IX. The Evillustrator

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Sorry that the chapter is a bit late, but life happened, and I wasn't feeling it. But thank you for all the reads, I hope you enjoy the chapter.


(3rd Pov)

"Help!!!" Marinette yelled as she ran from Stormy weather and she ran right into Lady Wifi. As Marinette ran away again, she was hit from behind by a pink pause by Lady Wifi. Then Stormy weather froze the paused Marinette with her parasol. The two villains high-fived before the hero jumped into the scene.

The hero used his drawing pad, to embrace the parasol, as Stormy Weather attempted to attack him. Lady Wifi stepped in front of Stormy Weather and attempted to pause him. Instead, the hero draws a cage for the villains, trapping them.

Then he embraced the ice block and the paise freeing Marinette. Once Marinette was out of the ice and regained focus she spoke. "Oh, Super Nathan, you're my hero!" The girl ran up and hugged the hero that went by the name of Nathaniel.

"It was nothing." The hero spoke as he embraced Marinette. "I love you!" "I love you too, Marinette."


"Nathaniel! What are you drawing?" Miss Mendeleiev asked Nathaniel as she slammed her hand on the table. The boy looked up at his teacher, snapping out of his daydream. "Wha, wha-" "And these artistic endeavours are clearly why you are failing science." The teacher continued her lecture, "I'm sorry." The boy apologized before his teacher continued. "You go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that checked scratch! Then you'll be really sorry!" Nathaniel begins to pack his things holding them close to his chest.

He began to exit his class but tripped over a violin case, which caused him to drop his sketchbook. The class was in shock, the book landed open and Chloé grabbed it as Miss Mendeleiev picked up the boy with one hand.

Chloé examined the drawing before speaking. "Ooh! Look, Sabrina! It's him as a superhero! And look who he's saving! It's Marinette!" The class heard, and Marinette muttered, "Uh." "He's so totally crushing on you, Marinette!" Chloé continued, which the now standing Nathaniel, ran up and took the book from her, "Gimme that!" The boy managed to get his book back, but Chloé kept one of the pages. "Enough! Nathaniel, go!" Miss Mendeleiev, spoke up at the boy's burst, pointing to the door. Nathaniel ran out, and then the teacher turned to the H/c, girl. "Y/n, please pick up your instrument, I don't want any more accidents." The girl quickly picked up her instrument and apologized. Knowing what was probably to come.


"Ahhh... Artists can be so emotional. I love it. Fly to him, my little Akuma. Draw him into our evil web!" Halkmoth spoke from his lair, sending the Akuma for Nathaniel.

At the school, Nathaniel on his way to the office, dropped his pencil, and as he grabbed it the Akuma took the chance to Akumatize Nathaniel.

"Are you tired of having your creative spirit crushed? Evillustrator, I'm your friend and patron of the arts. I'm here to offer you support. But I don't give this kind of power for free. I have a couple of items that need retrieving." Halkmoth spoke to the boy. "Just tell me what you want," Nathaniel spoke before turning into the Elillustrator.


Back in the classroom, the Phantom holder sensed the Akumatization and wondered how she would stop Nathaniel, without getting caught, but she had to focus on her class.

"The next particle physics presentation group is Nino, Adrien and Alya!" The teacher announced. Adrien and Nino Fist bumped, "Oh! So lucky!" Marinette wished, "And then, Sabrina, Chloé and Marinette." "So unlucky." Alya spoke as she patted Marinette's back.

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