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I stare at Coulson quizzically. It's been 3 months now since I arrived on Earth and there's been some progress. I've made friends with Natasha and Clint. I'm getting better with their weapons. So far it's been just learning how to arm, load and shoot. That part has been the easiest. I mean I grew up making weapons. What I'm having trouble understanding is this world's history.

Coulson set up a small private area on the ship just for us so he could teach me. It's mostly just history, and some of these wars and other things make zero sense to me.

"So you're 'World War 2' started because some guy couldn't handle the fact that his country failed?"

Coulson nodded from the front of the room, standing in front of his chalk board that he had created a timeline marking some of Midgards most important events. "Yes."

I shake my head. "What a sore loser. All those poor people that had to suffer all because some guy couldn't take a loss."

Coulson shrugged. "Men are capable of many things, the one thing they can't handle is being wrong."

I tap my pencil on the desk. "It never fails to amaze me how you humans can act."

"How come your people didn't intervene?" Coulson asked curiously. I figured he'd ask me that eventually, I was wondering how long it would take. Actually Natasha and Clint bet on it, Clint said it would at least take another week and that was about 5 days ago now. So close yet so far. So that means Natasha wins.

"My people don't really put themselves in situations that are started by humans. We only intervene when it's some space threat."

Coulson nodded. "So you have before?"

I nod. "A few times. The last one happened before I was born. When my father and the Einherjar Guard came down to Norway to end the Frost Giants' plan to create an ice age. It cost him his eye."

Coulson cringed. "Well then you can tell him thanks and sorry for the eye."

I smiled at Coulson. "I'll be sure to tell him so."

A knock at the door drew our attention, we both looked back to see Fury at the doorway, wearing his signature black coat and eye patch. I've seen the Agents and Scientists wear a variety of different colored clothes. Does this man really only wear black?

"Sorry to inturput class." Fury apologized. "Coulson, can I borrow Aurora for a bit?"

Coulson nodded. "Alright. I think we're done for the day anyhow."

I stood from the chair, "See you tomorrow Coulson." I turned to Fury, "Where are we going?"
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"I don't understand." I said in confusion as Fury led me down a large white corridor. It was the medical part of the ship. Like the healing room back home.

"I thought you weren't putting me in the field?"

"I'm not. This is something else."

I kept the frown on my face. Still very much confused. "A few days ago an agent of ours who was missing was found."


Fury held up a finger, "Let me finish. I need you here because your powers will get the job done easier."

Cue my confusion still on my face. I drew out my next question slowly. "For what?"

"I need you to unfreeze the man."

I stopped in the middle of the hall in surprise while Fury kept walking. "Wait what?"

I quickly caught up to him. "You want me to do what?"

"Unfreeze a man."

He says it like it's a natural thing.

"O..kay. So what did the guy fall in the river?"

Fury didn't say anything and pulled apart the curtains of the room we were now in. Revealing a large rectangular ice cube and several people in long white coats pacing in the room.

It took me a second to actually realize that there was a guy inside the ice. Oh my Allfather!

I whirled to Fury and pointed. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS?"

"Our agent, now found."

"Is he dead?"

"He looks fine, for a guy who's been in the ice for 67 years."

My eyes widened in surprise. "67 years!" I looked at the man in the ice in shock. "Shouldn't he be dead or something! He's human isn't he?!"

Fury nodded. "He is human, an enhanced human."

Oh for the love of Odin.

I walked to the ice block and looked at the guy. I couldn't really see his face that well. The ice was making it blurry. I took a breath and put both hands on the ice. I looked over my shoulder at Fury and the doctors and then focused on the cube again.

The ice began to melt as I used my powers, the yellow, orange and white fumes resembling those of the sun leaching from my hands and melting the ice quickly. I could hear the doctors murmuring behind me but I didn't let that distract me.

I stopped when I got halfway, and could see the man's face more clearly. He was blond, and wore a blue suit with red and white stripes. A star on his chest. His lips were blue and his skin was icy white but that is not a surprise really. By Odin's beard has he really been stuck here for 67 years?

The doctors were suddenly everywhere again and I stepped back quickly as they looked him over, waving some machine over him. "Oh my god." The doctor with the scanning device exclaimed. "This guy's still alive!"

Fury and I exchanged shocked glances. I hurried back over and held my hands up and started to shine a bright light. The ice quickly began to melt and I had to stop or else it would quickly turn into a steam room.

Fury pulled me away once I was done. "What are you going to do to him?"

Fury sighed. "Break the news to him slowly. Hope for the best."

I looked back at the guy who was now getting put on a stretcher. I can't imagine how hard it's going to be for him once he wakes up. Stuck in the ice for 67 with life passing by and he's just frozen.

"What's his name?"

"Steve Rogers."

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