Chapter 4

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Shanya's POV

Monday 7:00 AM

I wake and Alex is wrapped around me sleeping. I inhale his scent and snuggle up to his shirtless body, I make myself forget about the hurt and enjoy his warmth. My body responds to him, my pussy is getting wet, and I can feel his manhood pressing against my butt.

I'm tempted to push back on him, but I won't be controlled by my body when my heart and mind is in so much pain. I feel safe, I missed him, but I can't get lost in this feeling.

I move from under him and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and step into the shower. I hear when he comes into the bathroom, and I can feel him watching me. I turn around and meet his gaze.

He doesn't say anything and neither do I, we just look at each other. I can't read his eyes, he's guarded. I continue washing my body not taking my eyes off him, my body wants him, I can feel the pull, but I will not give in. I turn my back to him and continue with my shower. I can still feel his eyes on me as he brushes his teeth and then leaves.

I come out of the shower, dry my body, and wrap the towel around me. I walk into the bedroom and Alex is in bed watching me. I have gotten used to Alex always watching me and I normally love how attentive he is but right now I don't like it.

There is too much tension in this space, there's anger, pain, hurt but most of all there's that sexual energy that has always existed between us. It's like our bodies have forgotten what transpired over the last four weeks. All my body wants to do is reunite with its mate, If I don't leave this room, I am going to do something that I will surely regret.

I move to my suitcase to find something to put on. I take out my clothes and put them on the bed. I pull the towel and make eye contact with Alex who is still watching me. My nipples are hard and I'm sure he can see the moisture between my legs. I put on my bra and thong then walk back into the bathroom giving him a view of my ass.

I put on deodorant and brush my hair, taking deep breaths to get my horniness under control. I head back into the bedroom and pull on my pants and white t-shirt. My Crocs is downstairs, I'll wear that instead of looking for shoes.

I close the suitcase, take up my makeup bag and go back into the bathroom. I put on light makeup to hide the fact that I've been crying. I use lip gloss instead of lipstick on my lips.

I walk back into the room and Alex is still on the bed watching me.

"Can we talk?" I hear him ask.

"About what?" I ask in response. I don't know how my voice is so calm when my heart is beating so fast.

"What" He tells me and I shake my head.

"The time for talking was a month ago when you left me." I respond.

"Baby I am sorry." he says closing his eyes.

"It took you one month to figure that out?" I ask him.

"Baby please." He begs.

"Please what Alex? I begged you like a fool to come home, and you didn't even acknowledge me!" I shout angrily, pulling up the handle on my suitcase.

"Baby, I didn't see your messages until almost a week later and by then I was too ashamed to face you." He tells me and I can't believe what I am hearing.

"You don't deserve to call me baby, you left me for dead and never looked back. You have all right to be ashamed. How could you treat me like that? Obviously, I was a random fuck to you because there's no way you could treat your girlfriend like that."

From Then Till Now: A Jamaican Love Story Book 2Where stories live. Discover now