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I plant my feet on the ground as tur Bi-frost dropped down us down in what looked like a desert plain. We clamber to our feet as the Bifrost quickly recedes, the hole in the sky closing behind it.

The Bifrost runes cover the desert sand around us. "Thanks, Heimdall!" I yelled up into the sky since he could hear me.

"He must have landed nearby." Kilorn said as we looked around. "It's time to put our tracking skills to work. Spread out. Check the sand for indentations of his boot prints."

"The winds would have blown them away by now. We should look for signs of a campfire."

"Or-" I suggested as I pointed off into the distance at what looked like a town where we could see signs of civilization, also where Hogun was already walking to. "It's the closest thing around here."

"Or we could do that." Kilorn agreed.

We walked towards the town and once we reached it didn't take long for the humans to give us looks. I suppose it's how we're dressed, no one else is dressed like they're about to go to battle.

"Is it just me, or does Earth look a little different to you?" Volstagg questioned us and I gave a shrug.

"It doesn't look all too different. The last time I'd been here the people said it was the 70's. Or was it the 80's?"

"No, I think it was the 70's." Kilorn corrected me since I came here with him. It was to help Loki blend in with the humans because he lost a bet to our brother, and he had to come down here and cause mischief. Kilorn and I took the opportunity to explore. Oh, I wonder if chocolate still exists.

We walked through the town and in one building called "Smith Motors." The building had clear walls and through them we saw my brother with three other people. "Look!" I exclaimed and pointed over.

We all rushed over and banged on the glass. "Found you!" Volstagg exclaimed.

My brother and his friends looked over; their jaws dropped as we opened the door. "Aurora!" I ran to Thor first before the rest and threw my arms around him. "Oh, I missed you!" I exclaimed as I embraced him tightly.

I pulled away from him and looked down at his clothes. "Look at you!" He looked so human.

Thor laughed and brought me back into a hug. "I missed you very much."

"Hey what about us?!" Fandral asked from behind and Thor and I parted and let them exchange hugs. "My friends!"

Thor happily races over and greets his comrades while the people in the room stare at us in wonder. "Oh, excuse me," Volstagg directed to Thor's new friends when he saw the stares. "Lady Sif and the warriors three." He introduced. Fandral and Hogun waved. "Kilorn," Kilorn flashed a bright smile. "And of course, the lovely princess Aurora."

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