XIV. The Mime

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Hello everyone, It's been a while. Sorry about that, i just haven't had time to write, plus no motivation. 

BUT, thank you for all the reads(4,406, since I wrote this), Votes(174), and follows. I'm glad so many of you enjoy my story. 

So finally after a month of waiting here is....

The Mime

(Y/n Pov)

"What are we doing here?" I asked my kwamis as Yin had teleported us to limbo. "You've already proven that you can use both Miraculous and now it's time to begin your training as the Yin & Yang phantom," Yang announced, flying around me. 

"Then why don't I train when there's a new Akumatized villain. Can't I figure it out then?" "No, child, it didn't end well last time you tried. And this way it's safer, no fear of being discovered, and no civilians that could get in the way." I nodded, understanding what she meant.

"Let's do this then. Yin Yang, let's keep the balance." I spoke, transforming into Phantom. Except my body suit was different than last time, my domino mask was the same, and my cloak no longer had stripes, it was a bit longer than before, and it had a brooch holding the cloak was a Yin and Yang symbol.

"This is new," I say as I spin around, looking at my new suit. 'Now let's see if you can create a simple portal without making light items.' Yin told me, "Shadow portal." I extended my hands in an attempt to make a portal. But it was smaller than I wanted it to be. I created a portal no bigger than my hand.

"I wonder where it leads," I mumble to myself. A white butterfly flew out of the doorway before I could put my hand through it. "Did I create a portal to Halkmoth's lair?" I asked the kwamis. 'Looks like it, tho it could be another place with white butterflies.' Yin asks, and Yang continues. 'You should try and see if you can make it bigger.'

I try to, but it doesn't. "Come on!" I shout, grabbing the portal in an attempt to make it bigger. "Who's there?" I hear a voice call from the portal. I froze for a moment before continuing what I was doing. "Shadow, I know you there. I don't know how you found me, but I won't go down without a fight. So come out." 

That shout stopped my concentration, and light started to come out of my hands, destroying the portal. "No." A flash of light came from where the portal used to be. "Damn it," I shout as I feel myself de-transforming. "How did you do that?" Yang asked me as I sat down on the floor of limbo. "I don't know; I've always had some idea of how the portal got to where it should be. But I have no idea how it got there." Yang and I turned to look at Yin, who was oddly quiet.

"Why are both of you giving me that look?" "How did that happen?" Yang questions. "How am I supposed to know I didn't create the portal." Now the kwamis turned to me. "I don't know, but if that's the biggest portal, and making it bigger causes me to de-transform, I'm not ready yet.

 Also, Yin, we need to get back to Paris." I told my kwami, and she nodded, creating a new portal. "But why?" Yang asked us. "Well, you see, lightbulb, if hawkmoth is in his lair, there must be an akumatized villain," Yin answered as we returned to my room. "Ohh, okay then. What are we waiting for." "Yang, let's illuminate this dreary day."

"Wish you'd stay as Lumier to keep his mouth shut." Yin mumbles. "I'll be back soon; I have band practice," I tell her before jumping out my window. I summon a phone, "Let's see where this villain is." I started my patrol around the city, seeing nothing unusual. That was until I saw Lb at the Louvre and felt the presence of the Akuma.

"Okie dokie, here we go-" Lb said to herself, not noticing me. "What are you doing?" I asked the girl, and she dropped the phone she was holding. "Hey, lumier, what are you doing?" "I asked you first, and I felt an Akuma."

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