Chapter 3

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Shanya's POV

Sunday 3:40 PM

Alex is standing in front of me and I'm frozen, he looks good dressed in full black as always. I blink several times, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me because I was just thinking about him.

Ok, he hasn't disappeared so he must be real, he's watching me. I want to run into his arms, I missed him, I also want to kill him for hurting me like that.

I start walking forward, I place my makeup bag on top of the suitcase and continue walking towards the man standing at the door.

I reach in front of him and slap him hard across his face. His face turns red, but he doesn't retaliate.

"You left me!" I scream at him.

"You broke me and left me!" I scream at him and slap him again. He doesn't move and I break down crying.

He wraps his arms around me, and I shake off his hands and scream "Don't fucking touch me!"

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again!" I sob "Get out, I have one day left in this house so leave!" I push him backwards and shut the door.

I crawl into the bed and all the progress I made is now down the drain. I cry uncontrollably until my chest burns. I feel him behind me, he pulls me to him, and I don't have the strength to push him off.

"Shanya please stop crying." He begs but I can't help how hurt I am.

"You left me." I tell him still crying.

"I'm sorry Shanya, stop crying."

"You never cared about me, you left like I meant nothing." I tell him.

I am drained, I find myself drifting off to sleep.

Alex's POV

Shanya is finally asleep, I hold her close. I know I hurt her and if I could take it back I would, but I can't.

I knew today was her last day here, I couldn't let her leave. When Jubba called to tell me that he had gotten her car serviced and taken it to her because she was moving out, I knew I had to come back to her.

The day I left I regretted it the moment I stepped on the plane. I shouldn't have left her like that, but things were already set in motion.

I went to my father's house and even though I was happy to see him I just couldn't hide the pain I was going through.


"Son, I've given you enough time, now tell me what the hell is going on." My father is sitting across from me at the breakfast table. I didn't even see when he sat down, I'm out of it, I miss Shanya.

I've been here for three days now, and the days are all a blur. I haven't spoken to anyone in Jamaica, and I know I should turn on my phone, but I can't.

"Alexander, now!" My head flies back up at the sound of that no-nonsense tone. He hasn't used this tone with me in years and it pulls me out of my mental funk.

"What was that Pop?" I ask for clarity.

"What's wrong with you Alexander?" He asks, holding my stare.

"Shanya." I say and he nods.

"What did you do boy?" He asks and I try to get my thoughts in order.

"She went out and danced with her ex, I got jealous, we had a huge argument and I left without telling her." I skipped over the sex details. I don't want him to see my girl in that humiliating light or know the monster that I am.

From Then Till Now: A Jamaican Love Story Book 2Where stories live. Discover now