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Nat and I cheered whilst Clint slumped into the couch defeated. We were at a hotel room in the part of the city that wasn't affected by everything that happened. Bruce was staying the night at STARK tower, Steve at his own apartment and Thor was at the Helicarrier where they were holding Loki. Just in case he tried anything.

I pushed the Jenga pieces back onto the table before they could drop to the ground. Yes, we were playing Jenga. It's a fun game, also the only one we could get in short notice. It's our thing. Board games after a rough day at work.

"I'm off to bed." Clint yawned as he rose from the couch.

"He admits defeat!" Clint shook his head appalled. "No, I don't." Nat and I exchanged looks. "Yes, you do."

"Hey I am tired. That's why I'm not on my A-game."

"Do you even have one?" I coughed under my breath. Clint glared and I sent him an innocent smile. "I have been mind controlled for the past four days. Okay? Now I'm going to bed." He took his phone and marched off in the direction of the bedroom.

"Well, he's cranky." Nat started to put the Jenga pieces away while I cleaned up the bags of junk food. We had shawarma earlier, it's really good. But after the day we had it still wasn't enough to fill us.

"Tomorrow we're all meeting at the park to see your brothers off, right?" At the mention of that I froze. We were all meeting up tomorrow at central park to escort my brothers back home. My father sent me here on a mission, and since we're bringing the Tesseract back home, I'm afraid I'm going back as well. I dropped the trash bag and opened the hotel balcony sliding door. The city was in the process of cleaning up, but from up here, it still looked the same.

"You alright?" asked Nat. I nod as I overlooked the city. "I'm fine."

I heard her footsteps and felt her next to me. "Spill."

"Nothing. It's just, now that Loki is captured and we're taking the Tesseract home I think I'm going to."

"Do you want to?"


"Then why do you think you have to?"

I sighed. "Because" I turned to look at her. "My whole life I have played my role to perfection. I've been the perfect princess, the perfect warrior, the perfect sister and the ideal daughter. All to please my father. And when I wanted to come here for start fresh it turns out I was still pleasing him."

"Then leave the nest. Your dad can't control your actions.

You'd be surprised. Nat leaned on the balcony and looked out to the city. "You said when we met that you came here for independence. To escape the things Loki has done."

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