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973 A.D.

Four-year-old Aurora tossed and turned in bed, gripping the sheets of her bed, her hands emitting solar energy which burned the blankets. This has happened various times before, her nightmares.


"No" Aurora shakily said as she sat with her knees up to her chest in the city square of Asgard. The people around her, her people, were running with fear around her. Trying to escape the solar energy she was emitting.

The sun in the sky was flickering, going along to the beating of her heart. Aurora was trying to stop, trying to get in control of her powers, but how could she? She was four, she didn't have control. Despite her parents' attempt to help her, nothing worked. And now her people were paying the price.

Aurora yelled when she felt her power grow. The heat growing, the destruction she was causing. And she couldn't stop. Aurora shrinked into a small little ball and then all at once released her energy, destroying all of Asgard.



Aurora sat up in a fright, shooting out her heat vision which threw her big brother back. "Ow."

Aurora breathed heavily from her nightmare as she looked down at her bedsheets. Burned to a crisp. 5th time this month. "Are you okay?" Loki asked his little sister with worry as he got to his feet and went to her.

Aurora nodded shakily, staring down at her hands, seeing the flashes of her nightmare. "Yeah."

Loki didn't believe her and climbed on the bed, sitting down and patting the space next to him and Aurora snuggled over. "I had the nightmare again."

"The nightmare?"

"The nightmare."

Loki sighed and smoothed out his sister's hair to help her stop her shaking. It pained him and his family to see her like this. Unlike Thor and Loki, their sister didn't have much control of her abilities. Thor was the God of Thunder, but unlike his sister he did shoot lightning straight out of his hands or eyes. Aurora however did. Thor was going to be given a hammer to channel his power when he got older, but Aurora didn't have one. Their parents were actually planning a visit to Nevidalr to have one made for her.

"You know what'll cheer you up?" Loki questioned Aurora who looked up. "What?"

"Pranking our big brother Thor."

Aurora's sad little pout turned into a fully happy one. "Really?"

Loki nodded. "Let's. Go change."

Aurora quickly hurried out of bed, feeling 10 times better then when she did a few seconds ago. They were going to prank Thor, that can bring a smile to anyone's faces no matter how bad their day was.

She quickly changed into a white dress, putting on her sun amulet that her father got her for her birthday. Aurora rushed out of her changing stand and jumped up and down with excitement. "Ready!"

Loki smiled and used his magic to turn himself into a snake. "Ew!" Aurora shrieked with disgust and wonder. She walked over and picked him up, shuddering a bit at how cold and weird it felt.


She broke into a run, holding onto her brother who was flying in the air as she ran to go find her big brother. Loki felt like he wanted to hurl as his sister ran with him, and he flew around like a flag.

Aurora skidded to a stop when she heard her brother's voice in the garden and poked her head around the corner to double check he was there and there she saw her older brother Thor.

"Good luck." Aurora whispered to Loki as she let him down. While he snaked his way to Thor she ran for cover. While she knew from her parents that one of her abilities once she was able to master it would be to turn herself invisible, she had to hide behind some bushes because she couldn't do that just yet no matter how much she wanted to. It would make pranking her big brother easier.

Loki slithered his way to Thor and Thor, who just noticed the snake lit up. "Mother!" Thor yelled out as he picked the snake up. "Look, it's a snake! Can I keep it?"

Loki quickly changed back into himself and stabbed Thor in the arm. Loki laughter as Thor let out a shrilling girly scream. Aurora broke into laughter, falling onto the grass as she let the laughs out. "What is going on here?" Came Frigga's concerned voice which made the laughing from both siblings stop.

"Loki hurt me." Thor told their mother as she took his arm and looked at the wound. "Loki Odinson!" Frigga exclaimed. "Aurora, come out wherever you are!" Frigga called out knowing Loki's little partner in crime was hiding somewhere in the bushes.

Aurora snuck out of the bushes and hid behind her brother. "Yes mother?"

"What do you too have to say for yourselves?" Frigga asked as she cleaned up her eldest son. Loki defended his little sister. "Rory didn't do anything. It was all me."

Frigga couldn't help but give Loki a small smile at him defending his little sister who hid behind him like he was a shield. She finally let out a sigh, "Alright. You aren't in trouble but apologize to your brother."

Loki and Aurora nodded, and both turned to their brother. "We're sorry."

Thor had his little arms crossed and looking between the two of them. "I forgive you- if you two follow me around and do whatever I say for the next 24 hours."

Loki and Aurora's mouths dropped. "No!" They said simultaneously. Thor held up a hand, "I won't forgive you then."

Frigga watched amuse as her children bickered. How could she have been blessed with three amazing children? Albeit by the time they get into their teens her hair could go white. "Mommy Thor's being ludicrisis!" Aurora exclaimed as she tugged on her mother's dress.

Frigga smiled at her daughter's mispronunciation of the word 'ludicrous.' "Now you two heard your brother. Unless you two want to help scrub barnacles off the ships."

Thor turned to his siblings who were exchanging glances debating on whether to follow Thor around or scrub Barnacles off a ship. They've seen it be done before, not pretty. "We'll follow Thor." Loki grumbled defeated.

Thor smiled victoriously. "Then follow me!" Thor whirled around and marched, literally marched, into the palace.

Aurora let out a small whine, putting her hand to her forehead and falling down on the grass dramatically. "Oh Loki, what have we done?"

"I do not know, dear sister."


"So, this will help me control my powers?" Aurora asked her parents as she stared at the little ring.

It was a golden band with a jewel at its center, in the shape of a sun no less. Odin nodded. "Etri called it the ring of Sol. It will help you channel and control your powers. Aurora frowned at the ring. "This?"

Frigga nodded. "It's not just a ring. It can turn into a staff." Aurora beamed. "Really?" She looked down at the ring with wonder. "How?"

"It's simple." Odin told his daughter. "You just need to concentrate." Aurora took a breath and closed her eyes, concentrating as hard as she could. She could feel the power coursing through her, and channeled it through her ring which suddenly glowed and grew into a gold staff, the sun jewel as its tip. It was about her size, glowing a bright yellow hue. Aurora opened her eyes and gasped as she was suddenly being lifted off the ground. "I'm flying!"

Both parents smiled and grabbed her legs to pull her down to the ground. "Yes you can." Aurora giggled as she concentrated again and the staff went back to its ring form. "So does that mean I won't have any nightmares?" Aurora asked both her parents.

The last thing she wanted was to have more nightmares now that she had a means to control her powers. Odin bent down to her level and shook his head. "No. The more you learn control, the more those nightmares will slip away." Her fathers words made Aurora smile.

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