XXIV: Antibug

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New week new chapter~~~Antibug

(Y/n Pov)

I had trouble keeping my eyes open as I used my left arm to keep my face up. Yin and Yang had kept me up in an attempt to find the Akumatized person. I had felt an Akuma two days ago, but there hadn't been any attacks, which was the weird part. 

They were hiding, and I had spent the past two nights trying to get a hold of them or even see their plans. But nothing happened, so as Yin and I ran across the city, Yang was on the phone with us as he read the science textbook that I hadn't looked at because of my loss of free time. (And because it's a drag to do.)

I tried to listen to the lecture when the Marinettes' voice brought my attention to Chlo.

"Whoa, look at Chloé," Marinette told Alya and sure enough, Chlo looked more tired than me. 'They're always after Chlo.' I reminded myself that this was like the tenth villain after her. "That girl's a total rag." Alya told Marinette, "Maybe she's missing her BFF?" As Marinette said, I noticed Sabrina hadn't attended school today, so I'm making the suspect list.

 The timeline lined up, as Chlo seemed not to have slept in the past two days. So, there was a chance that she was the target as usual. I glanced at Chlo while I continued to listen to Marinette and Alya.

"Sabrina has been absent since yesterday, huh?" Alya told Marinette, but Miss shushed them, causing the girls to giggle and apologize. I turned my attention to Chlo, and my notes were done. I wanted to sleep. But suddenly, something pulled Chlo's hair. "Ow!" Chlo said in response, "What is it, Chloé?" Miss asked Chlo, "Someone pulled my hair!" Chlo told her, and Miss turned to look at Mylène.

"I didn't do it, Ms. M." Mylène defended herself, and to my surprise, Chlo agreed with Mylène. "It wasn't her, it's-it's some invisible mystical being. Like a leprechaun. Or a unicorn without the horn." Causing everyone to laugh except me. 

"Quiet, everyone! Eyes on your papers!" Miss scolded us, And as I continued to watch Chlo, I believed I could see the invisible figure. The figure began to pull Chlo's purse. "Oh, it's happening again. Oh, Wah!" Chlo pulled back but ended up falling. "Chloé, sit down!" Miss told Chlo that she was being hit by her purse.

"I can't! My purse is beating me up!" Chlo managed to get up and ran to the back of the class. As Chlo ran, she screamed, and Jules's pen was thrown at Chlo. Then, there were many more, causing Chlo to start crying again. "Chloé, we don't run in the classroom! Get back to your seat!" Miss scolded Chlo for not understanding the situation. Chlo is pulled towards Miss Bustier's desk by her sunglasses, and the thing begins to pull Chlo's hair.

"Compose yourself, Miss Bourgeois." Miss lectured, and everyone laughed. Chlo ran out of the room, only to have the thing follow her. As The door closed, I raised my hand. "Miss A, are you done with your paper, or will you also disturb my class?" Miss asked me, annoyed at the earlier events. "I've been done for a half hour now. So, I'd like to see what's wrong with my friend." Miss nodded, "Are you that confident in your answers?" "I am, now may I leave." I tested and knew this could go one of two ways: detention or freedom.

"Very well, but if I find that you rushed the paper to get out of class early, I will speak to your parents." I nodded in understanding. "Thank you." I quickly picked up my stuff and ran toward the school entrance, but I was too late. The limo had driven out, and my two kwamis flew out of my bag. "What now?" Yang asked me, but before I could answer, my stomach growled. "We're going to get food, and maybe a coffee/tea/(Drink) to get me to wake up."


I started walking towards Le Grande Paris, knowing Chlo was probably hiding in her home. "So, whose turn is it?" Yang asked me as he ate one half of a croissant I had bought. "Yin's, I need to be able to keep up with the invisible person. Working in the shadows is the best Course of action for this villain. 

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