Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    Willowkit yawned as she stretched, waking up. Icekit was still asleep beside her and she didn't want to wake him up. She looked at him sleeping for a long time. Then she thought, He's asleep, he won't notice if I do this. Willowkit bent down in front of Icekit. She gently pushed her muzzle against his. She blushed a lot, and she was glad the tom was asleep.Willowkit got up after a moment. She glanced around to make sure no one saw her do that. She sighed in relief when she realized her clan mates were only getting up now. Willowkit looked up at the sky. It was red, orange and pink. She only just realized how cold she was. Being next to Icekit all night I must've not realized how cold it was! Willowkit purred at her thoughts. Icekit and herself had survived through the night on each other's warmth.
    "Hey, flea-brain! Hello? Willowkit!" Said a familiar voice in front of her. Willowkit got out of her head and looked in front of her. She sighed a little when she saw Direkit in front of her.
    "What Direkit?" Willowkit said.
    "Come with me." He said. Willowkit looked at him with question. She didn't trust him. Maybe he wants to show me something important. Or maybe my father was looking for me? Willowkit nodded. Direkit turned tail and trotted off in the opposite direction. Willowkit followed, keeping pace.

    He led her to a clearing surrounded by dead bushes and rocks. It was only about the size of half a camp.
    "You stay here." Direkit said. He walked past her and out of the clearing. Willowkit glanced around cautiously. This clearing had an off feeling to it. Willowkits ears pricked as she heard a noise on the far side of the clearing. A heartbeat later, a fox kit came charging out of a bush. Willowkit shrieked in terror. She turned tail and ran as fast as she could. Behind her, Willowkit could hear the fox kits' paws pounding after her. Willowkit was smart enough to know that she shouldn't lead a fox to camp, even if it is a kit. So Willowkit ran past camp and back down the path that the clans had traveled. She glanced behind her for a moment only to see the fox kit trying to snap at her tail. Willowkit pushed her paws into the dirt and leaped up into the air. She saw the fox kit charge right by her. It stopped a tail length away, confused. As Willowkit landed she turned away from the fox kit and ran in the direction of camp.

    Willowkit was panting heavily as she dragged her paws into camp. As soon as she entered the small space it seemed every head of Thunderclan turned to look at her. Stormcloud padded up to her first, a look of disappointment and annoyance on his face.
    "Care to explain where you've been Willowkit?" He said, his voice somewhat calm but restrained at the same time. Willowkit looked past him for a moment, her eyes searching for Direkit. But the tom was nowhere to be found.
Willowkit sighed, turning to face her father.
"I..I don't have a reason.." Willowkit said, turning her gaze to study her paws. Murmurs broke out among the clan cats, but they were silenced as Lizardstar, Shadowclan's leader, stepped to the front of the crowd with Bravestar. The two leaders walked up to Willowkit and Stormcloud. Her father stepped aside, letting the two leaders confront his kit. Willowkit felt like a mouse under the leader's gazes, which were like a warrior's claws raking through her.
"Willowkit...This behavior will not be tolerated. Even though you and your fellow kits are all at the age of an apprentice, do not forget that you are all still kits. You all have not been trained and are most certainly not to go exploring on your own. I do not expect this kind of behavior out of you especially. I am very disappointed in you." Bravestar, her leader, scolded her. Willowkit flattened her ears and bent her gaze away and to the ground. Her pelt burned hot with embarrassment.
"Now go with your other kits. And if you get lost I'm certainly not sending my warriors out to find you! Foolish kit.." Lizardstar snarled. Willowkit kept her head down as she padded away from the leaders and her father. I've just been embarrassed in front of every clan! My life is over.. Willowkit thought as she pushed through her clanmates. She ignored their scolding faces and snarls. Willowkit saw a pair of yellow eyes in her side view. Willowkit ignored him, knowing it was Direkit who was padding beside her.
"What's the matter Willowkit? Feeling embarrassed?" He sneered in her face, crossing in front of her. She averted him and went around him. Direkit turned towards her and caught up with her.
"You've got some nerve ignoring me. You better watch it." Direkit said. Willowkit didn't respond. She merely kept walking in the direction of where her clans nursery was. Once she got there she plopped down in her father and sisters nest. Splashkit was play fighting with Toothkit and Goldkit. Snowkit was talking with Fawnkit. Wait, where's Birdkit and Icekit?  She thought, noticing the two toms weren't around. Oh I hope they didn't go looking for me..WIllowkit thought guiltily. At that moment, Birdkit came poking through the entrance of the small overhang that was the nursery. He had a small crow in his mouth.
"H-Hey Willowkit, you haven't eaten today and I wanted to know wanted to eat this with me." Birdkit said putting the small crow down in front of her. Willowkits stomach growled vigorously. Willowkit tried to ignore the fact as to why Birdkit knew that she hadn't eaten.
"Sure Birdkit." She said quietly. Birdkit came over to the side Willowkit was on and laid down beside her as they tucked into the bird. Willowkit felt heat emitting from Birdkit. Is he..blushing? No, he can't be..And if he is he's probably just embarrassed. He is a skittish cat after all..Willowkit thought. Willowkit continued to eat her share of the crow slowly, cherishing each bit of it. Soon Birdkit shuffled closer to her, making Willowkit feel slightly uncomfortable. After what felt like a moon the two kits finished eating. Willowkit sat up and licked her jowl, cleaning the sweet crows blood off her lips. Birdkit sat up too.
"T-Thanks for sharing it with me Willowkit." Birdkit said quickly, getting up to drag the crows bones away. Willowkit watched him leave. She wondered what ran through the mind of him. Willowkit stayed sitting, staring at the top of the overhang in thought.

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