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It was a new week at college, Francoise Duport. Everything was back to normal, except one person from Miss Bustier's class was still missing.

Because of the fighting spell, Y/n was not allowed to attend school. She had to remain home until the doctor gave her family the OK. It had gotten to the point where she was being constantly monitored by Natalie. The girl did try to escape her 'prison,' but without Adriend's help, as he was in school. With no help from her, she was on her own.

Day 0: Y/n woke up in bed; her headache was mostly gone. When questioned about the fainting spell, she lied, saying she was stressed, exhausted and forgot to eat lunch. They mostly believed her and left her alone to rest for the rest of the day.

Day 1: According to Natalie, Y/n's headache was gone, and as she attempted to go to school, she was stopped. "You need to be back to full strength." Y/n tried to get help from the Kwamis, but they said the same thing.

Day 2: Y/n slept most of the day, and when she awoke, she couldn't find Yin or Yang.

Day 3: Y/n still was unable to leave her home. "So this is what you felt like?" She asked Adrien, as he was in her room. "Yeah, I guess. You want me to sneak you out." "Nah, I'll find a way out. Besides, they're more worried about me."

Day 4: Y/n decided to bother Luka, texting him occasionally. "You know I have class, right," Luka told his friend as he had made it to lunch. "I know Lucy, but I'M ALL ALONE," The girl whined, "I'm not allowed to go anywhere, and you're free as a bird." Luka sighed, "Once you're out of house arrest, we'll go to the movies, you and me. But please let me focus on my studies for the love of rock and roll." "Fine, but you're buying." "Deal, now, if you'll excuse me, I have a test to study for." "Bye, Lu." "Bye N/n."

Day 5: Y/n did not stop; she decided to bother Adrien next, who simply turned his phone off. She moved on to Rose, who happily texted back. To which the girl could only wonder where her kwamis were.

Day 6: Y/n decided to read the grimoire to learn more about her abilities cause she didn't have any time before she decided it was time.

Day 7: Freedom. Y/n was finally allowed to leave her home with her bodyguard. Y/n was riding in the back of the car as she and Gorilla were on their way to pick Adrien up. So she decided to call Adrien, as she knew he was not in class.


Adrien was with Nino, who was spying on Marinette and Alya.

"FYI, Marinette's never gonna fall in love with a statue." Adrien teased, something he had learned from his sister. To which Nino responded by pulling him down, hiding them both. When Suddenly, Adrien got a video call. "Shhh!" Nino scolded as Adrien's ringtone was loud before They answered the call.

"Hey, Guys. What's up?" Y/n asked the boys, to which Nino shushed Adrien. "Shhh! Do you want us to get caught?" Nino asked Y/n, who gave him a questioning look. "Look, Y/n, we have a situation. You both know I'm no good with the ladies, especially this one, all of a sudden. I mean, dude, do I go up to her and crack her a joke? Shoot her a compliment? Invite her to the zoo? Play it serious?" Nino asked his friends, 

"Wait? Who?" Y/n asked but got no answer. "Nino, you're way over-thinking this. 'Invite her to the zoo, you serious?" Adrien told his friend. "Well, they have this really cool new exhibit there. What do you think, Y/n?" Nino explained, then asked the confused girl. "Wait, who?" "Marinette." Nino whispered,

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