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977 A.D.

Aurora and Thor watched as their brother Loki turned himself into a clone. Well as he put it, creating more illusions of himself.

Frigga had been teaching Loki some magic seeing as Odin was teaching Thor. Aurora learned from the both of her parents, from her mother she learned control, and how to use her abilities and from her father she learned how to fight.

"So I can hit you without actually hurting you?" Aurora asked her big brother Loki as she stood in front of the other illusion of her brother. Loki nodded. "Good." Aurora lifted her leg and kicked illusion Loki in the shin, because it was an illusion as soon as it was touched it vanished. "Did you just-" Loki questioned in shock. His sister just kicked his illusion self in the shin!

Thor laughed. "I was going to do the same thing."

Loki gave a small scowl to his brother. He then smirked with an idea. His mother had been teaching him how to change objects from one thing to another. He was going to use it on his brother.

Aurora smile faded when she saw the look on her brothers face. "I know that look."

Thor fearing what he was thinking put Aurora in front of himself like a shield knowing that his brother wouldn't do anything bad so long their sister was hurt.

"I know it to."

Loki kept that smirked on his face and did the spell, Aurora was smaller then Thor so hitting him wasn't an issue.

Thor slowly began to shrink behind Aurora and then she heard a croak.

Aurora spun around and squealed when she saw her big brother in frog form. "He's so cute!"

She picked him up and held him in the palm of her hands. "I'm going to call him Fhor."

Loki laughed. "Fhor?"

Aurora nodded as she petted Fhor. "A mix of Frog and Thor."

Loki walked to them and waved mockingly to his brother who let out a huge croak. "I think he's mad."

"Of course he is you turned your brother into a Frog." said Frigga.

The two siblings turned around, Aurora hiding Thor with her hands behind her back. Odin and Frigga walked up to their children and Frigga eyed Loki.

"Loki...were you using you magic on your brother?"

Loki shook his head. "No."

Odin looked to Aurora who was smiling brightly, something she learned from her brother to do whenever she got in trouble. Use her cuteness against their parents.

"Aurora darling. Where is Thor?"

Aurora shrugged. "I dunno."

Odin and Frigga exchanged glances. They had seen the ordeal go down. "Aurora what's behind you back?"

"My hand."

"Show us."

Aurora simply showed one hand, holding Thor cautiously with the other. "The other one."

Aurora put her hand behind her back and passed Thor, showing her parents her now free hand. "See."

Frigga smiled. "Both hands dear."

There was no escaping this time. Thor jumped from Auroras grasp and Loki looked down in defeat. Thor jumped all the way to his parents. Frigga tsked and picked her son up, looking at Loki. "Turn your brother back Loki."

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