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OCTOBER 7 2011

Poor guy.

I watched from the doorway of SHIELD's main room as they were completely bombarding Steve Rogers.

He had woken up an hour ago, and ran out to the city. Fury had set up an entire fake room that looked like from his era, even dressed him and the nurse up. Didn't work. Fury breaking the news to him was not pretty. Everyone hurried around him, not really paying attention to him.

"How come you're not wearing a badge?"

I snapped back to reality and realized Steve was talking to me. "Sorry?"

Steve motioned to the other agents and scientists walking around. "They're wearing badges. You aren't."

I looked down at my clothes a bit self-conscious. I wasn't at all wearing a badge or a suit, or a lab coat. What I was wearing were jeans with a blue half tucked half untucked shirt with a green dinosaur on it. Coulson and Tasha are taking me shopping this weekend.

"Well, I'm not an agent."

"Then what are you?"

I pointed to the seat in front of him and he shrugged offering it up. I sat down and put my hands flat out on my knees. "I'm sure this whole transition from the 40s to the 2000s is going to be hard so I don't want to make that harder."

Steve scoffed like if there was no way it could. "Try me."

I shrugged, "Suit yourself." I leaned forward a bit and made my eyes glow. Steve backed away in shock and I took that as a sign and stopped.

"Told you."

Steve has his mouth ajar in shock. "How did- how did you?"

"Do you want the long version or the short version?"

"Uh short."

I nodded and leaned back into the seat. "I am the Norse goddess of the sun. I'm from a realm called Asgard. I came down here to Earth after my older brother almost destroyed a whole planet and killed my other brother but he's fine since he was brought back to life by Mijolnir. So now I'm learning how to adjust to life here."

I motioned to my clothes. "Hence the no badge."

Steve stared blankly and blinked a couple of times. "Okay maybe you were right."

I chuckled amused. "Ah," Fury said as he walked up to us. "So I see you've met your alien from space."

I tilt my head at Fury in offense of him using the word alien. "Sorry 'Goddess' from space." He corrected and to that I smiled pleased.

Steve nodded. "Yeah I have."

Fury nodded and looked at me, pointing behind him. "We better get you back to base. Coulsons getting your lesson up and running."

I nodded and stood up, clapping my hands together. "Well then best not to let Coulson wait. You're driving me right? Or do I have to fly?"

Fury shot me a look. "I'm driving you."

"Alright then."

I looked back to Steve and smiled a bit. "It was nice meeting you."

Steve nodded. "Yeah you too."

Fury and I both went to leave. "So what exactly are you going to do to help him with the transition?" I asked.

"I don't know. That depends if he wants it."

"Well why wouldn't he want it?"

Fury shrugged. "You never know."

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