Chapter 8

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The Crux fleet arrives at Liyue harbour, with Wei leading the crew out to take the crates off the ship.

Kosuke and Endo were escorted out of the ship and into an inn where they are staying until the problems in Inazuma is resolved.

Now in incognito, they introduced themselves as close friends of their current archon, Zhongli. The inn ladies lend them a room to share where the clothes are all available for them to wear.

"If you excuse us, we will get the Lord of Geo here for a talk." One of the maidens said before leaving the room.

Kosuke looks at himself infront of the mirror, inspecting any scratches and damage to his frail porcelain like body. He threw his old Shogunate uniform after being dressed.

"Shogun-sama, what are we supposed to do now? We can't hide here forever. We need a plan to take down Scaramouche." Endo said as he looks outside the window, closing it to avoid any onlookers to spot them.

Kosuke takes his tachi out of his chest, setting it down the table. It is unscathed and still sharp as ever. The purple glow of the sword symbolizes his life, still on going and well.

"I will let the Balladeer run around with the gnosis longer. Then we will take him down. And I will not hold back." Kosuke vows before hiding his tachi again.

A faint knock was heard from their door, Endo looks at Kosuke before carefully checking who it was. The general opens the door upon knowing that it was the Lord of Geo itself.

"Baal? What are you doing here? And what happened?" Zhongli asked before entering the room. Endo excused himself before leaving the two alone.

"Kosuke, Morax." He corrected him. "The Nation of Inazuma has been taken over by a Fatui going by the name 'Scaramouche'." Kosuke explains.

Zhongli nods as he takes a seat on the small coffee table near the bed. Kosuke sits right infront of him, bowing his head before he started breaking down.

"It's okay if you feel bad about not protecting the nation you love. But you have to remember, you are a god. You are brought into this world to eliminate the threats to your ideal." Zhongli said as he tries to comfort the young god. He then noticed the accessory on Kosuke's hair.

He leans in to take a closer look before nodding, completely knowing the story behind it.

"The accessory you are wearing in your head is the horn of the true God of Thunder. Before Baal, the archon war, and the gnosis, one being is responsible for the storms and thunder that hails over Teyvat. She goes by the name 'Raiden.'" Zhongli said as he recalls the story of a deity that once held possession of the horn worn by Kosuke.

The young god looks at his senior, waiting for him to continue the story. Zhongli sees this as an opportunity to share the story.

"Raiden is a fair lady. Long purple hair, tall stature and beauty. But one thing is noticable on this deity. Her horns. It is thought that she is the roots where the oni clan came from. But during her reign as the supreme deity, the Sustainer challenged her. And with that, she lost her life. Her other horn was destroyed, while the other was lost into the sea. Later on, Baal found this horn and hid it from the world. And it seems like she already handed it over to you. I wonder if you will grow out horns too when you reach your full potential." Zhongli wonders as he takes a sip from his tea cup.

Kosuke wipes his tears, clearly getting enlightened by the tale told by Morax himself. He knows that he has the wisdom to guide him. When he was about to ask for advice, the door was suddenly knocked open by a strong gush of wind.

Zhongli heaves a deep sigh as the room is filled with laugher that is brought in by the wind. Kosuke was confused as dandelions started falling from the ceiling.

"Seems like you two are having a chat without me. Ehe!" 

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