XX: Guitar Villain

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New week new chapter... Hope you like this one, cause i loved writing it.

Thank you all for all the votes, 300. And the reads 8.2K WOW ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

Question of the week: How are you? I hope you've had a good week :)

Also here's a picture of the Guitar Jagged gave Y/n. Cause I forgot to put it in the last chapter. Ma bad. So that's the pic at the top :) and it's purple cause it would have been one of Jagged's other guitar, also not my picture


Guitar Villain

(Y/n Pov)

The night after the concert, Lu, Rose Juleka and I stayed up way too late to the point when Anarka wouldn't let me go home. 

So I had to stay, and Adrien was able to help me, but I had to lend him a portal, no questions asked, cause our father was not going to be happy. 

Plus, it was a good trade now that he knew my secret and wanted to get out more.










I woke up before everyone except Anarka.

"Hello, Lassie." She greeted me. "Hello, Anarka. How did you sleep?" "Good, how long did ye all stay to the sky till?" "I lost count. Do you need help with breakfast?" She nodded, and I helped her prepare eggs, sausages, and bread. 

A bit after we finished, the rest of us woke up. We all ate in lovely peace, tho I noticed Rose was half asleep.

I tried not to, but I, too, felt myself falling asleep. "You can sleep for a bit in my bed," Lu told me as he noticed my tired state. "I need to go home," I say to him as I rub my temples.

"You'll fall asleep on the bus," Lu warned, as it was something I'd done before. "Fine, but you wake me up at.." I look at the time on my phone. "...Three, which should give me enough energy to get home in one piece." He nodded, and I walked over to his and Jules's room, falling asleep instantly as my head landed on the pillow.





















"Y/n?" Someone questions, but I ignore them and try to sleep. "Y/n?" The voice said again. Shaking me a little. "This better be important," I mumble as I sit up. Rose was holding her phone. "Hey, Y/n, sorry to wake you. But Marinette needs your help." She told me as she passed me her phone. I nodded and put the phone to my ear. 

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