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。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚☆

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。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚☆

"This should be fun." Loki commented as he sat down on the edge of the cliff. I glared at my brother as raised a hand to my ear, "Nat? Come in Natasha."

"Right here your highness."

"Don't call me that." The one good thing about living here on earth means a fresh start, which also means no official titles.

"Yes, I will. How'd the family reunion go?"

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. It went just as well as I thought it went. "More about that later. What is Stark doing?" other than signing his death sentence.

"Getting Loki back from your brother."

"He knows that's absolutely dumb right?"

I looked down the cliff, seeing them land on the ground and yell at each other. "Men."

I raked a hand through my hair debating whether or not to stop them before they fought. I pointed at Loki. "If you so much as move a damn muscle..." I threaten sternly and he raises his hands in surrender.

I approached the ledge and gave Loki a second glance and he simply sat down and looked at the scene that was about to begin. I sighed, flying down to them. "Do not touch me again!" Thor said threateningly at Stark when he got to his feet, and I landed in between them.

"Then don't take my stuff." Tony replied back.

I looked between them both and held out my hands. "Could you both relax?"

"He's the one that needs to calm down!" Tony yelled, pointing at Thor. "You have no idea what you're dealing with."

"Shakespeare in the park?" Tony said with sarcasm. "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?" He mocked it with an accent.

I scoffed, crossing my arms and felt slightly offended. "This is beyond you, metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice!"

"He gives up the cube, he's all yours. Until then, stay out of my way...tourist."

I shut my eyes when Tony said that. The same dread I felt back in Jotunheim when Lauefy called Thor princess was back. "Damn. I'm suddenly feeling nostalgic."

As I thought he would, Thor threw Mjölnir at Tony which caused him to crash in a tree behind him. I looked back up towards the mountains and saw Loki staring down at us with amusement. Of course, he would find this amazing.

Thor summoned Mjölnir back to him and just before he could fly back Tony sent a blast that knocked Thor back into a tree.

"You know I think I'm going to sit this one out." I said to no one in particular as I took steps back and folded my hands behind my back to watch this play out. This would be so much better with popcorn.

My brother, kneeling on the ground, brings Mjölnir to his hand and raises it to the sky, pulling in lightning and thunder.

Thor points the hammer at Tony and the outpouring of bolts lighting increases in intensity.

Tony then stood, seeming to have been powered by the blast and then blasted him with his hand shooters which pushed Thor to his knees. Both men fly up, meeting in the middle and then ascend up and out.

I groaned in annoyance, looking at the sky. "Damn you men!" I looked back up to make sure Loki was still there and he was to my surprise.

"You better be here when I get back!" I yelled out to him. "It's not like I can fly or anything."

I gave him a double take before flying after them, they were far away but I caught up. I landed in between both men just as they were about to blow punches so I instantly duck before they could hit me.

I closed my eyes and stretched out both hands and blasted them into the ground by their legs.

"That is enough!" I yell with anger, the veins in my hands still glowing. They huff and puff in anger as they stare each other down. "You two are acting like a pair of children!"

"What are you doing here?" asked a voice and we turned to see Captain stand on top of the many trees the men blew down during their rough landing.

"He's with me." I explained. "I called him." Ish.

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!" Thor yelled in explanation.

"Then prove it! Put the hammer down." Captain ordered with an outstretched hand.

"Um, yeah, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer!" Stark said and that earned him an angry Thor who used his hammer to backhand him into the woods.

Thor, losing all tolerance with Captains whole sentinel of liberty thing, raises his hammer.

"You want me to put the hammer down?" He boomed. "Thor!" I exclaimed as he leaped into the air and towards Steve.

Steve held up his shield as Thor brought his hammer down, and as soon as both weapons hit, they reacted and caused a shockwave that extended a few feet and blew us all back.

What in the bloody name of Odin? I removed twigs from my hair as we all stood, looking at the destruction in shock. It was like if a meteor hit the ground leaving a bunch of trees pretty much torn from the ground.

I clasped my hands together as I looked at the men, "Well, then. I think this was nice, you know? So, let's just get the introductions through," Because if they utter a word they would probably start arguing again. I turned to Tony and Steve and pointed at them, "Brother, Steve and Tony. Tony and Steve, my brother Thor; God of Thunder. Okay? Great, now that this is out of the way,"

The men exchanged glances before turning back to me.

"Loki is waiting for us, so Gentlemen try to play nice on the way there. Or I will kick your asses."

I clapped my hands in front of me and gave them a smile. "Let's go then, shall we?"

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