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。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚☆

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。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚☆

"Have you gotten Rogers yet?" Nat asked through the phone. It was the next day already. We gave Steve some time to consider coming, mainly because we couldn't find Loki yet.

I sighed. "I don't know. Fury sent me with a driver to come get him. That is if he decides to come."

"He's called Captain America, of course he will. We'll need all the help we can get if we want to get Clint back."

I nod trying to be optimistic but it's hard when your friend was taken by your brother and now you have to fight him, again. I touched my bracelet, it usually helped calm me but like before I don't feel anything. All I feel is the same knots and loops my stomach is doing.

Between Loki stealing the tesseract, turning Clint and a bunch of other agents into his minions, almost destroying Jotunheim, and being my adopted brother and not my actual blood brother, it all feels like a really messed up dream.

"Have you gotten to Bruce Banner yet?" I asked her. On the drive to come and recruit Steve, I read up on the guy who Nat went to go recruit. His name is Bruce Banner, and two years ago he was exposed to gamma radiation that when he gets mad, or something turns into a green raging monster. He apparently turned right around the same time Thor, and I were on Earth. Fury says that was a busy week for him.

"We're on our way to base now." That means she got him, that's good. I hope Coulson got Tony Stark, the guy he went to recruit. It wasn't really that hard to read up on him since his name seems to be everywhere In New York. Specifically, the very big blue tower with his name in big bold letters. He's a billionaire genius who invented a suit. He's in the Avengers initiative file but he's listed as a consultant. Which is puzzling. Never met him, but Nat did. He had a bit of a crisis the same week Thor and I came down to earth, and Bruce was rampaging the street. So, add a bunch of Asgardians and a destroyer, with a raging green monster, and billionaire that was nearly killed. It wasn't just a crazy week for Fury, it was an insane week for Fury.

"Guess I'll see you there."

"Ah wait a second. Fury says you don't seem like yourself."

Damn Fury. "And what would be myself?"

"Cheerful. Happy, way too optimistic, hopeful and annoying and witty. Although he says you're fine in that department."

That caused a small chuckle to escape. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You know it's not your fault, if I were you and just realized my brother was alive after two years, I would be a wreck."

I'm more than a wreck right now. I'm a complete and utter failure. "I'm fine Nat. Thank you for the concern but I'm fine. When have you ever seen me cry?"

"Never I guess."

"Exactly. Now you get going, I'll meet you at base."

I cut the call before she could press even more and turned the phone off. I wanted so bad to just bawl myself up and cry. But I couldn't as much as I wanted to. My big brother was alive. And he's been suffering, with pent up rage against no doubt father, Thor and I. I need to get in contact with them. Tell them the news, although I suspect they already know. This was all so complicated.

The driver up front knocked on the glass window separating us. I looked up from my thoughts and pressed the button on the door that lowered the glass.

"Ma'am, we're here."

I nodded. "Thank you." I looked out the window at the tall building and exhaled. Here goes nothing.

I stepped out of the car and closed the door. I was wearing a yellow jacket, a white shirt and black pants. My blond hair in a dutch braid with small loose strands falling on my face.

I leaned against the car that was going to take us to the air shuttle, sending a quick message saying I was outside. I looked back up at Steve's building and played with my hair. I do wonder if Coulson got his recruit. After what I've heard from Nat, I really want to meet him.

I looked up at the sun, unlike humans who couldn't look at it long enough I could. I could read time just by looking at it. It was already 3pm, guess he's not coming.

I turned to get inside the backseat of the SUV when someone called out behind me.

"Hey, wait!"

I whirled back around and saw Steve; he wore a flannel shirt and a brown leather looking jacket.

"So, you are coming." I chirp a little pleased as he walks over. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" He questioned as the driver started putting the stuff, he was bringing in the boot of the car. I shook my head.

"Not really."

I turned and reached for the door handle of the car, but Steve ended up reaching it first and opening it first.

I gave him a small smile as I entered and he followed, closing the door as the driver started up the car and got on the road.

I kept my hand under my chin, looking out the window as the city moved in a blur past us as we drove. I've only been to New York a couple of times. When Fury brought me here to unfreeze Steve in his ice cube and then the following few days. After that Fury sent me and Clint to the Joint Davison where we've been for six months so there wasn't really a lot of time to keep exploring the world.

I looked at Steve, who was looking out the window as well and apologized. "I'm sorry."

He turned his head and frowned. "What for?"

"I can't imagine how hard the transition has been. I kind of feel like I should have helped you with it, even though I'm still transitioning myself."

Steve shook his head. "You had a mission."

"That I failed."

"You can't really blame yourself."

Why does everyone keep saying that? Of course, I blame myself. I'm the reason everything has happened. It wasn't Loki, it was me. "I'm sorry."

I frowned, raising an eyebrow. "What are you apologizing for?"

"Having your brother come back from the dead. It must not be easy."

It's not. I smiled a little at him. "Thanks."

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