Chapter 2

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Shanya's POV

Monday 6:30 AM

His hands are around my neck dragging me on the floor. He's going to kill me; I feel the sting of the belt on my skin, and I cry out in pain. Alex is watching me but he's not helping me.

"Alex, help me!" I scream but he's just watching me, his eyes are cold. He's going to watch me die.

"Alex!" I scream but he's walking away from me.

"Shanya wake up!" someone is shaking me pulling me from my dream. I open my eyes and Ava is over me. I start crying and she pulls me into her arms but she's too late I'm having another panic attack.

She holds me until I start calming down, I look up and see that Jubba is also in the room.

"Where's Alex?" I ask him and I see the worried look on his face.

"Is he dead?" I ask and he shakes his head saying no.

"When is he coming back?" I ask but he doesn't answer.

I start bawling again as my body registers the physical pain and my heart breaks in pieces.

Tuesday 1:30 PM

"Shanya, eat." Jubba tells me as he sits on the bed forcing me to eat the food that Ava prepared.

"Where is Alex?" I ask him as the tears run down my face.

"Shanya, easy pon the crying nuh, you're killing me here." He says, running his hand over his face.

"Is he coming back to me? He promised to never leave me so he's going to come back to me, right?" I ask and use the back of my hands to wipe my tears.

"You need to eat, come open your mouth." I do as he says, and he puts a fork of mac and cheese in my mouth.

Jubba and Ava have been taking turns supervising my meals. I think they're afraid that I will end up in the hospital again. Tricia has been coming by to help with my baths and I am starting to feel better.

I have missed two days of school because my body just wasn't able. Tricia says that I can go on Thursday, but I need to take it easy. Jubba has agreed to drive me, he doesn't want me to overextend myself. Daryl has been sending me notes so I'm on track with school.

Only Tricia knows what happened, Tricia told them that I have some cramping from my period and that I need to rest. I am too embarrassed to tell anyone what really happened.

I sent Alex several messages, but he never responded to any.

Alex's Chat

Me: Alex, please come home.

Me: I'm sorry.

Me: please don't do this to me.

Me: So, you're really going to do me like this Alex?

Me: You say I'm childish, but this is beyond childish Alex.

Me: Should I leave, is that what you want? Just tell me.

Me: Alex please, I need you.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Jubba's voice pulls me from my thoughts.

"No, I want Alex." I tell him and he sighs.

"I don't want to be here without him, I love only him." I tell him and break down; he hugs me and lets me cry.

Wednesday 4:30 PM

Alex has left me; I know that for sure now. I am not doing well; the nightmares are back and I'm having frequent panic attacks. I wake up screaming for Alex with either Jubba or Ava by my side.

From Then Till Now: A Jamaican Love Story Book 2Where stories live. Discover now