XIX: Pixelator

72 8 14

New week new chapter... Hope you like this one

This is the most constant i've been. I hope I can finish season 1 before July. That's the plan anyway. Also Thank you all cause we made it to 8k reads. 


(Y/n Pov)

Today, we were getting some 'work experience' at Le Grand Paris. Some students were already given jobs, like Kim, the bellboy. Others would be in the kitchen (Max, Nino, Rose and Jules) or helping the maids (Alix, Ivan, Sabrina.).

"Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Bourgeois, we're able to have our work experience field trip today at the Grand Paris luxury hotel. Each of you will get hands-on experience with one of the many jobs here at the Hotel. You'll be graded on your effort, affecting whether you pass or fail the class." Miss Bustier explained at the start of the day that only three of us were left in the Hotel's main hall. Marinette, Alya, and I.

"Do you have Marinette, Y/n and Alya on your list, Mr. Bourgeois?" Miss asked the Mayor. "It doesn't look like it."

"I bet I know who helped Daddy make the assignment," Alya whispered. "Of course, she gets to spend her entire day with Adrien... Ugh! This is gonna be the worst day ever!" Marinette complained. "Not only for you," I tell her as I wave at Adrien, who glares me. I have to keep myself from laughing as Chlo hugs him.

"It must be an oversight." Mr. Bourgeois answers. "Daddy!" Chlo shouts from across the hall, and she gives her dad a note. "Thank you, sweetie. Oh yes! Alya, you'll be... sorting trash at the main dumpster." Alya gasped, as did I. 'Some things never change.'

"Marinette will be..." Mr. Bourgeois started but stopped as the doors opened. 

Allowing the entrance of Mr. Jagged Stone, Penny Rolling and Fang. My jaw dropped to the floor, and the only thought going through my head was, 'Lucy is going to love this.'

(Let's ignore the fact that Jagged Stone made an appearance in Darkblade)


"Hey! That's..."

"Excuse me, but this is a luxury hotel, not a zoo." Mr. Bourgeois told them, clearly not being educated in rock. This brought me out of my state of shock and turned it into one of anger. Fang agreed with me as he growled at the Mayor.

"Daddy!" Chlo yelled once more as her eyes met mine. "That's Jagged Stone, the Rockstar. He's sold millions of albums, he's very famous and is very, very rich." She whispered and yelled to her father, and we all heard.

"Mr. Stone, welcome to the Grand Paris Hotel! I am Mayor Bourgeois and the owner of this luxury establishment, in fact, the most luxurious in all of Paris. How might we serve you?" Mr. Bourgeois changed his tune, clearly influenced by his daughter's words.

"How'd you think? I didn't just come here to admire your lobby." Mr. Stone said to the Mayor, making me smile. 

"Jagged would like to check into your most luxurious suite." Penny explained, "And Fang better get a real bathtub, not a tiny water hole like the one in that hotel across the street." Jagged explained. Bringing my attention to the Crocodile. 

"We have everything you need, Ms. Fang. Even a state-of-the-art entertainment center!" Mr. Bourgeois explained, this time making Penny and me chuckle. 

Sure, there had been rumours about the Rockstar and his assistant, but nothing had been confirmed. Plus, everyone knows Jagged's Crocodile is named Fang, Right?

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