Prologue P3.

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 After the loss of the ring, Y/n was a bit distant from her parents. She was mad at herself for losing something important to her but madder at her parents for not letting her find her friends or her ring.

 Her brother Adrien tried his best to make her laugh. It worked most of the time, but it would be two months before she would see Luka and his family again. On the first of February of the year two, months had passed since the girl had made new friends.

 Chloé had returned from her trip to New York she had visited her half-sister. She was not happy with the situation. So, she wanted to talk to Adrikins about it. Jean was able to take Y/n to the park once more.

The girl was looking at the clouds, she didn't notice the boy in front of her. Once again, she bumped into Luka and they both fell. The 7-year-old girl looked at the boy beside her with a smile. "Luka/ Y/n." The two yelled simultaneously. They got up from the ground and hugged.

"Where have you been? Y/n." Luka said as they parted from the hug. "I was grounded for losing my ring. I wanted to come back but Jean was in New York." Y/n said sadly. "I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes and give me your right hand." "Ok..." Y/n responded to her friend.

She closed her eyes and felt Luka take her hand. He put something cold in it and closed it. "Open your eyes," Luka said after a bit. The girl opened her eyes, looked at her hand and opened it. Y/n looked at her ring. "You found it. But how?" the girl questioned.

"I found it after you left. I was wearing it, and it fits me like magic even though the ring is big. Have you ever tried it on?" Luka said to the girl's question. "I have tried but, it never fit. Your hand is bigger than mine," Y/n answered. "Let's play tag. You're it Y/n." He said while running away from the girl.

The following year the three friends got closer but, it all ended when Chloé was not allowed to visit anymore. So, Y/n stopped going to the park, but on Chloé's last visit, the girl didn't know that it would be the last time she would see the twins.

The Agreste siblings were upset about not being able to meet anyone new or see their friends. They took things differently. Adrien did everything he could to make his parents happy and proud of him. Y/n, on the other hand, took a rebellious route, not following rules and avoiding being perfect.

While she and Adrien were supposed to be models, Y/n did everything in her power to avoid the classes and photoshoots. She did the same with piano and fencing classes. The parents wanted their kids to start with extracurricular activities from an early age.

Modelling, they both had the looks.

Fencing, they needed good reflexes and they had to be active.

Lastly, the piano helps with brain development.

During the year, Y/n struggled with her new tasks. She didn't enjoy having a schedule that she couldn't change. Adrien helped her out as a good brother but, Y/n didn't have any motivation. A year had passed, and the kids were still at home, isolated from the world. 

The parents thought it would be good to change things up for the kids to help Y/n. There were two changes the fencing instructors and the instruments.

It was Saturday at 6 in the morning Y/n was asleep. Y/n was dreaming in a world of music. But the song in her head was cut when her mother woke her up, "Wake up, my baby. You have your first Kendo class today." Emilie said in a cheerful voice.

Y/n wished for death 'who wakes up this early!!!' The girl was not ready, and they hadn't told her in fear that she would avoid the event. "Do I have to?" The 7/8-year-old asked in hopes that her mother would allow her to do nothing besides homework from Natalie. "Ok." the girl said sadly. After her mother left the room, the girl got ready. Y/n was wearing black leggings and a black T-shirt. She didn't even say goodbye to her brother after she ate her breakfast. 

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