Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    In a weird way, Willowbounce felt as though she had grown closer to Shadedpaw. It always seemed like there had been something missing in their relationship, a rift of sorts. But after she had finally opened up to him about her past he seemed more closer to her. He seemed to almost understand her more, even though it wasn't particularly in words, but more his demeanor and actions. He seemed more relaxed when he was with her as well. Willowbounce knew he was probably still a bit hesitant around her though after seeing her murder two cats in the Dark Forest without hesitation.

Now Willowbounce was sitting on the branch of a tree watching Shadedpaw hunt for his final hunting assessment. The last moon of his training had come and gone, and today was the final day of his training. It was still early, and the tom would be having his final battle assessment later at sunhigh. Willowbounce was very proud of Shadedpaw, as if he were her and Icefoot's own. The tom was stalking a sparrow from behind a clump of ferns. His black fur and his white areas, even though it stands out against the ferns, Willowbounce had taught him well under her training and the tom had learned how to be quiet on his paws. He stalked it silently, keeping it in view of his good eye. After a moment of silence, Shadedpaw launched himself at the sparrow and dispatched it swiftly with a bite to it's spine. Willowbounce flicked her tail, pleased by his skill. He had to catch at least five pieces of fresh-kill, and this was his third so far. Keep going Shadedpaw, almost there. She thought as he began to search for more prey. She silently stalked after her apprentice through the trees, leaping and skimming seamlessly through the branches. Soon Shadedpaw got into the hunters positions again. She saw what he was stalking. There was a young rabbit feeding on some tall grass stalks a couple of tail-lengths away. Shadedpaw was quicker with this one, as he moved in on the rabbit faster. The tom leaped out from his spot and landed on the rabbit, swiftly killing it before giving it a chance to fight back. Only one more to go..She thought, following him through the trees once more. After a while, the tom got into the hunters crouch once again. Willowbounce couldn't see what he was stalking, so she parted her jaws to see if she could scent what he did. Ah, a mouse...She thought, the familiar scent wafting up from the ground below. Shadedpaw was very careful this time, as she had taught him to be with mice. Shadedpaw stalked through the undergrowth, narrowing in on the creature. Suddenly he rushed forward, his paws clamping down on the mouse. Willowbounce smiled, pleased by her apprentices last catch.
"Meet me at the entrance of camp." She said loudly from her branch so Shadedpaw would hear her. His head swung around in all directions, looking for the source of her voice. Willowbounce didn't give him the chance for him to find her, as she began to dart through the trees, covering ground very quickly back to camp.

Willowbounce waited patiently for Shadedpaw to arrive outside the entrance of camp. After a few heartbeats, the tom came padding through the trees with all his prey in his jaws. He placed them all down at his paws as he sat down a tail-length from her. The tom had caught a total of three mice, one rabbit and one sparrow. Willowbounce grinned.
"You've done very well, Shadedpaw. As your mentor, I am happy to announce that you have passed your final hunting assessment." She said with her chin held high in pride. Shadedpaw glowed. Willowbounce felt her heart swell with joy as she looked at her apprentice, who was well at eye level with her.
"Come on, you can rest in camp for a bit before your battle assessment at sunhigh." She said, getting to her paws. Shadedpaw gathered all his prey once again and followed her in. Once inside the camp, Shadedpaw deposited his prey and went over to Darkpaw and Tailpaw. Willowbounce decided she would spend some time with her kits, who would be made apprentices soon. She padded into the nursery. The sweet scent of milk and kits swathed around the she-cat, setting her at ease. Rainkit and Lilackit were wrestling with Larkkit and Woodkit. Willowbounce purred as she watched her daughters play fight. Lilackit had pinned Larkkit to the ground.
"Hah! I won this time Larkkit!" She said triumphantly. Larkkit mrrowed, admitting to his defeat humbly.  Rainkit was still sparring with Woodkit. The tom swiped at her legs and was making her trip. Rainkit seemed to be struggling, but Willowbounce saw an easy solution to his tactics.
"Dash to the side and leap at him." She said to Rainkit. Her daughter looked at her in surprise like she didn't know she was there. Rainkit's face became filled with determination. She dashed to the side, avoiding Woodkits swipes at her paws, then leaped on his side knocking him over. Rainkit looked surprised at what she had done. She turned to look at her mother, her eyes glowing.
"Hey, no fair! Willowbounce helped her!" Woodkit pouted. Skyfur purred from her nest, where she and Hawkwing had been watching.
"She's a very skillful warrior, Woodkit. I think you could learn a lot from her." The kits mother said. Woodkit still looked annoyed as Rainkit let him up. He shook his pelt with a huff. Willowbounces kits then padded over to greet her.
"Are you two excited to become apprentices?" She asked them after giving each of them a lick on their heads. They both nodded eagerly.
"We're gonna be so strong, we are gonna defeat Deathclan!" Lilackit said, unsheathing her claws. Willowbounce admired her courage. Rainkit nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, and then we'll get to be warriors with Darkpaw!" Rainkit purred. Willowbounce had noticed her eldest kit visiting back to the nursery here and there. I'm glad she's grown close with her kin. She thought with a flicker of compassion for her eldest daughter.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting!" A voice called out. It wasn't Strongstars, but rather it was Icefoots. Uh oh...Willowbounce thought. It can't be good if Strongstar isn't the one calling the meeting..She thought.
"Is that Icefoot? Can we go see? Please?" Lilackit pleaded while her and Rainkit gave her pleading looks. Willowbounce decided to let them come out.
"Ok, but this is a meeting, so you need to be quiet." She said, getting to her paws. Lilackit mewed with excitement and Rainkit bounced on her paws. Willowbounce was glad to see them happy, but she knew the news couldn't be good if it was Icefoot who was calling the meeting.

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