Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    Willowkit stayed in the nursery for the rest of the day. She was too embarrassed to show her face to her clan mates and the other clans. She still hadn't seen anything of Icekit and was beginning to get really anxious. I really hope he's ok. And I really hope he's not lost..Willowkit thought, laying in her nest.
Out of boredom, she began to stroke a feather from her nest gently with her paw. It's soft bristles somewhat soothed her anxiety.
"What's wrong Willowkit? Missing Icekit?" A voice said in front of her. One she was beginning to despise. Willowkit looked up with a blank expression. She stared at Direkit with eyes like chips of ice.
"Aw, what's wrong? Sad because your mate is gone?" He sneered. Willowkit widened her eyes and stood.
"He is not my mate Direkit. And what would you know, or care, about how I feel about him?" She hissed. Direkit took a step closer to her.
"Oh stop pretending Willowkit. I know  how much you care about him. And I know how you feel about him. But that's not what I wanted to talk about." He paused, glancing around the den. No other cats were in there beside her and him.
"What did you do to him Direkit? And what were you planning to do with that fox kit and me!?" Willowkit said.
"Oh I didn't do anything to Icekit. In fact, I haven't seen him all day. And you can guess what I was going to do with that fox kit and you." Direkit said, being sarcastic at the end. Willowkit began to get frustrated with him.
"Don't tell me you don't know where he is either?!" She said. At that moment, Icekit walked into the nursery cautiously. He seemed as though he was trying to stalk something. When he saw Willowkit and Direkit his ears flattened.
"Get away from her flea brain.." He said in a low voice. Direkits
ears pricked at his voice. Icekit must've sensed Willowkits anxiety when he walked in.
He looked at Willowkit with a sneer and whispered, "You're lucky he showed up..." Then backed away. As he turned around and passed Icekit, he stopped him with his tail.
"What did you do to her this morning, and tell the truth, Direkit." Icekit murmured. Direkit chuckled, looked at Willowkit, then rushed his way out of the den. Icekit looked like he was going to chase after him, but then changed his mind. Instead, he trotted over to Willowkit and began to frantically sniff her for injuries.
"Icekit don't worry. He didn't hurt me." Willowkit said.
"Oh thank StarClan. I would've clawed his fur off if he did." He said, coming to sit in front of Willowkit.
"I'm sorry I've been missing all day. When I woke up and saw you were gone I assumed the worst. So I snuck out to look for you." He said. Willowkit sighed with a smile residing on her muzzle.
"Thank you Icekit. You're my best friend." Willowkit said, leaning in to him and resting her head on his shoulder. She felt Icekit stiffen in surprise for a moment then he relaxed. He put his head over her shoulder too.
"You know that I was worried about you.." Willowkit admitted to him. They moved their heads away, revealing Icekits bright smile.
"You don't have to worry about me Willowkit! You can count on that." He said. Willowkit smiled warmly.
"Ok..ya' big fur ball." She teased, cuffing him over the ears. He perked his ears and his gaze sharpened.
"Oh you wanna play that game, huh?" He said, jumping to his paws. Willowkit did the same. She bolted out of the nursery with Icekit following at her paws. She zoomed through the cats in the clearing. Willowkit glanced behind her, checking if Icekit was still there. Where did he go!? She thought as she skidded to a halt. He wasn't behind her. Willowkit looked around in all directions. She saw nothing but other clan cats around her. Willowkit had no time to think when Icekit came barreling in from the crowd. He tackled her to the ground in a roll of play fight. Willowkit laughed loudly with him as they rolled around, pretending to cuff and kick at each other. The cats around them watched them, some with amusement others annoyance. In their rolling, the two hadn't realized where they had traveled.
Unfortunately, that was right into Bloodclaw.
The warrior spun around quickly and snarled at the kits who stopped playing immediately. Willowkit sat up straight beside Icekit, their pelts brushing.
"What in the name of StarClan are you doing!? Icekit, go to the nursery. I want to speak to Willowkit." At her name, the large tom slanted his eyes at her. Icekit looked at her, questioning the warrior's orders.
"Now Icekit!" He snarled in his face. Icekit flinched. He stood and looked at Willowkit before bounding off in the direction of the nursery. After he was out of sight, Bloodclaw stood. Willowkit winced in pain as Bloodclaw grabbed her by her scruff and dragged her away from the clans. He brought her just outside the camp, then dropped her at his paws.
"Get up." He said coldly. Willowkit looked at him with annoyance. She stood, shaking herself off.
"I'm not your apprentice you know, so why don't you-" Willowkit was cut off mid sentence as Bloodclaw hit her across the face with his claws sheathed. Willowkit widened her eyes in fear.
"First of all, shut your muzzle. I'm a warrior and I demand respect! Secondly, you need to watch it, Willowkit. I don't care what you and Icekit play, just don't let me see you playing or I'll rip you fur off! Us warriors have things to do, and you kits are very distracting. Not to mention, you're all at the age of being an apprentice. Maybe you should help out around here instead of acting like helpless kits.." He snarled each word with an ice cold voice. Willowkit couldn't believe what she was hearing. We only bumped into you, you mangy fur ball! Willowkit thought. She held back her harsh words, being a respectful cat.
"Why are you still here? Get lost!" Bloodclaw snarled. Willowkit walked around him to the camp entrance. As she was about to walk in, Bloodclaw bit at her back paws. Willowkit ran forward into camp with a mew of pain. She flattened her ears and spun around to face him. But to the she-cat's dismay, Bloodclaw was right behind her. His gaze was like fox teeth that clamped around her throat, keeping her from speaking. Instead Willowkit turned around and ran to the nursery.
When she blew through the entrance of the nursery like she was on fire, she accidentally barreled right into Icekit. Tumbling over in a heap of confusion and fear, Willowkit squeaked in alarm. Icekit got up quickly, standing over her.
"Willowkit! Are you alright?!" Icekit said. She was hyperventilating and was scared straight.
"Hey,'s ok Willowkit.." He said as he laid down beside her, curling his tail around her. She felt him push his muzzle to her cheek, nuzzling her gently. Willowkits breath slowed back down to normal. She rolled over to face Icekit and tucked her head under his chin. She felt Icekit blush as she twined her tail with his. His warm breath on her fur slowed her breathing and she felt safe.
"Willowkit, did he hurt you?" He asked softly. She nodded, still too choked with fear to speak. Icekit nuzzled the top of her head comforting her. Icekits effective soothing actions released the hold Bloodclaw had on her throat, and she was able to speak.
"H-He hit my face right here.." She murmured pointing to her cheek.
"And when I was walking back, he nipped at my paws." She said. Willowkit felt so helpless, complaining to her beloved Icekit. She looked up at him.
"I'm sorry Icekit, I shouldn't be complaining to you about these things..It was just a little nip and swipe. I was just scared." She said sitting up. He sat up too.
"Willowkit it's ok! You were just scared and as your best friend it's my job to make sure you feel safe. Plus, Bloodclaw shouldn't have done that." As he finished his sentence he nuzzled her cheek. Willowkit blushed.
"Oh. Yeah, you're right! Anyways, it's getting late. We should probably get to sleep." She said, smiling gently. Icekit nodded. Her and him got to their paws and went outside the nursery. The sky was a dusky purple and gray. Stars were scattered here and there, the promise of slightly warmer weather and sunshine lay ahead. Willowkit shivered, her already thick winter fur felt as though it would do nothing against icy rain.
"Hey! Icekit! Willowkit! You should come and sleep with the apprentices like the rest of the kits!" Skypaw yowled from the temporary apprentice den. Willowkit looked at Icekit.
"What harm could it do right?" She said. He smiled.
"Race you there!" He said, taking off in a flurry of dried grass and pebbles.
"You're on!" She yowled after him, taking off just as fast.

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