VI. The Pharaoh

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Season 1 Episode 4.

"Don't blink now, 'cause we are live from Paris. Yo peeps, Alya here, bringing you the one and only Ladyblog." The sound of a helicopter caught the reporter's attention.

"Huh? What is that?" She angled the camera and showed Lb hanging off a helicopter, and her dropping something. "Ladybug in action. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride." Alay ran over to the dropped object picking up the book. "Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth-grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student, in real life? Whoa!"

Marinette was watching her mistake on the ladyblog. "I told you from day one Tikki, I'm a total klutz!" The girl explained to her Kwami unknowing someone was watching her. "What's done is done; we can't change what happened. We can only move forward. Alya must not find out who you are. You know how persistent she can be with her blog dedicated to Ladybug." The kwami responded. "But how? Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole Ladybug thing."

"You would be right Lb. But for some reason they chose you."

The kwami and Marinette turned to face me, as Shadow. I was sitting at the edge of Marinette's bed, looking at the two.

"I can't have you get discovered. Especially by someone who loves/knows everything about you, and your other half. So what's the plan?"

"Shadow's right. You are the chosen one, Marinette. It will all work out, trust me. Everyone has a past they can learn from. This will show you why." The kwami spoke as she opened and searched for something on the computer.

"An exhibition at the Louvre? On the pharaoh Tutankhamun? What does that have to do with my book and Alya?" Marinette questioned, oblivious of the history of the miraculous.

"Just get your friend to go, make sure she brings the book."

"You'll tell her you found out something about Ladybug." The kwami continued for me. "At the museum?" Marinette said, giving me and the kwami a questionable look.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." I say with a smirk.

"Well, I don't know how I'm gonna convince Alya to go to an Egyptian exhibit, much less convince her that I'm not Ladybug!" "She will be interested, and so will you. Promise." The kwami responded. "Well, good luck Marinette. I'll see you both later." With that, I jumped out of Marinette's bed. Opened the door out of her room and jumped out, landing in my room.

"Hey, Y/n. Where were you?" Adrien said as he was in my room, looking for a movie to watch. "Just getting Plagg some cheese, you a croissant." I threw him the bag and de-transformed.

"Some chocolates for my little demons, and for me f/f/d (favorite french desert or pastry)." I jumped over my couch landing beside Adrien. "What movie did you pick?"

(Tikki pov)

"Well, good luck Marinette. I'll see you both later." Shadow spoke up. She jumped out of Marinette's bed. Walked towards the door out of her room. Marinette stood up to try and stop her. Before she could, Shadow jumped out, "wait-". Marinette ran out of her room. Shadow was gone, she vanished. "Marinette, are you alright?" Sabine asked. "No mom it's fine I thought I left something downstairs." "Alright honey," Once Marinette was back in her room she spoke, "How did she? ...Nevermind."

(Y/n pov)

I was inside the Louvre, waiting for the two. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Yang asked me. "Well this is Tikki's plan." "And you agree." "Nope, but Yin does." "It's not my faut I can't have teenages deciding the fate of the world." "Well, shush. Let me enjoy this time, along the egyptian gods." As I walked I came across a strong feeling, something was calling me from inside the museum. But I was interrupted by the sound of Marinette's voice.

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