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"What if he doesn't agree to it?" I asked Mother with nerves as I paced in my chambers. Mother sat on my couch, watching with amusement as I paced. How could she find this hilarious?

"Mother!" I sat down on the couch next to her, biting my bottom lip. "This is really stressing me out." 

Mother kept the smile on her face as she took my hands. "If this is what you really want then of course your father will agree to it." 

I grimince. If Father did agree it would take a miracle. I've been thinking about doing this for the past six months, it would no doubt take a toll on Father, but it's what I wanted. It is what I want but I just can't help thinking what would happen if I do go. 

Thor and I have gotten closer. It's like Loki's death brought us even more united. And I love that, but by leaving I feel like I'm putting that in Jeopardy. And apart from that, I don't really want to leave my home. My family, my friends; i.e Kilorn. He gave me his blessing, although he did say that if Sif killed him by the time I come back for a visit it's on me. Mother thinks it would be a good idea for me to stretch my wings on another planet. That it could help strengthen the bond between our planets after everything that happened with the Destroyer in Midgard. I just think she's trying to get rid of me. 

"You need to ask your father." 

I sighed and fell back into the couch, grabbing a piece of my hair and playing with it in thought. I've been wanting to ask Father for months, but every time I try I get nervous and back out. 

Mother patted my knee. "Stop worrying about whether or not Asgard will be fine without you. We will." She grabbed my hands and pulled me into a sitting position, she smiled and creased my check. "You need to do what makes you happy. Not your father." 

Curse mothers and their inspiring talks. This is probably her best one yet. 

I nodded and touched her hand. "I know." 

Mother pecked my forehead and left me to my thoughts. I sprawled on the couch, staring up at the gold ceiling. I need to stop second guessing myself. Mother was right. If I want to go down to Midgard, then I should. I'll have to talk to my brother first but nothing should prevent me from going. 

"There you are!" I looked to see Kilorn waltz in, grape vine in hand. "Grapes?" 

I shook my hand and waved him off. "No thanks." Kilorns eyes widened in surprise, he was very much taken back.

"No grapes?" 

He hurried over to my side, putting a hand to my forehead making me frown. "No you're not sick, you're warm but that's normal for you." I swat his hand back and sit up on the couch, snatching the grape vine from him and popping one in my mouth. 

"Are you happy?" 

Kilorn narrowed his eyes. "You're cranky." 

"I am not!" 

Kilron crossed his arms and gave me a look. "You are." I puffed and handed him back the grape vive. "Fine. Maybe I am." 

I stood and crossed over to my vanity, taking my silver and green emerald bracelet and slipped it on. "My stomach is in way too many knots and ties to even eat." 

"How many times do I have to say it?" Kilorn groaned. "If I have to tell you to go one more time I'll throw you down to Midgard myself." 

I chuckled. "You're hilarious." 

Kilorn took the grape vine back and ate some. "When are you going to tell Odin?" 

"As soon as I tell Thor." 

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