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"Hm. I cannot believe I haven't tried chocolate pudding yet." I dug my spoon into the little container, scraping the sides. I've tasted chocolate before, but there was something about this that tasted 10 times better.

"I am going to fight Natasha and Clint on this. How have they never shown it to me!"

Erik stared at me from his hospital bed. "What?" He didn't say anything and extended his hand, chocolate pudding in hand. "I have never seen anyone talk so extensively about chocolate."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I smiled and reached forward, taking the pudding cup from his hand. I tossed mine in the trash, ripped open the new cup and dug in. I have to bring Kilorn some when I visit. "When am I getting out of here?" Erik complained, shifting uncomfortably in the hospital bed.

"When the doctors clear you." He's been complaining for the past hour, and he's only been here for a day.

"How come the hawk gets to be out there Avengering and I'm the one who has to stay here?"

Well, I want to say favoritism. I sat up in my chair. "Yes, you were both mind controlled for over four days. But you were the one who dealt directly with the tesseract. All that gamma radiation along with the terrible withdrawal from the mind control is concerning."

Clint was better than him because he wasn't exposed to the tesseract. When we were in the radiation facility working with it you had to wear protective gear if you were going to be with in longer than a few minutes. Well except me. But Erik didn't have that.

Erik grumbled under his breath, crossed his arms and stared ahead. "I feel fine." He picked up the controller and turned the TV on. I shook my head at him. He is so stubborn. "Alright," I stood and put my pudding cup down on the counter. "I'll go check with the doctor."

Erik smiled. "Lovely." I shook my head and walked out. The hospital - pretty much every hospital in New York - was swamped. A lot of people got hurt during the Chitauri invasion, many more died. I wandered around for a bit till I found Eriks nurse. He got a few tests done earlier but they didn't have the results yet. "So then when can I take him home?" And by home, I mean the hotel across the street, I'll have to call Fury to borrow a Quinjet to take him back to his place.

"Depending on his results. With luck you'll be able to take him home tonight." Well, he'll be pleased to hear that. "Great." I thanked the nurse. The nurse smiled politely and went to go attend to other patients. I exhaled and looked around the hospital, injured people were almost everywhere. I hated seeing all these people suffer, Tony had been cleaning up the city, so there lots of construction crews around cleaning up the mess the Chitauri left. All because of Loki. "Aurora!" I frowned. Is that- that voice sounds familiar.

I whirled around and my eyes widened when I saw Jane and Darcy running down the hallway of the hospital. Oh my god, "Jane! Darcy!"

They hurried down the hallway, Jane reaching me first. "I- I can't believe it!" She exclaimed as she looked at me. "It's you! You're here!"

I chuckled nervously. "I am. Here." I had called her since it was Erik in the hospital, but I didn't expect to see them so soon. I sort of thought I had time to run.

Darcy spread her arms wide, "Well don't just stand there give me a hug!" I was a little surprised as she threw her arms around me, but I am not one to decline a hug. Even Jane threw her arms around me. At this point I couldn't not accept the hug. "Talk about a reunion."

"How's Erik?" Jane asked as she glanced to Erik's hospital room across the hallway. "The doctors say he's fine physically. Mentally- I don't know."

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