XVIII: Simon Says

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I'm Back!!!!

Hello everyone, sorry for making you all wait. But i had so much school work (to catch up to), and midterms/finals. 

Thank you for being patient with me. And Thank you for all the reads and votes. 

Like last update it had like 6.1K and now its like 7.6K, if my math is mathing that is about 1.5K reads, since I've been away. Thank you all. You have no Idea how much this means to me. And we made it to 270 votes T^T again thank you. This is not possible without your support.

When I started this two years ago I wasn't in a happy place and writing helped me thought it, and I didn't think anyone would actually read this. Thank you, and I would like to report that I have completely finished Season 1. 

So updates will be every week on Mondays at 13:00 easter time. As a thank you to you as I start planning for season 2. 

Can't wait and thank you all again. :)

Simon Says

(Y/n Pov)

"Remind me again why we're here?" I asked Adrien, who stood beside me. "Nino invited us; why do you keep asking me that?" "Cause I had ruined plans as soon as Dad agreed to this. So the faster this ends, the faster I get to ditch." I 'explained while he sighed. 

"What plans?" "I was going to the movies with Lucy. The movie starts at 5. I wanted to hang out all day, but not anymore." "So you were going to have me cover for you?" Adrien asked me skeptically. "Of course not."

"Gorrila was, he still owes me."

"Welcome back to everyone's #1 live game show: The Challenge! Let's give it up for our awesome contestant, Nino!" Alec Greeted his live and online audience as Nino walked onto the stage. "So Nino, you're a student and a DJ. That's pretty awesome! Check out the decks we have for you!"


"So, the challenge our viewers have chosen for you is... To get the mayor of Paris, Andre Bourgeois, to dance! Thank you for agreeing to play with us today, sir. What are Nino's chances tonight?" Alec told Nino as they both turned to the screen with Mayor Bougeours on. 

"Zero. I despise dancing. The last time I set foot on a dance floor, Madonna was in kindergarten." Andre responded. While I had to hold back a laugh, earning a look from Adrien. I only stopped when I felt Halkmoth's presence.

I didn't notice someone was now standing beside me. Adrien waved at a man. Who decided to try and shake Adrien's hand, only to have Gorilla get in between us and the man, ready to fight."

"No! It's okay!" Adrien tells Gorilla, and he backs down, leaving Adrien and I shocked at his reaction.

"Victory! Challenge conquered by Nino. You moved your head to the beat, Mayor Bourgeois! That counts as dancing!" Alec shouted, getting my attention, 'Nino won?' I questioned. "What?! That's not true! My neck was... itching, that's all." Mayor Bougeours defended himself, 

"Relieving an itch to the beat counts as dancing, too! Nino, congratulations. You'll return in one week to meet your next challenge! And now, for our next contestant, welcome Simon Grimault!" Alec explained, and the man known as Simon, who was beside me, walked onto the stage.

"Awesome, dude!" "Yeah, congrats." We tell Nino as he walks over to us. "Think I can make my escape," I ask the two; Nino gives me a questioning look while Adrien nods. "See ya tonight," I tell Adrien before slowly backing away. I walk towards the doors when, 

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