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"Are you positively sure you're up for this?" Mother asked as she brushed out my hair.

I inhaled and nodded as I stared at myself in the vanity. We were getting ready for the celebratory feast, upon winning. But the only thing we won is nothing. Loki is dead. And for the past week I've had to channel my energy through my ring or else I'd probably combust. Losing Loki was like losing a limb. I stayed locked in my chambers for days, I didn't eat, I didn't sleep. The only reason I was going to the feast was because I don't think I can handle the quietness of my chambers or Kilorn trying to get me out anymore.

"Of course. I'll be fine mother."

Mother gave me a look through the mirror. "I'm sure you will be." Something tells me she knows better.

I wore a long red dress with golden embroidery on its edges. Mother pulled my hair back into a braid that went over my long hair. "You look beautiful." Mother complemented as she finished with my hair.

I could only crack a small smile. "Thanks mom."

She kissed my head and patted my shoulder. "I'll see you downstairs."

I nod and she proceeds to leave, leaving me alone in my room. I eyed my silver bracelet with the green, emerald jewel, Loki gave it to me for my 16th birthday. I picked it up and slipped it on my wrist. I wish I could tell him I loved him. Or at the very least goodbye.

"You ready?"

Of course, she sent Thor. I stood up and walked to my brother. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Thor offered his arm, and I took it, exiting the room to head towards the feast. "How come you aren't at the party?" I asked him after a study of his face. Usually whenever we go to celebratory feasts, he's the first one to start it.

"Can't I wait for my dear sister?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Since when have you ever waited for me?"

An attendant came by, the same one that brought Thor a goblet the last time during his coronation. "A drink your majesty?"

Thor shook his head. "No thank you. And may I apologize for my behavior last time."

I looked at Thor, surprised as the attendant nodded. "Of course."

As he turned to leave, I called him back. "Wait!" I grabbed the goblet off the tray and quickly drank it down. I placed it back on the tray. "Thank you."

He nodded and walked off. I wiped my mouth and saw Thor's stare. "What?"

Thor shook his head and resumed walking. "You have changed." I note. "Did that woman really change you?"

Thor's face morphed from sadness to just a small smile. "She did."

I smiled lightly. "It was about damn time."

Jane Foster wherever you are I thank you for doing the one thing other women have failed to do.

Thor smiled now. "Come now. Fandral might sentence you to years in the prisons if you don't show up."

Fandral does take his parties seriously. I threw my head back in annoyance and then leaned on Thor. "I wish Loki was here."

Thor nodded and patted my hand. "I as well sister."

───── ⋆⋅☀️⋅⋆ ─────

I munched on some grapes at the dinner table. Kilorn and Sif on both my sides. Sifs hair was pulled back and she wore a nice silver and pink dress which was something you don't see her in so often.

Kilorn wore his armor, the same with the boys. Volstagg was in the middle of recounting our battle with the Destroyer to everyone.

"...and then, with a mighty bellow, I flew at the great metal beast and laid it low..."

"Is that another way of saying you fell on your huge ass?" Fandral interrupted with a huge grin.

"As a matter of fact, falling down was a tactic." Volstagg told. "Lulling the Destroyer into a false sense of security!"

Fandral scoffed. "Well, I was the one who had to drag your enormous carcass off the battlefield. That makes me the real hero." He turned to Hogun. "Doesn't it, Hogun?"

Hogun points to Volstagg. "Big stomach." points to Fandral. "Big mouth."

We all broke out into laughter, even I did. Hogun barely ever spoke, at least in words, so when he does its witty remark or something fun. This is the first time I've laughed since Loki died.

"Well, how about that? A smile!" Kilorn said when he noticed the smile on my face. "I'd say that calls for another drink!"

I smiled and raised my goblet. I'm in high spirts no need to stop now. "To Asgard."

"To Asgard!"

To Loki.

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