Chapter 22

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The next morning, Kosuke woke up feeling a lot better. That is if you put it into his own meaning of "better". He recalls everything that happened in that strange dream. He was about to call for Endo and then reality hits him.

"Right. It's only me from now on." He sighs before standing up from the patch of grass he rested in.

He looks around the area, starving for food. Upon spotting an apple from a nearby tree, he immediately sprint towards it, grabbing it as he takes a bite from it.

"I have a final training with Morax today." He mumbles before walking away from the spot.

He doesn't feel like talking to anyone right now. Although he knows that it'll make everyone confused and worried, he is just doing what is according to his new adapted lifestyle.

He leaves the border of Sumeru, making his way to the passage towards Lisha. When he was about to make a turn, a Fatui agent stops him.

He drops the apple core on the ground, stomping it before summoning his tachi right away. The agent uses his cloaking ability, but Kosuke is quick to slice through the agent's body, making his fall to the ground with his head resting right beside him.

"Next time, if you want to execute me. Do it in the quickest way." He said to the corpse before using his power to ride the electro discharge and teleport straight to their agreed place. Guyun Stone Forest.

Upon reaching the spot, he immediately spotted Zhongli sitting on a rock, looking at the distant sea. He approaches the Lord of Geo, which totally felt his presence as well.

"Not going to approach Murata and the Tsaritsa?" Zhongli asked before standing up, summoning his spear as he prepares for their duel.

"I just want to finish this. I still have someone waiting for my arrival back in Inazuma." Kosuke said in a cocky way. Zhongli stops for a moment before shrugging the thoughts.

"Then let's begin."

Kosuke charges in first, doing his best to land a hit on the other Archon's body. But due to his countless experiences with battles, Zhongli easily dodges those attacks.

Zhongli then uses the back end of his spear to push and reposition Kosuke right infront of him. Kosuke looks at him with a smirk before dusting himself off. He then charges again, but this time, infusing his sword with electro, making his move in lightning speed.

Zhongli noticed the weird pattern in Kosuke's attack. A pattern where instead of falsely hitting them with a blunt hit, it was more of a real one. Zhongli shrugs it off again before hitting Kosuke on his leg, tripping and reminding him that it's just a duel.

Kosuke catches himself with his arm, propelling himself up into the sky. The clouds turns grey and dark as rain starts pouring in. Now Zhongli knows that something is up. He thought that Kosuke is now using his power to end the duel. So Zhongli uses his own power as well by creating himself a durable shield.

Kosuke noticed this and clicked his tongue. He went back down to the ground before executing multiple slashes in order to break Zhongli's shield. The Lord of Geo summons a pillar that not only blocks Kosuke's attacks, but also launches him into the air with such force.

"Now this is getting interesting." The voice inside Kosuke's head said before channeling insane amount of electro to his body.

The once bluish hue of lightning has turned red as Zhongli watches in concern. When the ball of light disappeared, it reveals a different looking Kosuke.

His hair has grown longer, the purple beam on his eyes are now intense, and the most notable feature of them all are the pair of crimson colored horns protruding out from his head.

Kosuke descends down to the ground, holding his tachi as he smiles wickedly at Zhongli. The Lord of Geo was too busy to even notice that Kosuke has charged his blade up. With one clean cut from his sword, the once unbreakable shield has shattered into pieces upon contact with Kosuke's blade.

This produced a huge shockwave that launched them. Zhongli hits the mountain, slightly making him dizzy. When he managed to stand up, Kosuke suddenly wraps his hand around Zhongli's neck.

The look on Kosuke's eyes where different. This is no gentle, kind and bubbly Kosuke. This one is a powerful and scary incarnation of thunder himself. The true form of the Electro Archon.

"K-Kosuke..." Zhongli tries to speak but his throat is literally being crushed by Kosuke.

When he reaches for the lad's face, everything went back to normal. Kosuke's horns disappear and his hair went back to its shorter length. Kosuke immediately drops Zhongli, looking at him with a terrified expression.

Zhongli was about to say something when Kosuke immediately runs away from him and made his way straight to Inazuma. When he regains his strength, Zhongli looks at the distance Kosuke took off.

"That look in his eyes. It's familiar yet dangerous. Kosuke, was that really you?"

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