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。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚☆

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。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚☆

I caught up to my brothers when Thor landed somewhere out in the European mountains.

Thor pointed his hammer at Loki when I landed, and he was clearly angry. It didn't take a genius to see that. "Thor what the bloody hell do you think you're doing!" I yell at my big brother when I touch down next to him. I put my scepter away, slipping the ring into my finger. "You can't just burst in the plane and take him!"

"Well, you aren't just going to give him to me." Thor countered. That was very true. If it wasn't for the fact, he was in the avenger's initiative, an ally and my brother SHIELD would be all over him, tossing him into a cell.

I crossed my arms at him, trying to stay serious at the gravity of this situation but when he smiled that all too familiar smile, I couldn't help myself and smiled as well.

"It's good to see you sister." Thor said with a mighty chuckle as he embraced me. I laughed in delight, my mood changing as I hugged him tight. I needed this. "You have no idea how good it is to see you." I haven't seen him in over a year, at least not physically. The last time I hugged him or smelled that Asgardian on him was when I left home. I missed it, and him.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Loki trying to sneak away. The little basted. I raised my hand in his direction, sending a blast his way, not enough to kill him but enough to burn him when he tried running. He leaped a foot in the air and fell back down with pain since the blast hit him in his behind.

"You know that is no way to treat your big brother." He scolded. Thor and I parted, and I gaped at Loki. He did not just- "Where is the Tesseract?" Thor demanded, storming towards him.

Loki laughed falsely. "I've missed you both too."

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!" Thor boomed.

"Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here?" Loki pointed to me. "To send you here. Your precious Earth."

Thor drops mjölnir which causes the mountain to quake with its weight. Thor picks Loki up by the collar of his suit. "We thought you dead."

"Did you mourn?" Loki asked.

"We all did." Thor replied. "Our father-"

Loki cut him off and corrected him. "Your father." I rolled my eyes, this again. "He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?" Thor dropped Loki, who walks away from us, causing an even bigger wedge of space. He knows he did.

"We grew up together. We were raised together," Thor said in a pleading tone. "We played together, we fought together."

"You read me stories and pranked Thor to cheer me up!" I added. They were some of the best memories I had with him. "Do you remember none of that?"

"I remember a shadow," Loki yelled, aggravated as he turned back to us. "Living in the shade of Thor's greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss." He yelled in fit of fury. "I was and should be king!"

Why are men so stubborn? "So, you take the world we love as recompense for your imagined slights. No, the Earth is under our protection, Loki."

Loki simply laughed. "And you're doing a marvelous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves, while you idly threat. I mean to rule them. And why should I not?"

I scowled at him. The humans might do that, they might fight each other but they're human. They are a growing species. And that's what they need to continue doing. "Loki, you see yourself above them."

"Well, yes." Loki said as if it was obvious. "Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother." Thor said. "Throne would suit you ill."

Loki angrily shoved him back, walking up to the ledge of the cliff. God I should be taking him back to the Quinjet right now, but something isn't letting me.

"I've seen worlds you've never known about!" Loki told us. "I have grown, Odinsons, in my exile!" I raised an eyebrow. Exile? That's what he wants to call it? An exile? We thought he was dead. 'I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it-"

I had enough about him and cut him off. "And what!? Who or what told you about it?" Loki, Thor and I were there when our rather sent the tesseract down to earth. Sure, he told us about it, but he never told us about its power. Loki has clearly had help from someone over the past 2 years who has not only told him about it but given him a weapon beyond anything I've ever seen. "Who controls the would be king?!"

"I am a king!"

"Always and Forever!" I spoke up. Loki stopped in his tracks. "That's what we promised each other. That no matter which one of us got the throne, no matter whatever problem, crisis or argument we had we would always be family."

The tears began to spring in my eyes. I hated to say the following words, but they were the truth. "You broke that promise." Loki whirled around in anger. "I did nothing of the sort!"

"You didn't?" Thor questioned in disbelief. "You tried killing us, almost destroyed Jothieum and you have the nerve to say you didn't break it?"

"We made that promise when we were kids! Over a thousand years ago!"

"That doesn't change anything!" I yelled. "Whether or not our promise is a thousand or a million years old it still doesn't change the fact that you broke it."

I couldn't tell whether my brother was experiencing the same pain I was. Our promise is one of the best things the three of us ever did back when we would bicker all the time. Loki and I always knew Thor would be king, I know the circumstances have changed. Loki was adopted, he did try to destroy Jotunheim, and almost killed us but it hurts to see that he doesn't see himself as one of us because he was. Our brother.

Loki looked up at us. "Our promise is void." I took a step back at what he said, not expecting it whatsoever. "We are not family."

It's like my heart just broke and shattered to a million pieces when he said that. Loki has said a lot of hurtful things before, but nothing like this.

Thor grabbed his coat in anger at his words while I stayed glued to my spot, processing what he had said. "Another one of your lies. Give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! You come home."

Loki smiled lightly, a trick. "I don't have it." Thor let him go in anger and summoned his hammer to him and I summoned a ball of energy. I can't deal with his words right now, finding the Tesseract comes first before our family drama.

"You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off. I know not were."

I groaned in despair. "That's it! I've had enough! Loki, where the hell is Clint!" He raised a mocking eyebrow. "Who?"

"Clint Barton." I reminded him. "The marksman you turned into your minion, where is he?!" I demanded with anger as the light in my palm grew stronger. "And Erik Selvig. I want them both back unharmed."

"Ah you see I don't know." I growled at him as I summoned another ball of light in the palm of my other hand as Thor stormed up to him. "You listen well, brother. I..." I gasped, putting out my fists when the iron man suits tackled Thor off the side of the mountain and prevented him from finishing.

Loki leaned forward jokingly. "I'm listening." I looked down from the mountain, seeing Tony and Thor land in the forest.

What in the bloody hell is he doing?

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