Chapter 26

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Alex's POV

Friday 8:00 AM

Nya and I are cuddled up on the couch downstairs. She has been a dream with how she has handled everyone. We have a full house, all our friends except Tricia decided to stay over since we were all drinking yesterday.

I'm in awe at how she handled Jess who was hesitant and contemplated taking a taxi home.

"Jess, I would love it if you stayed, I don't feel right about you taking a taxi home. I also will not under any circumstances let Omar drive, he's a pain but he's our pain and we can't see life without him.

You came here with Omar, so we'll treat you like family. I don't know the dynamics of your relationship so I will put you in your own room with an en-suite bathroom so that you can be comfortable.

You will need clothes and that I can help with. Come, I got some new stuff recently."

I was grinning all night, I'm glad that she was here because she pulled everything and everyone together. I could never do anything like that, the words wouldn't come out right.

She got up early and came downstairs to help Ava organize breakfast even though I know she's not a fan of the kitchen.

No one is awake yet but instead of going back to bed we're snuggled up on the sofa and she's fast asleep.

I do love her.

Shanya's POV

Friday 9:30 AM

I wake up because Alex is fondling my breast. We're on the sofa and no one is up yet.

"Alex behave!" I tell him and push away his hand.

He groans and pushes his dick on my butt. I push back on him and laugh.

"Let's go upstairs or go for a drive." He whispers into my ear.

"No," I tell him.

"Shanya, don't you get tired of him? I know I do." Omar walks into the room and says.

"Fuck you!" Alex tells him and I laugh.

He slaps Alex on his foot and says, "Move yuh white foot dem."

"Dawg the amount a sofa in yah and yuh waan come siddung side a man?" Alex says, moving his feet to give Omar room.

"Don't flatter yourself Genius boy, I want to sit beside Shan." He tells Alex.

Alex groans and pulls me closer to his chest.

"Shan thank you for helping me out last night. You made Jess feel at home and I truly appreciated that." He tells me.

"Anything for you bro." I smile at him.

"Yuh coulda put her inna d same room wid mi though so mi coulda get some." He whines.

Alex bursts out laughing, and Omar slaps him on his foot.

"Mi nah laugh, Dane no stop fuck until 'bout four dis mawning, next time don't put me in a room next to Dane and Kim." He explains and Alex and I are laughing uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?" Dane enters the room and asks.

"Your marathon disturbed Omar," I tell him, still unable to get my laughter under control.

"Fucka yuh, revenge fi wah yuh used to gwaan wid a college." Dane tells Omar as he sits on the sofa across from us.

"Hi, Kim!" I say trying to get them to realise that Kim is in the room.

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