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AUGUST 15 2011

"Aurora," I turned around when my name was called. Fury walked into the room with a red headed girl behind him.

I've been here on Midgard for a good week. I've been given the tour of the base, the flying ship that Coulson calls the Helicarrier. They gave me a room to stay in, and from what little I've seen of what they do here learning to adapt will be been harder than I imagined.

They have this thing called a phone. A communications device. It's confusing.
Very confusing. What's keeping me sane right now is the chocolate. I asked Coulson to get me some milk chocolate treats like the ones I tried in the 70's. The taste has only improved since then. Also, it's no longer the 70's its the 2000's. 2011 right now.

Since it's been a year since the whole 'my brother loki tried destroying Jothieum/my brother attacked your planet' thing they of course had questions of what we've been doing since.

It was mostly questions about my people, my planet, my powers. Fury also told me that my last name is a bit too long, and since they have Odinson as my brother's last name on his file, they assumed it was mine as well. I agreed to the name change. It sounded simpler, shorter, and to be honest I liked it.

Fury also mentioned last night that my transition would be tough so he's putting someone on my case. I am going to guess that the red head was it.

Fury motioned to the girl. "This is Natasha Romanoff."

I nodded and stretched out my hand. "Aurora Odinson." Apparently. It would take a while to get used to the little change in my name now.

Natasha shakes my hand. "Nice to finally put a face behind the name."

Fury pointed at her. "She's going to be teaching you about Earth."

I frowned. "I thought Coulson was going to be doing that?"

"He will. But Natasha here is going to be teaching you how to use our weapons. I'm not making you a field agent unless you learn."

I nodded in understanding. "That seems fair I guess."

Fury nods and looks between us both. "I'll let you get to know each other first."

Fury left without another word. "You hungry?" Natasha asked. "There's probably some food in the kitchen."

I haven't had anything to eat in a while. "Sure."

"So where are you from?" I asked as we walked to the kitchen. "Russia."

"Ah. Как долго вы работаете в SHIELD?"

Translation: 'How long have you been with SHIELD?'

Natasha stopped walking and turned to me surprised. "You know Russian?"

I shrug. "I know a bit of everything."

Natasha nodded impressed. "I've been with SHIELD for quite a while now. Trust me, you'll begin to love it here."

When we entered the kitchen, it was smaller than I expected. Natasha pulled from the fridge some trays that she called frozen food and put it in a machine she called the microwave. I offered to heat it up myself if it was frozen, but she thought that would be bad.

"Stop staring at it like it's going to kill you." Natasha said as I stared at the small device. "I don't know why I couldn't heat it up myself."

"You could release radiation on the food."

I would most certainly not. The device beeped which scared me, it surprises me how different Midgard is from Asgard. I expected different things, but these things are very advanced. Back home you just cook food in the oven, or over a campfire. Or me. Natasha tended to it, opening the small little door and taking the food out.

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