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"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there now?"

"We'll get there when we get there!"

I shrinked back into the seat. "Yeesh." Natasha and Clint took me out for a trip. We're in a city they called San Francisco. In a car lent to us by SHIELD. Both Natasha and Clint weren't dressed like agents, instead wearing casual jeans and jackets which was a little weird since I've only ever seen them in uniform.

They decided along with Coulson that I should take in the city. Not just be confined to the Helicarrier. I did come here to explore.

They told me we were going bowling. Whatever that is. And ever since we got in the car, I've been pointing everything out. Asking what they were called and what they did. Clearly, they were getting annoyed.

I decided to spare them and looked out the window. All the sights just passing by. The most thing I saw in San Francisco was people walking down the streets wearing colorful clothes and with bags in hands along with their families. It made me miss mine.

I couldn't help but stare up at the sky, wondering if Heimdall or my brother were watching. If both of them were.

I missed him. Loki. I hoped he was at peace.

"Hey Rors." Clint snapped me out of my thought bubble. "We're here."

I jumped in my seat, fumbling with the seat bell. "This is bowling?" I stare at the building with a very huge pin on the side. "Yup."

I followed them inside the building, there weren't much people inside, a few families throwing colored balls down a row and hitting some white crap at the ends. "Quick Rory what's your size?" Nat asked as she was handed a pair of shoes by the man at the front desk. Clint was already putting his own pair on.

"Seven and a half." I answered, partly confused why we need to change shoes. Nat was handed a pair of pink and black shoes, giving them to me. "Change."

I did what she asked, changing into the pair of shoes. They fit like a glove, and made a sound every time I walked. We were given a lane and a row of colored rolling balls. "Watch this Rors." Clint picked the ball up, slipping his fingers into the little holes on the side. He walked up to the row with pins at the end. He tossed it and the ball rolled, knocking down all the pins.

"And that's how it's done." I chuckled. "Wanna give it a try?"

"Nat you go first." Nat shrugged and took one of the balls, she rolled the ball on over with grace and elegance, knocking down the pins. Only 3 were left standing. "It's easy Rory."

Well, I might as well. I stood and took a blue ball. I walked up to the row, and just as I roll the ball I lost balance, the ball didn't even go down the roll as I fell. Natasha and Clint erupted into laughter behind them, I shot them dirty looks. Clint was chackling. "We're sorry-" Nat wheezed. "This is stupid," I grumbled, getting to my feet only to slip again. That made them laugh even harder. I glare at them, crossing my arms. I am not getting up again if it means they'll do that again. "Okay, okay." Clint caught himself, he walked up and extended a hand. I took it and then forcefully pulled him down. I ducked so he wouldn't collide on me. This time I laughed, dragging myself out of the slippery lane onto dry land. "Never laugh at me again."

Nat stifled her laughter as I stood and brushed myself off, Clint dragging his way back to the non-slipper ground. "Okay that was my bad."

"It sure was."

For the next hour we played several rounds of bowling, I failed every single time. I refused to believe that when it came to a game where all you had to do was throw the ball I was failing. What is wrong with my eye coordination? Part of me wanted to turn invisible and walk the ball into knocking the pins down, but previous experience says that the lanes are slippery with some shiny coat. Which sucks. Coulson ended up joining us some time later, and he and Clint were trying so hard not to laugh. Well, Coulson was. Clint gave up some time ago. "This is torture." And I lived with Loki, and I've endured Kilorn for over a thousand years!

I have always excelled at everything I have ever done. How can I not do this? "You just need more practice." Coulson said as I tossed a bowling ball from one hand to the other. "What I need is a 10 footpole." Natasha shook her head. "Try again." Yeah, I don't think so, despite much help it still wasn't working. But I decided to try again anyway.

I toss the ball, watching with anticipation as it rolled down the lane, but of course it went sideways to the gutter. "It was a good effort." Coulson said, trying to be supportive. I shook my head. No, it wasn't. "Nope that's it." I marched up and grabbed another ball, and lifted myself off the ground. "Hey that's cheating!" exclaimed Clint. I ignored him and flew down the lane, and tossed the ball at the pins. Knocking them all down. "Hey!"

I smiled, fists in the air as I flew back to them. Coulson was amused. I bowed like a princess. "And that's how gods do it."

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