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I stood with Kilorn, crossed arms as we watched my brother toss the dining room table in anger.

"That was perfectly good food!" I scolded as Thor stormed off to sit down. I tossed some food at him, and he just slapped it back with anger.

"Grapes, I'm assuming?" Kilorn asked as he found a clean and undamaged plate. "You know it." Kilorn smiled as he handed me the plate and looked to find a grape vine.

Kilorn has been my friend for the longest time. Sure, Sif, Hogun, Fandral and Volstagg are my friends as well, but they were more Thor and Loki's friends. To me they were more like my older brothers and Sif, the older sister I never had.

And how I wish.

"Found some!" Kilorn exclaimed and stood up victoriously holding up a grape vine. "My hero."

I giggled as he pulled one off the vine and tossed it to me, and I caught it with my mouth.

"What's this?" questioned Volstagg he and the rest of our friends entered. "Redecorating, are we?"

"Mhm-Thor's mad," I explained lightly as I backed away from Kilorn and kept my mouth open waiting for the next grape. He tossed it and I barely caught it, having to dive down.

"I told you they'd cancel it." Hogun said. Fandral laughed I told you they'd cancel it. "We thought that was just you being your normal cheery self."

"-and he wasted perfectly good food." Kilorn said to them as I went back to Kilorn' s side and snatched the vine from him. Volstagg looked at the food tossed on the floor distraught.

"All this food -- so innocent, cast to the ground. It breaks the heart!"

"It's a huge waste!" I exclaimed.

"I mean, I spent how many hours making arrangements?" I asked Kilorn since the time was lost on me and clearly by the look on his face it was lost on him as well since he had helped, or how he'll put it was forced to.

"Several hours."

"Several hours! Making arrangements and Kilorn helping me with-"

"Forced to help." Kilorn corrected and I jabbed my elbow into his side for that, "helping me with the decorations and-" I motioned to Sif, "making you say goodbye to your weapons!"

"Not my favorite moment."

"That's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders!" Thor yelled at Loki, and everyone looked at them.

"Thor, it's madness," argued Loki.

I frowned and popped my lips. "Madness? What's madness?"

"We're going to Jotunheim." Thor answered.

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