Chapter 19

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Kusanali and Kosuke are both waiting for Scaramouche's arrival. The sages were already instructed to keep the people safe by relocating them in the jungle.

"Do you need my help?" Kusanali asked as she looks at Kosuke worriedly.

The young archon smiles at her before shaking his head. He then told Kusanali to wait and guide the mortals in the jungle. The goddess hesitated to leave at first, but then decided to leave Kosuke's personal problem to him.

Kosuke takes deep breath as he smells the impending danger. Endo on the other hand, stands beside his determine master. Kosuke slides the horn back in between his hair tie to secure it down.

Suddenly, the sky changes as lightning and thunder was heard. He's here. Kosuke takes out his naginata as he waits for Scaramouche to appear.

And at last, after waiting patiently, the Balladeer stood infront of him. But he has no soldiers whatsoever beside him. Scaramouche smirks as he looks at Kosuke under his big hat.

"So you were still alive when I took you down, huh?" Scaramouche said in a pissed off tone as he see Kosuke all alive and well.

"What can you expect, brother? I have a more robust system than you." He answers back while holding his naginata tighter.

The Balladeer then proceeds to laugh maniacally before summoning his scythe. He then dashes towards Kosuke with no hesitation. Kosuke dodges Scaramouche's attacks by blocking his scythe using his own weapon.

Endo rushes in to help him by shooting arrows towards Scaramouche's place. But the Balladeer's instinct was strong as he quickly knock Endo out with a lethal strike of lightning.

Kosuke on the other hand scrunches his brows before kicking Scaramouche on the back when he saw him distracted. That created a separation between them.

"I want you gone!" Scaramouche screamed as he swings his scythe in attempt to decapitate Kosuke. But the young archon evades them with ease.

Kosuke then blocks the scythe before using his raw power to create another space between them. Scaramouche grows frustrated as time went by without wounding the young archon severely.

"Why can't you stay down for a lot longer?!" Scaramouche said in frustration as he summons a storm cloud above them that rains in lightning.

Kosuke dodges those bolts before deflecting the one coming straight to him. When he turns to the side, the Balladeer was already gone. Knowing that this is one of his mind games, Kosuke opens his eyes attentively to catch any unsuspecting blows from the puppet.

Suddenly, Scaramouche comes out of nowhere, speeding towards Kosuke. The young archon reacted quickly, but the Balladeer is already ready to swing his scythe.

"No!" Endo screams before jumping in to push Kosuke out of the way. The young archon landed on his back as he watches the scythe cut deeper into the general's body, creating a deep wound.

Kosuke was shocked upon seeing the bloody sight of the tengu general laying lifeless on the ground. He balls up his fist before charging towards Scaramouche. The Balladeer then was caught off guard with the quick strike from Kosuke's tachi, creating a powerful explosion of energy.

He was about to strike Scaramouche again when the Balladeer escapes using the gnosis. The rage inside Kosuke's body slowly subsiding before turning around to see Kusanali cradling up the dying general.

He quickly rushes towards the general, crouching down to check on him. The wound inflicted by the scythe was so deep, it causes Endo to lose so much blood.

"You got to stay awake, Endo! Don't you dare shut those eyes!" Kosuke screams as he tries to control his tears.

But the general just gave him a soft smile before cupping his cheeks. He felt him caress his face before letting his tears roll down his fair face.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I wouldn't be able to witness your glory when you reclaim your throne back. I love you." Those were Endo's dying words before he decided to take his eternal nap.

Kosuke shuts his eyes as he holds his general's hand tightly. If only time would stay still. Maybe the eternity that Ei was chasing was the true eternity. Unchanging and never fleeting. He vows to himself that he will not allow any more loss. He will take down the culprit and show Scaramouche why he is the true ruler of thunder.

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