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As the people of Inazuma gathers infront of the Tenshukaku, Ei nervously fidgets her fingers. She is hoping that her people will accept the decision she will be making. Although hard, she still needs to do it.

"Almighty Shogun, the people are all gathered infront of the castle and they seem to be waiting for you ." One of her guards informed as she re-attaches her hair pin.

She nods as she makes her way out of the door, facing the people of Inazuma with a smile. The people cheers for her appearance, with some even whistling and blowing bubbles at her.

She took a deep breath that silence everyone. This is it. Time to face and tell the truth to her subordinates.

"Greetings, people of Inazuma. This past few years was tough for us, especially you people. From the vision hunt decree, the war against the resistance, and the uprising of the abyss order. I would like to say sorry on behalf of what happened. As your guardian deity and ruler, I am honored to serve you all. But now, I think it's time to bring change in this nation. Eternity....eternity is not always the answer to every problems. We can't avoid deaths and illness. We need to embrace the upcoming change for the next century. With that said, I would like to announce my retirement as your guardian deity and ruler. Thank you." With that, Ei took off her shoulder pads and the pendant hanging from her waist.

After the retirement of Inazuma's archon, change was starting to blossom. Trades are more evident noe as the Sakoku decree was lifted. The nation became prosperous. Kujou Sara also has stepped down as the general of the Shogun's army.

While Inazuma was thriving, Ei decided to create something that will symbolize change in Inazuma. Not a puppet vessel, but a human being created from her remaining power. This being was named Raiden Kosuke. Ei wanted to rest and so informed the other archons about her decision and how she was happy about it.

On the process of making such a marvelous creation. Ei decided to give Kosuke free will to explore anything he desires. She also transferred her memories on to him, basically merging her and the creature's mind and ideal. Although a lack of heart, she modeled him after the very first prototype she made, with a hint of her late sister's emotion of love. Of course, she wouldn't go without blessing the creature her bravery and skills.

At last, after careful thinking and decision making, Kosuke was completed. I, as a fox envoy, was tasked to look after the creature. Ei also bid farewell to me but reminded me that she will always be here as the creature she made.

A century had passed and Kosuke was ready to be introduced as the new ruler of Inazuma. Guiding him, we went out of the castle to face the people who is eagerly waiting for their new ruler.

They cheered as soon as they saw the fair lad's face that resembles Ei herself. And so, the story of Kosuke is told. The son of thunder himself.

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