II. Stoneheart (Origins P2)

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Cloak-is the Shadow outfit

Dagger-is the Lumier outfit. 

They where the inspiration for Phantoms powers. You can imagine the costumes/clothes differently, and the fusion of the two will be explained when the time comes. 

Casual-normal outfit is what Y/n would wear daily, but you can change it

-Enjoy (I will answer any questions you may have)

(3rd Pov)

It was currently 6 Am at the Agreste mansion Yin always woke up to sneak into the kitchen and get something to eat. She, was quiet so she would not wake up the girl, but as Yang was now in the picture as he woke up, he said. "Yin, how can you wake up at this hour." This woke the girl up. The first thing she was was Yin strangling Yang, while he repeated, "I didn't know" and "I didn't know you let her sleep in." Y/n had to separate the two. "Ok, that's enough. Why are you up so early? What time is it anyway?"

The girl went to grab her phone, but she didn't have it as she was grounded. "Its 6 in the morning child." Yin answered.

"I thought I made it clear that I wanted to sleep. Plus I have school. You know what, I'm going visit Lucy, so I need one of you to give a letter to Adrien." I handed them a letter that had a violin on it. "What does the card mean?" Yang said, "It means that I'm leaving, and ll be back soon. But ferore you give it to him, I'm going to write 'See U ar school'."

After that, they went to Adrien's room and left the letter and we were on our way. As we were on our way towards the boat Yin and Yang were explaining why I had two kwamis and the bond between us. "So I'm related to both the Yin and Yang users, and Yin you never told me because-" "Because I can't. I told you about your parents romeo and juliet love story. But it's the same when you tried to tell people about me, I can't"

"Ok then, so what now? Do I continue to be Shadow, or Phantom? Thats what they were called." "Don't wory about it now, leave it for the future, N/n." Yang answered, "Ok then."

When we arrived at Liberty, I didn't expect anyone to be awake, but I was wrong.

"Ahoy there lassie, what are ye doing here this early? Not even Luka and Juleka are awake." As soon as they heard her voice they hid in my violin case I never go anywhere without it. "Hey Anarka, how are you this mornnig. I just came by to say hi." I said as I got on board the ship. "Well, it still doesn't explain why ye are out here so early?" She said as she hugged me. "Well I-I whent to bed earlier than usual so my internal clock told me to wake up." I came up with a lie. I couldn't tell her I had two magical beings were arguing in my room and, they woke me up 5 hours earlier than usual. She walked me over to the table and we sat down.

"Well, how are things going with ye family, Luka mentioned ye were going to be grounded for a while. Well, what did ye do?" She looked worried as she said that. "I snuck out, but-" "But that has happened before." "Yeah but, not with my little brother," "Ohh, that explains it. So why are ye here now aren't you grounded?"

"As you said, that has happened before. I won't get my phone back till next week. Oh well." "Don't worry lassie, it won't be long. But I wanted to ask ye something." With that, I froze, a million thoughts went through my head but stopped as I heard her question. "It's none of me business but are ye an Agreste?"

My heart stopped. I didn't want them to know. I didn't want Luka to know. Not because I didn't think of myself as an Agreste but because I didn't want them to think differently of me.

"I was looking through a magazine a bought Juleka, when I saw you with Mr. Agreste's son. Ye names were put under the same lastname." She said softly.

I knew the magazine she was talking about. It was a limited edition, I was wearing a beautiful winter dress. Somehow Adrien had convinced me to be part of the shoot. Father said that it would be good for us to do something together.

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