not finished yet.." He whispered in her ear, sending chills through her rapidly. Direkit unsheathed his claws and quickly spun to leap on her. Willowkit ran forward, almost hitting Stonefur, who was in front of her. Direkit landed on his paws behind her with a strong stance. Willowkit glanced in his direction and saw him start to lunge toward her again. She jumped to the side, dodging again. She looked at his face and saw frustration through his snarl. He yowled this time as he leapt at her. Willowkit tried to back away but couldn't because she was against the mountain already. Direkit slammed her to the ground and started to claw at her ears. Willowkit tried to kick him off, like she had done in play fights with Icekit, but it didn't work. Willowkit yowled with immense pain as Direkit scratched her previous wound area, which had just closed. It didn't reopen, but it hurt alot. Icekit must've heard her yowl of desperation, because two heartbeats later he appeared from the group of elders in the back.
    "Get off of her you flea brain!" Icekit hissed, charging at Direkit. Direkit didn't even lift his head. Instead he aimed his jaws for Willowkits paw. Willowkit shut her eyes tightly as, just in time, Icekit knocked Direkit off her. She sat up quickly, licking her paw and running it over her ears and old wound. She kept walking as she watched Icekit and Direkit fight harshly. They seemed to keep moving with the clan, even though they were fighting. Direkit bit Icekits paw, to which Icekit winced in pain. He then quickly returned the pain by biting down on his tail hard. Direkit yowled loudly, drawing attention. Direkit scratched Icekits shoulder hard, causing blood to drizzle out. Willowkit gasped, feeling sudden urgency rush through her seeing Icekit bleeding.
    "Stop! Please!" Willowkit tried to yell to get the toms to stop, but they didn't seem to notice. Icekit unsheathed his claws, which were slightly longer than what a kit's claws usually were. He scored his claws across Direkits cheek then he whipped around Direkit and bit his hind paw, causing Direkit to collapse out of pain and confusion. Icekit hadn't scratched deep enough to draw blood, but Direkit had. Willowkit grew angrier at Direkit. She flexed her claws slightly. Direkit got to his paws and was about to lunge at Icekit again, but was stopped by Stonefur who stepped between the two just in time. Willowkit sighed with relief, she didn't want Icekit to be hurt anymore.
    "What in the name of StarClan are you doing!? Direkit, you're going to be in huge trouble with Bravestar!" Stonefur hissed at him. Direkit shrunk back under the elders' strict tone. Stonefur turned to Willowkit with a soft expression.
    "Poor Willowkit..why don't you and Icekit go see Nestleberry while I deal with Direkit." She said. Willowkit nodded.
    "Come on, naughty kit.." Stonefur said, escorting Direkit back into Thunderclan's group. As soon as she disappeared into the crowd, Willowkit ran over to Icekit, who was panting.
    "I-Icekit! Thank StarClan you're ok! And thank you so much for saving me! How can I ever repay you?" Willowkit said, small jewels of tears forming in her eyes. Icekit just looked at her for a moment, then pushed his muzzle into hers. She widened her eyes and blushed in shock. He blushed too but she saw a smile on his muzzle when he pulled away. She hadn't noticed it at first, but she was smiling too.
    "Well, first of all you don't have to repay me. And second, I will always save you." He said in a sweet and calm voice. Willowkit smiled and whimpered, closing her eyes as she nuzzled his cheek. I'll tell him someday..maybe..but for now he doesn't need to know. Willowkit thought as they waded their way back through their clanmates, ignoring the gasps from seeing their injuries. When they reached Nestleberry and got her attention, she sighed then said, "What am I going to do with you kits!?" In a joking and loving manner.

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