Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

    Icefoot prodded Willowbounce awake as she blinked open her eyes. She got her paws, shaking her pelt to wake herself up. For a moment, Willowbounce forgot about her imminent demise that was quickly approaching.
"So, what do you want to do?" He prompted. Willowbounce gazed outside into the camp. The sun was already up, but it wasn't too high. It was still just above the trees.
"Let's get some fresh-kill first, then we'll do what I have planned." She said as she padded out of the den with Icefoot beside her.
Shadedstorm was already awake and eating as well. So was Darkrose, Rainpaw and even Lilacpaw. They all waved their tails in greeting as the two neared the fresh-kill pile.
    "Shadedstorm, I'm going to be out with Willowbounce for a portion of the day, so I'll let you take over my deputy duties if your up for it." Icefoot said. Shadedstorm perked up.
    "Really? Me as a deputy?" He asked. Icefoot nodded.
    "I think you'd be a great deputy!" Icefoot said with a smile.
    "Thanks!" Shadedstorm said. Icefoot smiled in response.
    "Better watch what you say Icefoot, maybe he'll do better than you!" Strongstar teased from the high ledge. That made them all laugh, including Willowbounce. Her and Icefoot grabbed a plump rabbit to share, and after they finished eating they stood and stretched.
    "We'll be off now, bye everyone." Willowbounce said. Before she left, Willowbounce touched her nose to each of her kit's heads, even Shadedstorm, then padded away with Icefoot and not a word to follow.

    Willowbounce was leading the pair, as Icefoot padded alongside her, he stayed just a couple of pawsteps behind so she could lead. Eventually, they came to the Windclan border. As per usual, they trekked along the stream towards their willow tree. Once they arrived, they paused outside the tree. It was in full bloom, and hundreds of small flowers crowded the tendrils. Willowbounce smiled at its beauty.
    "You know that's why your name begins with 'Willow', right? Because you're so beautiful, just like a willow is." Icefoot said, padding up her side and nuzzling her cheek. Willowbounce purred, humbled by his compliment. Icefoot stepped forward now, brushing aside the tendrils with his body and then holding open an entrance with his tail. Willowbounce followed him in, feeling the tendrils close behind her as her tail passed through. Icefoot had walked over and sat down in front of the tree's trunk. Willowbounce padded over and sat beside him, wondering what he was looking at.
    "You know, this is our willow. We should mark it." Icefoot prompted.
    "How do you suppose we do that?" She asked.
    "Well, I'll take my claws and score them across like this," Icefoot said, then raising a paw and unsheathing it. He scored his claws deeply into the bark at an angle, all four of his claws leaving a distinct line.
    "Now you do it, but you move your claws across mine." He said. Willowbounce raised her paw and unsheathed her claws at full length. She forgot partially how frightening they can appear at first glance. She placed them firmly into the bark and scored them opposite of where Icefoots were. The two sets of crossing claw marks made an 'x' a couple of times.
    "See how they interweaved? It shows that we're mates, and that we are bonded deeply." He said with a smile resting on his muzzle. Willowbounce sighed happily. She nuzzled Icefoot's neck.
    "You're too cute, you know that?" She said with a mrrow. Icefoot gave her a friendly headbutt.
    "Look who's talking." He said. Willowbounce smiled a toothy smile, then padded over to the stream's edge. Icefoot followed her over and sat down beside her.

    Gazing out across the moor, Willowbounce leaned against Icefoot's shoulder affectionately. She felt him wrap his tail around her hips, so she wrapped hers around him.
    "So, why did you want to spend the whole day with me?" Icefoot asked, probably out of curiosity.
    "Well because I love you and I just wanted to spend the day with you.." She said, the words drifting out of her mouth like clouds in the sky.
    "I don't mind that one bit...Any time with you is time I cherish.." He said. Willowbounce smiled.

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